Chapter Nineteen- Autumn's POV

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“James? What happened?” I demanded shooting to my feet. “Packs have gathered at the northern border. They are attacking, the warriors quickly subdued them but they are demanding to speak with you.” He gasped  I looked at Lucas and he nodded. “Very well, Lucas, see that James is cared for.” I said before I shifted and ran out the door. “Warriors, meet me at the northern border.” I demanded over the pack link. “Yes, Alpha.” Came a chorus of voices.   Running through the territory people were standing outside their homes trying to see what the noise was. Annoyed, I let out a loud howl, urging people to go inside. People saw me and quickly turned and scampered inside their home. “Why are people so nosy?” I asked Amara “They are trying to see if they’re in danger Autumn.” Amara said  I just huffed in response.     The sounds of arguing caught my attention, so I pushed harder quickly breaking from the trees as a hoard of warriors came with me. Some of my warriors stood toe to toe with a group of wolves that had gathered at my border. They were arguing because my warriors would not allow them to pass. One of the intruders punched my warrior and I saw red. Running toward them I jumped in between them growling fiercely at the one who threw the punch. He quickly backed up once he saw me and the warriors I brought in tow. Fear flooded his features as he backed off. I snapped at him, daring him to make another move towards my warriors. “Princess.” The man said bowing his head  I shifted into my human and faced him, “How dare you touch my warrior, and how dare you trespass on my land.” I hissed “We mean no harm your highness.”  “No harm?” I scoffed “Then tell me how my Delta came back to me covered in sweat and blood.” I demanded “Someone from the group attacked him, your Delta took care of him and no one else made a move since, until I punched your warrior.” He explained “Then why did you punch him when he made no move towards you? I was watching, I remind you, so don’t try to lie to me.”  “I was angry he wouldn’t let us pass.”  Using my powers I lifted the man in the air and watched as the crowd gasped, the man dangling in the air, eyes wide with fear. “So that means if I’m angry that you’re trespassing and assaulting my warriors I can rightfully do this?” I asked “ your highness.” He stammered “Your logic a moment ago tells me otherwise.” I said lifting him farther into the air.  “This drop alone will kill you young alpha, I suggest you get to talking.”  “Can you put me down first?” He asked warily.  “What do you think? Should I put him down?” I asked the warrior he hit. “You may release him Princess, thank you.” The warrior responded, a ghost of a smile on his lips. “Very well.” I said and lowered him to the ground.   Stumbling to get his footing the man finally stood and faced me. I could see the fear still in his eyes as he tried to make himself look emotionless and stoic. “We are here to stop the merging of the two packs. Separate y'all are powerful, but together you will be unstoppable. That much power within one pack is too much, it’s not fair to the other packs.” The man said I laughed, this is the Royal Pack, the ones who protect them and keep the peace. “You’re kidding me right?” I asked “No your Highness, I’m not.”  “Tell me what pack you’re from.” I demanded “Dark Moon.”    I remembered them, Dark Moon had an invasion some months ago and requested the Royal pack assisted. Of course we obliged and rid the pack of their invaders but now he was telling me he wouldn’t want his protectors to be more capable of protecting them? “Tell me young Alpha, Who was it that assisted in the invasion your pack had several months ago?”  “Your pack did Princess.”  “And tell me what would have happened if we had ignored your request for assistance?”  “Everyone would have been slaughtered.”  “Exactly. Now you tell me you do not wish for the Royal pack to become stronger and more capable of assisting not just you but other packs in need? We do not have an unlimited amount of warriors young man. This merge will bring us more warriors to protect you, not just the royal pack. This merge will happen, whether you like it or not. And once here the Alpha of Crystal moon will be your prince and soon King.”   Everyone's eyes went wide. It seems that part of the story was left out. No one knew Alexander was my mate. I sighed frustrated at their ignorance. “Alpha Alexander is my mate.” I confirmed “Princess we are sorry for the misunderstanding.” The man said, lowering his head.  “You are forgiven. Now go home.” I said turning and walking away.      I left the warriors behind to handle it the rest of the way, they could handle seeing these people off and making sure they left. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that the packs are so worried about this. The merge is not just so I can be with my mate but so the others are better protected.  “Alex?” I called through our link. “Autumn, what is it?”  “We were under attack. It seems a few packs gathered together in an attempt to stop our merge. Don’t worry we got them held off with no casualties on our side but you need to be prepared, stay alert. They will come for you too.” “We’ll be careful little wolf, You be safe as well.’ Alex said “Always my love. See you soon.” I said and cut the link      Talking to Alex, for even just a few minutes made me feel better, no matter the issue at hand. Walking back to the mansion I was reassuring everyone that there was no threat, that everything had been taken care of. I had to repeat myself so many times to the pack members I felt like I was a record set on repeat. Although it may have been irritating the pack was at ease and went about their nightly routine.     As I reached my office, I plopped down in my chair and held my head in my hands. Being Alpha was hard. When I was just a princess all I had to do was be present, smile and fight when it came down to it. The pack didn’t even know about my powers, not even the warriors until today. My father had been adamant about keeping them secret until the time came to expose them. Well, I guess that went out the window today. Soon everyone will know.      Finally sighing in defeat, I decided to go through the papers my father had hoarded on and inside the desk. Nothing on top of the desk really seemed too important, business matters that had long been handled, some that still needed attention. There were a few charity events that required attending, and meetings that needed to be held.      Once the top of the desk was organized into two piles, one that had already been handled and another of all the things that still required my attention. It was well past dark when  I moved on to the inside of the desk. The papers there were official documents, Alpha’s pack registrations, profiles of potential new warriors my father had been looking to recruit. There was also a small safe tucked into the bottom of ones of the drawers. I pulled it out examining it, it needed a key to open and was made of steel. I don't know what was in it but I was going to find out. “Lucas are you up?”  “Yes, Princess. How may I help you?” He asked “Well I found a small safe in my father's desk, I need the key to open it. Do you know anything about it?” I asked “Princess, you don’t want to open that safe. Please believe me.”  Lucas’s voice was strained. I could sense he was hiding something but I wasn’t going to push it this late.  “Fine Lucas I won’t tonight, but we will continue this conversation soon. Get some sleep, the Prince returns tomorrow.”  “Yes Princess.”  *****    Laying in bed I couldn’t stop wondering what was in that safe. What was so important my father would lock it away like that? Did he hide it from my mother too or just from me? What was my father trying to hide? A secret sibling maybe? Or an enemy pack my father had already taken down? An enemy yet to be vanquished? The possibilities were endless.     When dreams consumed me all I saw was a small red headed child. Her milky white skin, green eyes that reminded me of ivy and fiery hair smiled up at me. She beamed with joy as she looked at me. Her hair made the field look like it was in flames as she played. I couldn’t help but smile at her. She was filled with joy and laughter, so innocent and carefree, that my dream self felt the need to join her, so I did. Side by side we made flower crowns and built a flower bouquet. In reality it was August so a flower field was back in spring, but I enjoyed our time together nevertheless.      Then all the light disappeared from the scene, we were engulfed in darkness. The little girl looked around frantically, fear contorted her small face. When a sound from the woods just behind us I shifted into my wolf and ran to block the girl from the incoming threat. She clutched to my fur burying her face in my wolf’s leg. I crouched down and nudged her with my snout onto my back then looked back to the woods. Wolves were walking out one by one, the amount seemed endless.     Not being able to fight with the child with me I ran. The small girl grasped the scruff of my neck with all her strength as I ran towards the pack. I could hear the pounding of the other wolves chasing after us.  “Mommy, their coming.” The girl screamed Mommy?     I turned and looked behind me and sure enough they were catching up, I knew I could lose them but not with a child on my back. Snorting I picked up the pace ever so slightly to make sure the girl could hold on and gradually increased my speed. I let out a booming howl that shook the trees as I ran. Begging anyone that may be around to help. I couldn’t leave the girl to shift back, it was too dangerous.     