Chapter Twenty- Autumn's POV

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My mother, not a wolf? How is that possible? She had never once mentioned not being a wolf, my father had never told me either. Why would they hide this from me? What was my mother? What was I if she wasn’t a wolf? I would be half wolf, half whatever she was. I ran my hand through my hair and took a calming breath. “Maybe this is a conversation to have in my office, follow me.” I said turning on my heel and walking into the house up to my office. The men followed behind me silently until we got to my office and the door was shut. “Now tell me, if my mother was not a wolf what was she?” I asked. The men looked between one another and just nodded. Adrian turned to me and took one step forward. “Your mother was a dragon.”  “Wait a what?’ Alex said, stepping up beside me. “Dragon shifters have been extinct for centuries.”  “No, we just made everyone think we were because of hunters. Which is why our queen, your mother Autumn, married into a wolf shifter community. To help protect us against being discovered. As the prophecy says the first born child of the royal family will be the most powerful wolf, but she will also be the most powerful dragon.” Adrian explained “But I’ve never shifted into a dragon, just my wolf.” I said “What is your wolf's name? The prophecy states that the powerful dragon and wolf is one in the same, with the name Amara.”   Amara’s ears peaked at the information and I saw her smile. “Amara? Did you know this” I asked her “Of Course I did. I told you all would be revealed in time. Now is the time. Go outside Autumn, let me show you who we are.” “Amara wants me to go outside. She said she is going to show me who I am.”  Everyone turned to look at me, the dragons smiled while Alex held a stony expression.  “Alex? Are you ok?” I asked   Alex looked down at me, his blue eyes searching mine. Whatever it was he was looking for he must have found it, because he wrapped me in his arms and held me tightly. “If this is true, you will be targeted. You’ll be in danger at all times. So will the pack and Belle and whatever children we may have. Are you sure about this Autumn? Dragons are fierce shifters, known for their rage and destructive actions.” “Alex, have you not seen my anger problems? I almost killed these three dragons without blinking. Maybe this will help. Amara wants to show me, and I need to know.”  “Fine.” Alex sighed “I’m coming with you, and please be careful. We will go somewhere open and away from the pack so no one will get hurt.”    I just nodded and turned towards the three dragons in front of me “Come.” Was all I said as I walked out the door.      All of them filed behind me walking in silence. My muscles were tense and anxiety made its way into my mind. What is going to happen? How is this possible?  “Calm down Autumn. Everything will be fine.” Amara assured me “How do you know?” I asked “Because we were meant for greatness. We are the bridge between the shifters. War is coming Autumn and we need to be ready, we will need both the wolves and dragons. But be prepared because a wolf mate is not our only mate. We also need to find our Dragon mate.” “Wait, wait wait” I stammered “We have a dragon mate too?” I asked stunned “Of course we do.” Armara said “Alex is not going to like this.” I told her “He will understand Autumn.” Amara said softly.    Having my inner conversation with Amara, I didn’t even notice we were already in the clearing. Everyone was looking at me expectantly, but I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to draw my dragon out.  “Um.. Amara?” I asked   Amara didn’t answer but I saw her change in the back of my mind, her white fur becoming beautiful white scales as she grew into a large white dragon. Purple horns grew from her head as she changed. Her talons a pitch black. She roared, fire flowing from her mouth. Then I started to burn, the fire she breathed rushed through my veins. I looked down and saw my veins glowing through my skin. Alex was looking at me worriedly, but before I could ask, pain shot through my body and I screamed dropping to my knees. My bones cracked and grew with the shift. I felt my body elongate and talons form where my hands should be, my face grew into a large snout, as razor sharp teeth formed in my massive jaws. Wings the size of a plane sprouted from my back.    Once the change was done I stood there panting, Smoke blew out my nose with every breath as I tried to calm myself. The pain was gone, but I was in shock. Instead of a white wolf I was now a white dragon. When the sun hit my scales rainbows appeared on me. Looking up I saw the three men and Alex staring at me. All of their jaws hung open and eyes were wide with shock. But I didn’t care, I smiled and flapped my massive wings, testing their strength. With the strength in my wings I burst into the night sky. Joy flooded me as I soared above my territory, the wolves below unaware of me. This would make protecting my people so much easier. I could see any threat from here. I flew everywhere, scouting my territory from the sky. Once I was satisfied there were no threats I flew back to the clearing and landed. Alex's face was filled with worry. I walked up to him and crouched down and nuzzled him with my snout. Alex hesitantly placed his hand on my snout and rubbed me like I was a horse.  “You’re beautiful Autumn.” Alex said in awe. The other three dragons approached, Amara seeing them as a threat growled and got in between them and Alex and roared loudly. The ground and trees shook under her roar. “Autumn, we won’t hurt you or your wolf mate.” Issac said. I just snorted in response but didn’t move from in front of Alex.  “You’re a white dragon.” Adrian said, still in shock.  I just rolled my eyes. Of course I was, I was a white wolf, it made sense my dragon would be white too.  “There has never been a white dragon, in all of our history. White dragons were myths, tales parents told children at bedtime. The white dragon was a healer and a warrior. Blessed with powers so great that the angels themself coveted it as a warrior. But the appearance of the white dragon also meant a great war was looming.” Adrian said I nodded to confirm what he said, but he just c****d his head to the side confused. Irritated, I shifted back. The shift from dragon to human was easy and fast. After just a few seconds I was standing in front of them in my human form.  “Amara told me a war was coming and we needed to be ready.” I turned to Alex “Alex she also told me besides you I would have a dragon mate as well.”   Alex growled and pulled me into him holding me tight enough to hurt.  “Alex listen, I know this won’t be easy for you, nor for me but I have to find my dragon mate. Something tells me I will need you both by my side to fight whatever war is looming.”  Adrian stepped forward “You can come with us to the clan. We are the only clan left so your mate should be there.”  Alex growled and snapped at Adrian, pulling me behind him to shield me. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed and turned him to me. I caressed his face in my hand and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him deeply.  “Alex please, I have to do this. To protect you, my home, our home and our people. Please stay here, take care of everyone. I have to go. I will leave tomorrow after officially making your pack part of Blood Moon. Trust me my love, please.” I pleaded Alex wrapped his arms around me and sighed deeply. “I don’t like the idea of sharing you with anyone, little wolf, but if this is part of your destiny, our destiny, I trust you and I fully support you.”  “I love you Alex.” I said pulling him into me. I breathed in his scent of Sandalwood and leather and let it calm my nerves. Finally pulling away from him I turned to the dragons. “I will come with you tomorrow evening after I officially make Crystal Moon part of Blood Moon. They must be accepted into the pack before I leave. I also need to arrange training for the warriors, make them train harder and get stronger to be prepared for this war. And if my mother was queen of the clan, that now makes me queen. I will need the dragons training as well. We will be prepared.”  “Yes your majesty.” Adrian said and bowed.  Clay and Issac followed suit and bowed as well. I groaned, another kingdom to take care of and more bowing and titles. Then I remembered something. “Adrian, my grandparents. Are they still ruling as king and queen?” I asked “No, they were killed not long after your mother married your father. A temporary king was placed on the throne until we found your mother, but since she was killed you are the queen. You will have to prove your identity to the king before he steps down.”  “And how will I do that?” I asked “Just shift. Your dragon will be all the proof the people will need.”  “Very well. I must get back to Belle. Feel free to follow and I will give you rooms for the night.”    They just nodded and we started walking back to the palace. So I was queen of two kingdoms. How was I supposed to manage two kingdoms? Do I bring them here? Do I bring my people there? I don’t know what to do or how to run the two kingdoms at once. And if i truly had two mates I couldn’t leave one of them behind? I know I would want them both by my side. Yes my territory was large enough to bring the dragons here and they would be safe and have their own homes, but would they be willing to come? Would they trust me?  “Calm down love.” Alex said gently rubbing circles on the small of my back. “We will figure this out.”    I leaned into Alex as we walked into the palace. I saw Belle asleep on the couch in the parlor and I smiled down at her. I will bring her with me, she would be safer with me than she would be here and I wasn’t willing to leave her. I picked her small frame up and looked at Alex as I walked towards what would be her room.  “Belle comes with me.” I said sternly   Alex just chucked and nodded at me as I carried her into her room and laid her down. I made sure to have someone get her a nightlight and I flipped the switch. Stars and the moon shone on her ceiling, covering every square inch. I smiled as I watched Belle snuggle into her bed and give a soft sigh.    Walking out I pointed to three rooms for the dragons, without a word they each took a room and disappeared into it. By the time we made it to our room my eyes were heavy and I was sluggish. Alex picked me up and carried me to the bed. Without even letting me go he crawled into the bed and laid me beside him. I quickly snuggled into him, using his chest as my pillow.  “Sleep well my queen. Tomorrow will be a busy day.” “Good night my king.” I said as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. ****  I woke the next morning tangled around Alex. His leg was draped over one of my legs while one of mine was draped over his. His arm was wrapped firmly around my waist while my head was laying on the other. One of my arms was under him while my other arm was around his abdomen. The position was uncomfortable, I couldn’t feel the arm he was laying on and my body was overheating from the heat radiation off his body.    