Chapter Twenty One- Autumn's POV

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The flight was long and I felt the muscles in my wings cramping and growing weak. As I began lagging behind the others, they turned to me and slowed their pace. Adrian took one side while Clay took the other and they slowly led me to the ground. As each of them shifted one by one it didn’t take me long to shift as well and fall to the ground in exhaustion.  “Autumn, are you alright?” Adrian asked as he knelt beside me.   “I’m fine. I just need to take a break.” I whispered. I couldn’t breathe and I was taking long deep breaths just to feel relief. My whole body hurt. I have to fly more, build my endurance. There is no way a queen of two races could be weak. If I was weak there was no way we would win this war.  “We’re almost there.” Clay said gently. “We can walk the rest of the way if it will be easier for you.” I looked up at him, his hazel eyes bore into mine and his blonde hair fell in his eyes. He was no doubt a handsome man.  “Thank you. That would be amazing.” I said as I stood up.     As we began walking I noticed they all took a side of me, boxing me in as if to protect me. Clay and Adrian were on each side of me while Issac was behind me. I couldn't help but smile. They were flanking me, each of them ready to protect me if the need arose.  “So tell me. What is this temporary king like? Does he treat the people well?”    I watched as each of them tensed. That couldn’t be a good sign.  “What is it?” I asked, concerned. “He is a tyrant. He rules for himself. Most of our people live in poverty while he lives without a care in the world. He treats our people like slaves.” Issac seethed.   I couldn’t help the anger that coursed through me. My veins glowed a vivid red and the wind swirled around me lifting my hair, whipping it around me. The guys retreated away from me and watched me with their jaws hanging open. I whirled around and faced Issac. “WHAT!” I shouted “He is mistreating my people? Making them live in squalor as he lives in riches? Get me there, Now!” I commanded Adrian lifted his hands in front of him to prove he is no threat as he slowly walked towards me “We will Autumn, but you need to calm down first. Your dragon and wolf are emerging. You can’t walk into the clan like this.”   I knew he was right, I couldn’t scare my people before I could even meet them. Closing my eyes I took deep breaths. Smoke came out my nose as I breathed out. My dragon was still mad. “Calm now.” I said “We can’t scare our people. This tyrant will get what is coming to him”    I felt as Amara calmed slightly, still holding her anger and letting it build for when we faced him.  “Let’s go.” I demanded as I opened my eyes and began to walk again. “How close are we?”  “Just over that ridge is where the clan is.” Issac pointed. I huffed heavily, we wouldn’t be there for at least another hour at this pace. “Adrian, lead. We’re going to run, I need to get there now and free my people.” Adrian smiled and his eyes lit up. “Yes my queen.” He said and took off running.    I stayed on Adrian's heels. Between my wolf and my dragon I could have easily passed him but I stayed with him as we quickly approached the clan. I couldn’t believe I had a whole clan of people who were living like slaves. How could someone do that to their own people? How could someone be so cruel? I felt my anger once again rise but I suppressed it as we all slowed our pace to a walk again. We were here, and what I saw tore my heart out. People were dressed in rags, some were sleeping on the streets covered in newspapers, others walked around in a daze, all of them nothing but skin and bones. Children were peddling for food or money. I couldn’t take it. Tears fell as a small child approached me “Can you help me?” He asked. A small empty tin can clutched in his hand. His voice was distant and emotionless and it broke my heart. I knelt down and looked the boy in the eye. He was broken, his aurora bland and empty.  “What do you need dear?” I asked as softly as I could.  Tears broke from the boy “My mom is sick, we can’t afford to help her. I can’t lose her, please help.” The boy begged as he grabbed my shirt. “Shh, shh, now it’s going to be ok. Can you lead me to her?” I asked as I wiped the tears from his eyes. He just nodded, turned and ran off. I followed him as he twisted and turned around people until he led me to a large cardboard box. It was filled with filthy blankets and a small woman lay in the middle of them as if she'd built a nest. Her collar bones protrude from her, her face was sunk in, her cheekbones were sticking out sharply from her face. I walked over and fell to my knees beside her and grabbed her hand. “I am so sorry, I will help you.” I said softly. Lifting my hands over her, the familiar warmth of my power coursed through me. The light from my gift lighting up the make shift room as I watched the woman fill out once more and start to look like a human and not a dying woman. Dropping my hands to my side I looked at her. Her blue eyes fluttered open and she looked at me before moving her eyes over to the boy.  “MOM!” the child yelled and threw himself at her.  “What happened? Who are you?” She asked me as she slowly sat up. She looked at her hands, turning them over and over scrutinizing it.  “I am Autumn, daughter of Queen Amelia. I am here to take my throne back.”    The woman’s eyes widened as she absorbed what I had said. “It’s impossible, you can’t be. She left us years ago.” “Yes she left to keep all of you safe. She married an Alpha wolf and here I am. I am part wolf and part dragon but I am her daughter. I healed you. Now please gather the people and meet us at the castle.” I stood and walked over to the guys. “Lets go”  The castle was beautiful. It looked like it came straight from a gothic novel. Towers rose high into the sky. Warriors walked along the walls guarding the entrance. Vines and moss covered the grey stones that made up the castle.  “Open the gates. NOW!” I demanded in my alpha tone. With the alpha dragon and wolf my voice came out clear, strong and demanding. The guys bowed their head in submission and the warriors unwillingly opened the gates and let me in. “Bring me the king.” I told the guards in front of me.      The men quickly took off into the castle to do my bidding. Being an Alpha they wouldn’t disobey me. I needed to end this tonight. This man would pay, right here tonight for treating my people this way.    It didn’t take long before the men once again emerged with a young man with black hair in tow. He was lashing and fighting the guards but was unable to get free. When the men stopped in front of me they let him go. The man straightened himself out and brushed off his clothes. “Who do you think you are treating me this way? I am your king.” He roared.  My anger now reared its ugly head. I opened the block on my power and it radiated off me. “No, you are not their king. I am the queen.” The man tensed and turned to face me. His face was hard and showed no emotion, but his posture and tense body gave his fear away. I stepped towards him until we were inches apart. “How dare you treat my people this way. You have no right to force poverty on them while you live in luxury.”  “And who are you?” he demanded. I smirked at him “I am the daughter of queen Amelia and your reign is over.” Without a second thought I shifted into my dragon. She was angry and wanted to punish him. As my dragon towered over him he stood stock still, frozen in fear while the others took to their knees and bowed in submission and respect. I let out a loud and powerful roar that threw the man across the courtyard into the wall of the castle. He crumpled to the ground, knocked out cold. Pacified for now my dragon backed off into my mind as I shifted back to human.  “Adrian, take him and lock him up. I don’t want to see his face around my people. He does not deserve to see the light of day again.”  “Yes my queen.” he bowed his head and went to the unconscious man.    Turning around I noticed that people had gathered. Everyone was either standing or bowing. The people were scared, some were shocked others were curious, daring to walk closer. The warriors immediately reacted, standing in front of me, weapons drawn.  “No.” I said “The people have every right to meet their queen.” I walked out of the castle walls, warriors, Clay and Issac on my heels.  “I am the daughter of Queen Amelia. I am here now to take back my throne. You will no longer live as slaves or in poverty. I will do everything in my power to return this kingdom to its former glory. The dragons will once again be the strong and powerful people we were meant to be.”  “How do we know you’re telling the truth?” someone shouted.   I sighed, if I must prove to them who I am then so be it. My dragon quickly came forward, ready to prove herself and take her place as queen. Once I shifted my dragon stood tall and proud, facing the mass of people now gawking at her white luminescent scales. At the sight of my dragon, no one else spoke out, no one made a sound. Shaking my head I shifted back. “There is no reason to fear me. I am here to help. I have an alpha dragon and an alpha wolf, I am not just queen of dragons but queen of the wolves as well. My dragon and wolf are named Amara, she tells me there is a war coming and we need to be ready and merge with the wolves. We are stronger together. Your kingdom is in ruins thanks to the tyrant now behind bars, but if you come with me to the wolves kingdom I can promise all your needs will be met. Everyone will have housing, food and clothes. We can start over. But there is no need to rush, as of now there will be a feast prepared for all. Medical care, baths and clothing will be provided to you. So please everyone come into the castle and take care of yourselves. I have the ability to heal so if you are in dire need please come to me, I will heal you.” I then turned and made my way into the castle. Servants met me at the door bowing their head to me. “Please, no bowing.” I said. They looked at each other, shock and confusion lined their faces. I couldn’t help but laugh. “I may be queen but I do not like formalities. Please tell the kitchen staff to prepare a meal large enough for the whole kingdom. Get others to get doctors and clothes for these people. Also Show them where they can shower and rest if need be.”  “Yes your majesty.” They said before scurrying off.    Was everyone going to react to me this way? Fear, confusion, shock. I stood by the door Clay at my side as we greeted the people who came in. All the ones who needed healing I took to the side healed and led them on their way. By the time the last of the people walked into the castle I was drained and exhausted. Clay noticed my fatigue and placed a supporting arm around my waist.    Clay’s touch sent fire through my veins. My skin burned bright as my fire glowed from within. What was this feeling? Why was my body burning from within? It didn’t hurt or burn, it was warm and comforting. As if his fire was reaching out for mine.  “What’s happening?” I asked him. But when I looked into his eyes, his dragon was flashing in them, turning his hazel eyes the color of brimstone. His arm tightened around my waist as he turned me to face him. “We are mates, my queen. Our fire recognizes each other and our dragons are reaching out for the other.”  “But, why didn’t we know before?” It was hard to concentrate. His fire lured me to him, my dragon desperately reaching out for his. I had to admit he was a very good looking man. His blonde hair hung haphazardly in his face, his bronze skin glowed with dragon fire, his chiseled face had a wide smile that reached his ears. I couldn’t help but melt, that smile brightened his face.  “Because with dragons, it is not about scent it is about touch. Once you touch your mate your dragon's fire reaches out to touch your mate's fire. Once they touch, your dragons become one. You can find your mate anywhere, and feel their emotions. All you have to do is feel for their fire.” “How do you let your fire meet your mates?” I asked “You let go.” Clay said as he closed the distance, putting his lips on mine. My fire ignited inside me. Swirling around in my chest before coursing through my veins and into Clay, I felt his fire meet mine and our fire became one. I felt a sense of completeness fill me, but no matter how much our fire touched, no matter how good it felt to feel his dragon’s fire in my veins, I still felt like something was missing, like I was still missing a piece of myself.  I broke the kiss first, gasping for air. I reached up and caressed his cheek and he leaned into me. “Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you? Dragons live centuries longer than humans. I have searched far and wide for you for over 300 years. I stopped looking and you came to me. I will never leave your side, I will always protect you.” Clay closed his eyes and sighed, grabbing my hand that was still on his face. All I could do was smile, leaning my forehead on his chest. “I’ve always felt like I didn’t belong, like something was missing. Alexander filled some of the void, and now, you’ve filled some too. With my dragon I finally feel like I belong. With you and Alexander by my side I can do anything. But you have some making up to do, mister.” I said playfully, swatting his chest.   Clay looked at me in confusion “What did I do?”  I laughed “Well you’re my mate, which means Belle is your daughter now and you scared the hell out of her. You need to make it up to her, show her you won’t hurt her and that you’ll protect her. Because I promise you I will protect her from any danger, if that means you or Alexander then so be it. But I will also protect you and Alexander with my life.” Clay smiled “Fierce, strong, protective. I like that.”  “Don’t forget jealous, if anyone touches you or Alexander I will flip.”  “Don’t worry, I only have eyes for you. My mate, my soul.” Clay wrapped me in his arms and for the first time since we got here I felt calm and protected, I didn’t feel alone.  “Come on.” I said pulling away but keeping his hand in mine “We need to go check on our people and see how much longer the feat will be.  We walked through crowds of people. They all looked so much better. They were clean and wearing clean clothes. People were smiling and laughing, children had light in their eyes again as they ran around and played. The laughter that filled the room warmed my heart. “Thank you, your highness.” The woman I healed in the village said as she grabbed my wrist to stop me. Clay instantly stepped in between us. “You don’t touch your queen.” He hissed I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled “It’s ok Clay. You are very welcome.” I said turning to her with a smile before I kept walking. Clay walked beside me but he was tense and his jaw ticked. “Clay, it’s ok. She just wanted to say thank you.”  “I know, but I don’t like people touching you like that. She had no right to grab you so forcefully.”  “I know, you’re right. But in these circumstances it is hard to get one on one with anyone. Come on let's go check on the food.”    Clay nodded and led the way. The castle was beautiful. The history of the dragons hung on the wall, depicted on beautiful tapestries. The castle was lit by torches that lined the walls giving the castle a medieval vibe. I was surprised by the kitchen. Compared to what I’ve seen of the castle it was modern, with stainless steel appliances. The staff was rushing around getting the feast together.  “Excuse me.” I said projecting my voice over the bustling of people. Everyone stopped and stared before bowing their heads. “Who is in charge here?” “I am.” a large man with black hair, and wild beard, said as he stepped around staff. “My name is Ricky.”  “Very well Ricky. How much longer do you think it will be before the people are fed?”  “We have the first course ready and it is being served as we speak. The second course should be ready by the time everyone is finished and the third course after that. Everything is on schedule.” he assured me. “Thank you Ricky for all your hard work. Be sure to keep plates for you and the rest of the kitchen as well.” I smiled and turned to walk out. “You mean to feed us what you are to eat ma’am?”  I was stunned by his question “Of course. Why would I not allow you to eat? You deserve a meal just as well as everyone else does.” “It’s just, master Alaric only fed us scraps of food he himself didn’t eat. We never got meals.” Ricky was ashamed and timid now when he spoke. While I was seething with anger. The entire kitchen backed away from me, Ricky was frozen in place in fear. “He didn’t feed you?” I fumed “No your highness.” He spoke softly. Pinching the bridge of my nose I tried to calm myself. Clay put an arm around my waist which helped. “Please Ricky, take as much food as you and your staff need. Eat, drink. Fill yourselves. You are no longer under his rule and from now on you are to eat whatever you cook.”  “Thank you ma’am. It is truly appreciated.”   I didn’t answer him, I just turned and left the room before my anger got out of control. How could the man be so heartless and cruel to his people? They were all dragons, all one people, and he has all but broken their spirit.  “Clay, how could someone be so cruel to their own people?” I whispered “He is a power hungry, greedy man. How he was chosen for the temporary king is beyond me. The only reason Adrian, Issac and I survived is because we agreed to be warriors for him. But once he asked us to kill an innocent is when we left and began our search for your mother.”    I shook my head trying to get the pain and suffering I had seen in Ricky and the people out of my head. I couldn’t help these people if I was overtaken by my anger and fierce hatred for Alaric. As we entered the dining area it was filled to the brim with people. Everyone went silent upon our entrance. It took everything in me not to sigh in exasperation. “Please, continue. Do not quail your joy. I want to hear your voices, hear your laughter. I want to see the light that shines within you.”  A group of people stood and walked over to me. Smiles lined their faces. “Your highness, would you do us the honor of sitting with us?” A man asked  I smiled and nodded, letting him lead me into the middle of the hoard of people. Taking my seat everyone began to talk and laugh earnestly. Clay grimaced as he had to maneuver around people to get to me, handing me a plate of food and a goblet of wine.  “Thank you.” I said, smiling up at him. A smile spread across his face as he bent down and lightly brushed our lips together. “Anything for you my queen.”  It was then Clay was jerked away, his plate and goblet flying from his hands as he was whipped around and was held tightly in place by two burly men with angry expressions. “Take these please?” I asked the woman beside me. She nodded and took the things from my hand. Clay was fuming as he struggled against the brutes. I stood and faced the men. “Who do you think you are?” I asked, keeping my voice low and clipped.  The men straightened “He was touching you, no one touches our Queen.”  I took a step forward and stared straight into his eyes “Well it just so happens, you are currently restraining one of my mates and your future king. So I suggest you let him go and pray he does not hold a grudge.”    The men's faces drained of color and fear shown as they dropped their hands to their sides and bowed to Clay. “Our apologies your highness. We didn’t know.”  