My train of thought was broken when I heard a growl that sent chills down my spine as a black wolf jumped over me to face the attacking wolves. It was Alex. He dug his paws into the ground and growled at the attackers. They slowed and looked at him but didn’t stop. The wolf leading the attacking pack launched himself at Alex, but Alex was fast, right as the wolf was landing, Alex’s big jaw latched onto his throat. As Alex shook his head, the wolf's head came off, landing a few feet away.      This action had the other wolves stopping, but Alex didn’t care, he lunged forward attacking the closest wolf and quickly bringing him down. Without hesitation the others descended on Alex. He was now in the middle of a massive attack and was completely obscured by clashing fur. I howled once more trying to get some of the attackers attention, but it didn’t work. I got on my belly and the small girl got off, tears filled her eyes. I led her over to a tree and pushed her behind it, then turned to the attackers and jumped into the fight.       I had to kill several wolves before I found Alex, he was bloody and beaten, laying on his side motionless as the bodies of the attackers lay around him. Furry consumed me, I growled at the wolves and the ground shook beneath us opening up a crack in the earth several wolves fell into. Storm clouds gathered in the sky, as thunder and lightning danced across the sky. What was left of the attackers froze, looking at me but everything was red. I didn’t care, I dove forward at the largest wolf I could find. Before my teeth could sink into the wolf I woke up. The sun was already up and I was covered in sweat, the blankets were wrapped around my body in tangles.      Shaking my head trying to clear my mind, I got out of bed and set a cold shower to cool off my sweating body. Who was the little girl? Why did she call me mommy? I had never seen that child in my life. She seemed so familiar to me though I just couldn’t place it.    I stood in the shower thinking about the dream until I could feel my body begin to tremble from the cold water. So I got out, wrapped a towel around me and walked to my closet. Alex would be here today, and I was so excited. I decided to put on a flattering black dress. The end came up to my mid thigh, with a low cut V neck that showed my cleavage and I paired it with my knee high black boots. For once I decided to put on some make up, just a little eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow and lipstick. I haven’t seen Alex for weeks, I wanted to look good for him when he got here.   The day passed rather quickly once I got to my office and started on the paperwork I found that required attention. There were a few interruptions here and there either by James or Lucas needing my say on things happening within the pack. I still needed to talk to Lucas about taking a break, we got side tracked with the intruders and haven’t been able to speak on it since. Reassuring the pack and papers here in my office kind of took precedence, I felt bad for forgetting. As if he could read my thoughts a knock came to the door and Lucas walked in.  “They’re here Princess.” He said      I shot out of my chair and took off out the door, running towards where Crystal Moon will be housed. People stared at me as I ran past them before finally seeing the trucks parked outside the houses they would be inhabiting now that they would be a part of my pack.     Scanning the area I found him, he was standing beside a large black SUV. He sensed my presence and turned to face me. I felt tears as I ran into his arms. I held onto him tightly as he kissed me hard, all our emotions from the past weeks were let out into the kiss. All our sadness, pain, everything. I pulled back and looked at him, caressing his face in my hands. “I missed you so much.”  “I missed you too my love. I’ve got a surprise for you.” He turned and opened the back door. The small girl from my dream stepped out and threw her arms around my leg.  “Are you my new mommy?” She asked.  I looked at Alex confused as I leaned down and picked the girl up into my arms. “Autumn, this is Belle. She is Marie’s sister. I’ve adopted the child since she had no one else.”  I looked down into the girl's green eyes and saw the same joy from my dream and I smiled. That was why she felt so familiar, she was Marie’s sister. But how did I dream about her? I didn’t care though, I encircled the girl into a big hug and held her to me.  “Yes little Belle, I will be your new mommy.” I said as tears ran down my face. “I had a dream about you mommy.” She said, wiping my tears away with her little hands. “Really?” I asked. “I had a dream about you too last night.”   