I tried to wiggle out of the pretzel we had turned ourselves into without waking him. Ya, that didn’t work. He woke up immediately after I drew my arm out from under him forcefully. He was so heavy I almost threw myself off the bed when I pulled so hard to get my arm out.  “Good morning my love.” He said yawning and stretching his tall body out. I watched as the muscles rippled under his skin as he stretched.  “Good morning my king.” I said kissing him on the cheek. “I’m going to go take a shower.”    Alex just turned over, grabbed a pillow and snuggled into it. I laughed, My big Alpha was a cuddly teddy bear when he was relaxed. I loved seeing him like this, relaxed without a care in the world. When he woke though everything would crash down onto him and his tension would return.    I shook my head as I walked into the bathroom and set the water to my liking. The water felt good on my skin. After collapsing last night after my flight I felt grimy and the water washed it right away. I sighed in relief as I washed my hair and body. Being clean felt good. I hated to feel dirty and grimy.     I walked out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped tightly around me. Alex was still sound asleep. I decided to let him sleep a little longer as I walked into the closet to get dressed. I dropped the towel and put on my bra and panties, followed by a blue dress with a deep V-neck and slits up the side. It was simple but good enough to meet the temporary king of the dragons.     When I went back to the room the bed was empty and I heard the shower running. Well, at least I wouldn’t have to wake him up. Smiling to myself I walked to Belle’s room and opened the door. Belle was still sound asleep, her red hair sprawled out over the pillow like a halo of fire. Walking over to her I smiled. I don’t know how or why, but I was so glad this little girl was mine now. I would always protect her. Bending over I kissed her cheek. “Time to wake up sleeping beauty.” I said gently   Belle’s eyes fluttered open, her green eyes were still heavy from sleep but she smiled. “Hey, mommy.” she said stretching her little body out.  “Good morning Belle. It’s time to shower and get ready. You and I are going on a little trip later today.”   Her eyes snapped to attention at that and she darted into my arms “Really?”  “Yes, after the ceremony you, me and the nice men will be going to meet a king.” I told her.  “Can I wear a princess dress?” She asked, bouncing up and down on the bed. I chuckled “I wouldn’t expect anything less from my princess.”    At my words Belle jumped from the bed and ran to her closet. I heard as she searched and plundered for her perfect dress. She came running out with a pink poof of a dress in her hands. It had ruffles along the skirt as it poofed out into a billow of pink lace with little flowers sewed in. The top was an intricate design of flowers and beads and two small pieces of lace for sleeves.  “It’s perfect.” I told her, picking her up and taking her to the bathroom.  “I can wash myself mommy.” Belle said, crossing her arms over her chest.  “Oh, really?” I asked laughing. “Yes.” “Ok, ok. I will wait out here for you then.” I said  Belle smiled triumphantly as she jumped out of my arms and ran into the bathroom. I heard water start then the small splashes as she washed herself. “Such an independent child.” Amara chuckled to me “Yes, she is. She is going to be so surprised when we go see the dragons.”  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Amara asked “She stays with me.” I growled    Amara didn’t say anything else but she nodded and dropped the subject. I know I shouldn’t get mad at her, but Belle was mine now, no one would take her from me. At the thought of her, Belle bounced out of the bathroom her red hair flowing wildly around her pink dress. I just smiled and shook my head as I grabbed a hair brush and brushed the tangled from her hair. I then braided a small crown into her hair making her look more like a fairy than a princess, but I smiled. She was perfect.    Belle went to look at her hair in the mirror and her jaw dropped. Her tiny fingers touched the small braid and smiled. “I love it mommy.” She said jumping into my arms. “Well good, Now let's go eat.”    Alex was just walking out the door when we stepped out. “Well, good morning sleepy head.” I said and kissed his lips. “Good morning my queen.” Alex said, taking my hand and leading us to the dining room.   Breakfast was already on the table and wolves were gathered around talking and laughing. I stepped up and everyone fell silent looking up at me. I sighed internally. Why can’t I just walk into a room and everything be normal? I waved my hand for them to continue as I sat Belle in a chair and a plate was put in front of her. Alex and I each took a seat on each side of her, successfully closing her off from any curious pack members. It didn’t stop them from staring at her though, Belle just ate her food as if she didn’t notice the eyes on her but I didn’t. I growled lowly and they quickly dropped their eyes to their food. Belle looked at me and c****d her head sideways confused. I just shook my head at her, she shrugged and went back to eating.    By the time the ceremony came around people were rushing to and fro gathering the last of the items needed. All that was really needed was wine, a goblet and an athamae. The Crystal Moon pack had to ingest the blood of the ruler to be inducted to the pack. It was a simple ceremony and shouldn’t take too long to complete, but it seems the packs wanted to make a bigger deal about it. I guess I should have expected it, the royal pack never added anyone who wasn’t born into the pack unless they were one of our members' mates.    