Chapter Five- Autumn's POV

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****4 days later****    It was the last day of the gala and I was sitting on Alexander's lap laughing and getting to know him and his pack members. The past four days have been total bliss and a total pain in the ass. Whenever I was away from Alexander my wolf whimpered and paced anxiously in the back of my head until we were with him again. I clung to Alexander excited that I would get to leave with him tonight and finally be with him. My wolf Amara was excitedly prancing and barking in my mind. I loved her eagerness.   I was stunned  when I suddenly felt a tingling in my head and opened my link to my family.  "AUTUMN ANSWER US!" I heard my father shout through our link. My body tensed at his tone. "Father what is it?" I asked in fear. "Rouges are attacking, the warriors are holding them off but we need you. They knew you were leaving and attacked us. A lot of our warriors are spread out throughout the packs, the ones left can’t defend the pack house. " "Dad open the visual link, let me see." I commanded.     A flood of visions danced through my head. Rouges attacking women, children, the elderly. I watched as the rogues massacred my people, but one vision had my own vision go red with anger. My body started to tremble and I felt Alexander's worried stares. I watched as a rogue attacked and killed my mother, showing no mercy as my father tried to save her.  "I'll be there soon." I said and jumped from Alexander's lap. "I'm so sorry Alexander I have to go. Rogues are attacking my pack, they killed my mother. I’m so sorry this is not how I wanted you to find out who I am." "I'm coming with you." Alexander stated standing up "As are we." his pack said, walking to stand at Alexander's side. I nodded "I'm sorry you have to find out like this." I said before shifting into my wolf. My wolf was pure white with streaks of silver running through her fur.  "You're the princess?" Alexander asked in shocked.    I nodded my head and barked to tell them to shift and follow me. All eyes were on us as Alexander and his pack shifted, and we ran out the doors. I ran as fast and as hard as I could. I could hear the others trailing behind me as I ran. After what seemed like hours we finally arrived in my territory. I let out a loud howl as I ran towards the closest rouge. He was trying to attack a family. The mother and father were trying desperately to keep him away from the children who were crouched in a corner crying. I flung myself into him knocking him several feet away from the family. I lunged forward and ripped his throat open and kept going. I ran past warriors taking down rogues one by one. I watched as Alexander's wolves joined the fight.  Running towards my house Alexander on my heels, I burst through the door. Anger reaching every cell in my body. I saw my mother's body and whimpered, then I heard my father's wolf howl in pain and I looked up to see a rogue pinning him down. I growled and shifted back into my human form. I lifted my hand and flung the rouge off my father, forcefully pinning him against the wall with my power of telekinesis. I stormed over to him. "SHIFT!" I commanded the wolf.    He had no choice but to listen. He immediately shifted into his human form. I threw myself towards him and grabbed him by his throat lifting him so he was barely on the tips of his toes. "Why are you attacking my family?" I yelled The man chuckled, but I could see fear in his eyes. "Power of course." the man replied with a smile. I could hear the cries and howls of wolves outside. I narrowed my eyes at the man.  "Call off your rouges or you won't live to see tomorrow." I demanded.  The man chuckled. So with my power over the elements I summoned fire into my hand. The man's eyes widened with terror. "CALL THEM OFF. NOW!" I demanded The man's eyes went glassy for just a second and the cries and howls stopped.  I linked our Beta. "Lucas, are they retreating?"  "Yes princess."  "Get to our warriors, check on families, let our allies know to come here. And give me the casualty count ASAP. Also, please try and clean the bodies, both rouge and our pack, but make sure they stay separated." "As you wish, princess." he responded   I Looked back at the man who was now turning blue under my grasp. I let him go and watched as he gasped for air, but I didn't care. I pinned him to the wall once again with my power.  "Who killed my mother?" I spat "Well I did of course. Killing the queen weakens the king."    I could feel my body start to shake, I felt as heat seared through my body and I let Amara take over as we shifted. I watched as Amara tore the man limb from limb as he screamed. Finally after we felt the man had suffered enough I took control back and tore his head from his shoulders.  I turned and ran towards my mother's body and laid down beside her. I whimpered as I laid my head on her now cold body. My wolf let out a loud and mournful howl, letting pack members know the queen had fallen. Suddenly you could hear howls all around us. Wolves came to us and surrounded us, all whimpering and crying.  When I felt a familiar arm grab my wolf and pull her into him I cried, shifting back to my human form in the process. I sat there wrapped in Alexander's arms as he held me tightly. I looked up at him, my eyes still blurry with tears. "Where is my father?" I asked him "He is being treated in the pack hospital." Alexander said tightening his grip "I have to go to him. Part of my power is healing, I have to heal him." "Of course." Alexander said standing up and pulling me with him.    We walked to the pack hospital, which was on the far side of the pack house. Alexander's arm wrapped firmly around my waist lending me strength and support. When I saw my father I ran to him, putting my hands over his body and concentrating, warmth filled my veins as the familiar light spread across my father's body. His wounds began to heal instantly and he shot up from the bed growling. "Father calm down please, the fight is over." I said to him sadly My father then looked at me as tears began to flow down his face as he pulled me into him. "They killed your mother." He sobbed into me.    All I could do was rub his back and tell him everything would be ok, we will get through this, to try and soothe the loss of his mate. I looked over to Alexander who was standing in the corner and saw nothing but sadness and anger in his eyes. But the feeling I got when he looked at me and his eyes softened to show nothing but love and support I knew, nothing could ever soothe the loss of a mate. The hole would forever remain open and unhealed. 
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