Belle smiled and hugged my neck. I laughed at her reaction as I placed her back onto her feet. “Why don’t you go play for a little while. When I’m done here, we will go back to our house and give you your very own room, How does that sound?” I said “Good.” She said jumping up and down before she took off running.     I laughed and turned back to Alex wrapping him in my arms again, needing to feel him close to me. Amara was going crazy in my mind, yipping and barking and running around in circles. She was so happy her mate was back.  “Promise me, you’ll never leave again.” I said into his chest “I promise little wolf.”     I just stood there a few minutes with my face buried into his chest holding him, not wanting to let him go, even though I knew that I had to. I felt his pack's eyes on us, they were curious about their new Luna. Pulling away I faced his pack. “Welcome Crystal Moon to the Blood Moon pack. I am Autumn Moon, Your new Luna and Alpha for the time being. You will find your homes are more than adequate to fit your needs, though you will need to stay in the mansion until they are completed. I hope that being here will bring you everything you need. If you need anything please, don’t hesitate to ask.”     Everyone then started lining up to meet me and I groaned internally, why did everyone have to meet me one one one? Why Couldn’t a group announcement be enough. I resigned myself however and greeted them with a smile and a handshake, telling them how happy I was that they were here and hoped they flourished in their new territory.    After I felt like I greeted enough of the pack I smiled at them. “Tomorrow we will have an official ceremony welcoming all of you, and we will complete the merge, making you all officially Blood Moon wolves. Take tonight, rest and get acquainted with your new home. Be well and have a good day.”     I turned, grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled him with me. We passed Lucas on the way and I stopped “Lucas, please keep an eye on Belle for me for a little while, Alex and I have time to make up for.” I said and kept walking. I didn’t give him a chance to say anything back as I pulled Alex into the house and up to the room. I pushed him in the room walking in behind him and locked the door without breaking eye contact with him. “I missed you so much.” I said walking into his arms and kissing him fiercely, crushing his lips on mine. He kissed me back, all of our love, desperation and weeks worth of being apart seeped into the kiss.     Before I knew what was happening Alex had picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. He crawled over me, his blue eyes almost completely taken over with gold as his wolf came forward. He took my hands and pinned them above me as he leaned forward and kissed me. His free hand shifted slightly showing his claws as he ripped my dress from me baring me to him. Gently his hand roamed over my breasts groping them and swirling his fingers over my hard n*****s. I moaned when he moved his lips from mine and trailed down my body.      His mouth found my breasts and he took me in his mouth, I gasped a moan as he bit and sucked. I writhed beneath him, bucking my hips into him feeling his hardness against me. Alex took the hint and started biting and nipping the inside of my upper thigh bringing more moans from me.     Tearing my panties he leaned down and licked the length of my folds, I wound my hands through his hair as his tongue found my clit. His tongue was fierce as he swirled it around my clit. I bucked my hips and moaned loudly as he sucked my clit. My legs were trembling as he continued to suck and bite my sensitive bud. “Alex……..Please.” I moaned    He stopped long enough for me to shoot up pulling him with me. I pulled his shirt off and pointed to his pants, “Off, now.” I said sternly.     Alex chuckled and compiled, his c**k springing forward. I gently grabbed his shaft and started moving my hands up and down his long shaft making him groan. Continuing my strokes faster and harder Alex moaned as his head fell backwards and tangled his hand in my hair. I decided to surprise him while his head was leaned back and quickly took him in my mouth, licking the head. Alex gasped in surprise and his hands tightened in my hair.        A low growl escaped his lips as he looked down at me, his eyes completely gold with specks of his blue. He pulled me up and pushed me back onto the bed. Crawling over me I felt Himself line up with my entrance and he pushed in hard. I screamed as a wave of pleasure and pain washed through me. My nails dug into his back as he continued, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. I moaned loudly digging my nails in deeper as I felt heat building in me, my muscles tightened around him and he groaned pulling out of me and shoving in hard.  “Oh, Alex……” I moaned as an orgasm rushed through me, leaving me trembling from its intensity. I clenched around Alex as he shoved in hard and groaned into my shoulder as he released his seed deep inside me.     Alex collapsed on top of me, careful not to put his entire weight on me. I caressed his cheek and he leaned into it  “I love you Alex.” I said looking into the endless blue of his eyes.  “I love you too, little wolf.” He said as he pushed my hair behind my ear.  “We should get cleaned up and get back to Belle.” I said “I want to stay here like this. Connected in every way possible, stay inside you.” Alex replied.     I laughed, which caused Alex to moan at the motion.  “Alex, We have responsibilities.” I said “I know.” He groaned as he pulled out of me and rolled out of the bed bringing me with him.     Our shower was far from short, After washing my hair Alex grabbed me and pushed me against the wall face first and started kissing all over my body as his hands roamed and circled around finding my throbbing core. His fingers were magic as he rubbed and pinched my core. Causing my legs to tremble. Moans filled the bathroom as the heat started to rise again. I leaned my head back onto his shoulder and grabbed his hair as the orgasm shot through me, but Alex wasn’t done. He thrust into me not stopping his movement on my clit. I screamed and moaned as he filled me. Thrusting hard and fast, I could feel my knees buckle as another orgasm washed through me and Alex pushed in hard as he came with me. Panting, we both stood there under the water as both of us trembled with the after shock of our climax.  ****    I was on cloud nine as we walked outside to find Belle. Alex had his arm around my waist and I leaned into him as we walked. Everything was perfect, Alex was home, both packs were here and seemed happy and I was now a mother to a beautiful little redheaded girl. I looked up at Alex and smiled squeezing him tight, when a red blur flashed in front of me and crashed into my legs.  “Mommy!!” She cried.  I picked the girl up and looked at her, her face was red and her eyes were brimming with tears. A sudden and fierce wave of protectiveness coursed through me. Amara was growling in the back of my mind. “What? What is it?” I asked frantically  Belle just shook her head and pointed as she tried to hide in my shoulder. I looked up and saw three men coming toward us. They weren’t wolves but they were big and Muscles bulged and rippled from under their shirts. I growled, shaking the ground as they approached. They stopped short and looked at me. I saw confusion, anger then understanding flash in their eyes. I pulled Belle to look at me.  “Belle, go in the house. Now.” I said putting her down behind me then turning to face the men.  “How dare you come on my land and scare my child.” I seethed    Dark clouds gathered above, as thunder and lightning danced across the sky. As my anger grew the storm became fierce. Wind was running rampant and lightning struck the ground around us. Fear was in the three men’s eyes as their hands shot up in surrender. “We mean no Harm.” The man in the middle said, taking a step back. I growled at his movement. I felt Alex’s arm around me tighten “Autumn, calm down. Hear them out before you kill them. Take a deep breath my love.”     It was hard but I did as he said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath counted to 10 and let it out. It took several breaths before the rage inside me died down and the storm simmered down. When I opened my eyes the storm had died down and was nothing but dark clouds covering the sky.  “Who are you and what do you want?” I demanded walking towards them.  Fear once again filled the men's eyes as I stalked forward. “We came to speak with Queen Amelia. I am Adrian and this is Clay and Issac. We were part of her clan before she married the king.” The man named Adiran explained. Clan? Wolves ran in packs not clans. I sighed, ignoring the pain that twisted in my chest. “Queen Amelia and King Xavier are dead, both murdered in a raid. I am Alpha Autumn Moon, daughter of Queen Amelia and King Xavier. Any business you had with them, you may now take up with me. But next time you intrude on my territory without permission I will kill you.” I said flatly.  The men's faces now held concern, confusion and sadness.  “How? That’s impossible, why didn’t she shift?” Adrian said more to himself than me. “My mother never shifted. I’ve never seen her wolf not once in my entire 21 years.” I said. “That’s because your mother was not a wolf. She was a shifter, yes but not a wolf.”
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