Clay stood and smoothed out his clothes and faced the men. “You are forgiven, you thought you were protecting you queen, I can not punish you for that. But you can get me a new plate and wine.”  “Yes your grace. Thank you.” One of the men said and rushed from the room. The room was again quiet.  I closed my eyes and squared my shoulders. “Yes, Clay is my mate which makes him your future king. Please give him the respect he deserves. Please, continue with your meal, rooms will be provided for the night though some of you may need to sleep two or three to a room. Tomorrow we make plans. I will contact my wolf pack and let them know of our arrival and to have accommodations ready.”  I sat and put my head in my hands. This was going to be hard, ruling two races. At least everyone will be together on the same land, making things so much easier. “Alexander?”  “Yes, little wolf?” “I am with the dragons, their homes are destroyed and the land ruined. They will be joining us on pack lands. I need everyone available to begin building accommodations for them.” “What’s wrong my love?” “It’s just hard. These people are so broken, a single meal and clean clothes and they are happier. Also, I found my dragon mate. It was one of the men that came for my mother.” I felt Alexander’s curiosity and apprehension “I’m glad it didn’t take long. I am excited to meet him officially. He better be protecting you.” I couldn’t help but laugh “He is, and just like you, he is tense about becoming king, not of one supernatural race, but two. I must go now, tomorrow we will be making plans to leave and the day after we should be making our way back. We will go by foot since these people are so weak. It will take us 6 days time to be home.” “Very well. Belle said she loves you.” “Tell her I love her and I’ll see her soon. I love you Alexander.” “I love you too Autumn, goodnight my love.” “Goodnight.”   I cut the connection and smiled. I missed them so much. I felt Clay’s hand rest lightly on my shoulder, it was all I could do to look up at him and smile weakly. Everything was just so hard and so complicated right now. Two kingdoms, two mates and an impending war? I’ve been a queen, what? A month? Now all of this is landing on my lap.  “Everything will be ok Autumn.” Clay whispered in my ear. I knew he was right, or at least I hoped he was. We still had so much to do. We had to get these people home and get them settled. We had to get them healthy again and get them into training.  Raising my head I looked at Clay “Clay, you Adrian and Issac are combat trained, right?”  Clay furrowed his brow in confusion but nodded. “Then when we get back and everyone is settled you three could lead the training for the dragons. Or we could combine the two and have you three and Alexander train all the warriors together.” “Yes, we could. Combining the two races to train could be a good idea. I mean we are both strong, fast, and heal quickly. We could gauge each other's strengths and weaknesses and work together to overcome and strengthen them.”  I nodded and stood. “Everyone could I have your attention please?” I shouted  Everyone quickly went silent and looked my way. I glanced down at Clay who stood up beside me. “Ok, before everything went downhill here, who all were warriors?”    I watched as hands raised across the room. At least fifty to sixty hands were now raised. I was actually stunned by the amount. That tyrant had kicked all these men out of their militia, let them wither and rot away like trash. My eyes narrowed and my jaw tensed, it’s unbelievable how someone could be so cruel.  “How many of you want to be warriors again?” I asked.    My question was met with resounding roars. The sound filled the room and I couldn’t help but smile. Their spirits haven’t been broken and for that I was eternally grateful. After all they have been through, all they have endured, they stood here, proud and strong.  “Well you will be warriors once again. Once we reach our new home you will have time to get settled and familiar with the new lands. Which I can guarantee is expansive enough to accommodate your flying. Once you’re settled you will begin training with my warriors and trainers, along with both kings. I myself may train you some as well.”   Confused murmurs filled the crowd. Everyone whispered to one another on how a queen, a woman could train men. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Apparently they have never heard of a woman warrior. Well they will be surprised, with a smile on my face I looked at Clay and winked. He just chuckled and shook his head. “Ok, you don’t believe I can train you? Come outside, send your strongest warrior.” Without hesitation I headed towards the door. The entire clan followed behind me, excitement, confusion and weariness evident in their voices. I just laughed. 

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