Walking to the altar that would be used for the ceremony with Alex and Belle by my side, I greeted pack members along the way but didn’t let them stop me. Alex would be accepted first, once he was officially a Blood Moon member he would become king. I could tell he was nervous by the way his lips were set in a thin line, his muscles were tense and he grasped my hand like I was a life line. I gently rubbed circles on his hand, and kissed him before stepping forward and projecting my voice.  “Today we induct all of Crystal Moon into our home and Pack. Alpha Alexander will be the first. Once he drinks he will officially be your King and I expect the respect he deserves to be given to him. Anyone who dares disrespects him or over steps their bounds will answer to me. Little Belle here will be after him and she will be your new princess and should be treated and protected as such. Now, Please bring the goblet and athemae.”   I waited as a small timid girl fumbled with the things as she stumbled onto the platform. The poor child was so clumsy and extremely nervous. Once she reached me I smiled gently at her and took the two artifacts from her. Placing the goblet on the Altar I lifted the blade  “With this blade I draw my blood. The blood of Queen and Alpha Autumn Analise Moon and I invite all of these fellow wolves to join my pack.”    I clasped my hand around the blade and pulled quickly. My blood flowed freely into the goblet of wine as the burning in my palm subsided and the wound healed. Lifting the goblet I handed it to Alex, when he drank from the goblet a surge went through the pack, all of them gasped as he was tethered to our pack. They felt the power he added to us and stared in awe. As I instructed Alex walked down to his pack handing the goblet to each of his members one after the next. When everyone was finished, I lifted the goblet and drank the rest solidifying the new bond.     When I drank though something new happened. Lines of light burst out of me, each line connecting to every pack member. The tether between us becoming stronger and more prominent. Everyone watched in astonishment as the lights grew stronger before they faded away and vanished. I stepped forward and spoke “The moon goddess has blessed this merge, showing her acceptance in the brilliant light show that proves we are all now connected as one. As such I have some news that may not be as welcome, first thing, I will be leaving for a few days to visit my mother's home, Alex will take care of all you while I’m gone. Second there is a war coming, my wolf can feel it. All warriors will begin training harder. We must be ready for what is to come. If my trip is successful we will have powerful reinforcements for the looming war. Now everyone have a good night and rest well. Tomorrow Alex will lead training for all warriors.”     Everyone had left by the time I stepped off the platform, the only ones remaining were the three dragons. I looked down to Belle and smiled. “Now Belle honey go stand with your dad and don’t be scared ok? I’m going to shift into something new but it will still be me ok? And these men won’t hurt you when they shift either.” “Ok mommy.” Belle said as she ran and grabbed Alex’s leg. I turned to the men and nodded. Each one then began their shift. Watching it from the outside was interesting. Their bodies changed so quickly it was stunning. Before me now were three powerful dragons. Adrian was large, red scales covered his body, his talons were black and his horns a brilliant blue. Clay wasn’t as big but his scales were a shimmering green with black horns and talons. Issac was a blue dragon, his horns and talons matched his scales making it hard to tell where he began and where he ended.    It was then I stepped down, looked up at Belle and smiled. I began my shift, heat coursed through me as I felt my body change just like last time, except it was easier and faster now. Before I knew it I stood as my large white dragon, towering over Adrian and the rest of them. Belle slowly walked to me and looked up “Mommy?” She asked   I lowered my head to her and gently nudged her, she laughed and hugged my snout. “Mommy, you’re so pretty.” She screeched.  “Alex, Belle can you hear me?” I asked through our link.  “Yes mommy.” Belle said as Alex Said “ I can, my love.”  “Good, Alex can you put her on my back please?” I asked crouching down until my belly was on the ground. Alex just looked up at my back, then to me. “Autumn, I don’t think that's a good idea. You’re so big and she is so small. What happens if she falls while you're flying? She is so light you wouldn’t notice her weight gone from your back.” he said aloud   He was right. I hadn’t even thought about her falling off. She was so small, there was no way she could hold on tight enough to make the flight.  “I’m sorry Belle, your dad is right. I can’t risk you getting hurt. When I get back I will give you a ride as long as your dad is with you.” I said to her. Her face fell slightly but then she smiled “Promise?” She asked. “I promise. Now back up so you don’t get hurt, I have to go now. I love you two.” I told them through our mind link. “We love you too.” Alex said picking Belle up and getting her a safe distance away.    Once I was sure they would be ok, we all flapped our wings and took to the sky. I followed as Adrian led the way to another territory where I would have to rule over not only wolves but dragons as well. 
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