Chapter Eighteen- Alexander's POV

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 Today was the last day the pack had to prepare their things and tomorrow we would leave. The trucks had arrived earlier today and everyone was loading their things into it so we could leave tomorrow morning. Belle had shown me where she lived and I helped her get all the things she wanted to take with her. She didn't have much, a few outfits and a stuffed animal. She grabbed the pictures of her sister and parents, carefully placing them in the bag on top of her clothes. Once we got hers and my things we packed them into the trunk of my car I told Belle to go play so I could handle some pack business. She happily agreed and bound off, catching up with a group of kids playing in a field.  “So, the big bad Alpha has gone soft for the little girl.” I heard Grayson say behind me with a laugh.  I turned and growled at him, he backed up putting his hands out in surrender, “Hey now, I didn’t mean anything by it.” He said, smiling. “Do not talk about her like that.” I snapped “She is to be mine and Autumn’s daughter. You are to respect and protect her. She will be your princess.” Grayson’s eyes widened as he looked over to Belle as she skipped and bounced around the other kids.  “What happened to her family?” Grayson asked, still watching Belle. “They were killed in the vampire raid a few years back. Her sister was caring for her but she recently killed herself. So now she is ours.”  Grayson was stunned. He couldn’t take his eyes off Belle.  “Alex” I heard Autumn through our link, her voice sounded angry. “Autumn, what is it?”  “We are under attack. It seems a few packs gathered together in an attempt to stop our merge. Don’t worry we got them held off with no casualties on our side but you need to be prepared, stay alert. They will come for you too.”   My eyes darted to Belle instantly as she played. “Belle!” I yelled Her eyes snapped up and looked at me smiling as she ran up to me wrapping her little arms around my legs. “Yes?” She asked “Nothing, I just want you to stay close to me until we move tomorrow. Can you go play in the house please?” “Ok, daddy.” she said and skipped into the house. “We’ll be careful little wolf, You be safe as well.” I replied to Autumn ‘Always my love. See you soon.’    The link went silent so I turned to Grayson.  “Grayson, the Royal pack was attacked in an attempt to stop the merge. Get the warriors, warn them and tell them to be extra vigilant. They could be coming for us next.” “Yes Alpha.” Grayson said and ran to warn the warriors  After Grayson disappeared into the trees I went back in the house. Belle had music turned up dancing around the house. This child could shine a light in the darkest of situations just with her smile, but her attitude and her outlook. Always so happy, so joyful, I couldn’t understand it. She had lost everything yet she shined like a star.  “Are you having fun Belle?” I asked, shouting over the music. She just smiled, running over to me and grabbing my hand dragging me out into the middle of the room as she started dancing again. Her laughter filled the room. “Dance with me daddy.” She said laughing    I smile and grab her hand and start twirling her around, as she bounds around me. Dancing was never my strong suit but I let myself look like a fool to make Belle happy. We danced around the living room without a care in the world, like no one was coming after us, like no one was watching.      Belle finally started to slow down about an hour later. Yawning and rubbing her little eyes as she reached up for me, telling me she was ready for bed. Chuckling, I grabbed her pulling her onto my hip and headed for the bathroom. “Bath first little one, then bed.” I said “Ok daddy.” She said yawning    I stood outside the door as she bathed. I didn’t feel comfortable giving her a bath. But I called in checking on her every few minutes to make sure she was ok and didn’t slip under the water. She was only 4 but she was so independent and self reliant. She spoke like she was older even though some words were hard for her to pronounce.  “I’m done daddy.” She calls. I peeked in making sure her towel was wrapped around her, when I saw her little body swallowed whole in the big towel I laughed. She was so small and the towel engulfed her.  “Come on little one.” I said taking her into my arms and carrying her to her room.    She picked out the pajamas she wanted, which was Elsa and Anna. She Loved the frozen movies and could watch them on repeat all day. I tucked her in kissing her forehead, turning on her nightlight and told her goodnight. I left the door cracked just in case she needed me during the night.     Once back in my room I showered and got into bed myself. The day had been long and Belle made sure to wear me out this evening.  “We will be leaving to come home tomorrow my love.” I told Autumn through our link. “I know, Alex I can’t wait for you to be by my side again. Get some rest, you have a long trip tomorrow. Goodnight, I love you.” “Good night little wolf, I love you too.”     Then our link went blank. I knew she was right, I needed to sleep. Our trip would be long and would require me to be at full strength. But sleep just didn’t want to come, I tossed and turned until when I decided to get out of bed a small blur ran in my door and into my arms. Her little frame was shaking, her face and hair were wet with sweat and tears. I immediately held her to me stroking her hair. “What is it Belle what happened?”  I asked worried “I had a nightmare.” She whined “Do you want to talk about it?”  “It started off fun.” She said looking at me “I was with a woman I never met but I called her mommy, she had really long hair, it looked like honey was running off her head, her eyes looked like the sun, they were really pretty, they glowed like the sun too. We were playing, I was chasing her through a flower field. But it all changed, the sun went away and it got dark and where mommy used to be was a big white wolf with blue eyes. She let me ride her daddy, that was fun, but something was chasing us. Daddy it was so scary, the wolf was protecting me daddy.”   All I could do was stare at her. She just described Autumn, all the way down to her white wolf. She had never even laid eyes on Autumn before, how could she be dreaming about her?  “Can I sleep with you daddy? I don’t want them to get me.” Belle whimpered “Of course darling.” I said laying her down and pulling the covers over her.   Watching her sleep I still couldn’t believe what she had just told me. She was dreaming of Autumn, could this little girl have had a vision? Wolves usually don’t have visions but it wasn’t unheard of. It usually happened when there was a witch somewhere in the bloodline.  I didn’t know what was going on or what would happen but what I did know was once Belle met Autumn, she would know that was her new mom and she would recognize her from her dream. I also knew no matter what Belle had to be protected. A wolf that had visions was coveted by many packs. But she was ours and I would never let anyone take her away or harm her. 
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