Chapter Seventeen- Alexander's POV

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I woke the next morning more than willing to get things over with. I wanted to get everyone packing and ready to move in two days. I wanted to get back to Autumn and be with her through her struggle.  “Grayson, gather the pack. It’s time I told them the plan.”  “Yes, Alpha.”      I rushed through my shower and breakfast. More than willing to get this over with. I’d never been the type to do pack announcements, I always had Grayson handle them. But this was one I had to do, I couldn’t let Grayson do it this time. He didn’t know the whole story, and the pack couldn’t know everything either. They couldn’t know the king was dead. Word would spread and it would make us a target as we moved, it would make Autumn a target. I would never allow that to happen.  “Alpha everyone is gathered in front of the pack house” Grayson said through the link. “Very well, I’m on my way.” I responded, then cut the link.     I stood behind the pack house doors, listening to the murmurs and questioning voices of my people. They were confused as to why I was addressing them so early, and speaking to them myself. I could tell they all knew it was important by the nervous shuffling I heard. Steadying my breathing I opened the door and stepped out, Silence swept across the pack when they saw me.  “Good morning everyone, I have a very important announcement. I have found our Luna.”    Cheers and clapping erupted from the crowd. Smiles were seen all around as my words sank in. I held my hand up, signaling them to quiet down so I could continue speaking.  “Now our Luna is not with me right now because I had to leave her behind to help her pack. Our new Luna is none other than the Princess herself.”    Chattering and wow’s silenced me as the pack realized just who their new Luna was. I could see the look of admiration on the packs faces while others' jaws dropped in shock. Losing my composure I once again held my hand up to silence them.  “Now, the princess pack was attacked by rouges and her mother was killed, her father went into mourning in solitude, meaning our Luna is the acting King of the Alpha’s. The Princess and myself came to a conclusion. We will be merging the Crystal Moon pack in with the Royal Blood Moon pack. We will unite and become one unstoppable pack. The idea is to better be able to protect and lead both packs without having to be apart. Right now I am Prince of the Alpha’s, but once the king retires I will be king. So I assure you, you will not be losing me as your Alpha.”   I stopped talking for a moment to let my words sink into the crowd. Some looked uneasy while others looked excited and jittery. I watched the expressions of my pack in silence as the packs talking died down and everyone looked at me. “When will this happen Alpha?” A man’s voice asked “Everyone has two days to pack the things they will need. Only pack essentials and items of importance. In two days we will make our way to our new home.”    Once again the crowd erupted into a choir of chattering and yelling. There were worried and scared looks all over the packs faces while others bound up and down at the thought of joining the royals. I waited and let the pack talk out their worries with their family and let them take the time to calm down and let the news fully sink in. I knew this was not easy news to take, but it wasn’t up for discussion.  “Ok, everyone.” I yelled over the crowd as it immediately became silent. “This is not up for debate, this is to benefit both packs. There will be more opportunities for us with the royals. The warriors could train with the best and be better trained to keep everyone safe. Now go, start packing. You have today and tomorrow to get everything together before we leave.”     With those last words, I turned and entered the pack house, leaving the pack to scamper off to get started. I wonder if Autumn has told her pack yet and how they responded or would respond to the news. With a sigh, I made my way back to my room to pack.      There really wasn’t much I wanted to take. My clothes and the pictures of my mother and father. They both died when I was a teenager, viciously killed by rogues while trying to spend time together away from the pack. With their death, I became Alpha at 16, the youngest Alpha in Crystal Moon history. Now, I was about to become king. I never even considered the possibility of taking the throne. I had to admit though, the power that came with being king was intoxicating. I have never been power hungry, never sought power or to rule. Yes, we were named the most feared pack behind the Royals, but that was only because I pushed our warriors to train hard to be able to protect our people.       Having both packs labeled most feared join together would feel like a challenge to other packs though. And thoes that feel challenged would try to stop the merge, if that meant attacking our pack and the Royals even if it was a suicide mission, they would. They would stop at nothing to be sure we didn’t merge. The Royal pack never admitted new members, much less allowed a merge between packs. Blood-Moon has stayed pure blooded for generations, and allowing us to join them was considered taboo.        I laughed though in spite of myself. If anyone had the guts to attack the Royals with Autumn in the lead would be in for a surprise. She could probably take them on herself without even breaking a sweat or shifting to her wolf. Her power was incredible and when she spoke, everyone cowered at her power and dominance.       Still smiling at the thought of someone attacking the Royals I decided to go and check on the progress of the pack. The sun was getting low in the sky as I made my way through the territory. People were scurrying around grabbing things and throwing them into suitcases and trunks. It looked like we would need to rent trucks, I should have known that though, our pack was large, with over 100 members, running with all this luggage was simply unrealistic. How could I not have thought about that.  “Ugh” I groaned as I wiped my hand down my face “Alpha?” A small voice asked I turned to see a little girl, no older than five so I squatted down to her height and smiled. “Yes, little one?”  “Where is my sister? She didn’t come back with you.” She said as tears brimmed in her eyes.  “Who is your sister?”  “Marie” She said softly “Our parents died, she was taking care of me.”    My heart sank, this little girl was alone. The poor girl had no one anymore and that made my heart hurt. “Marie won’t be coming home baby, she is with the goddess now. Why don’t you come with me? My mate and I will take care of you. How does that sound?”  Tears filled the girl's eyes as she flung herself at me, her small arms wrapped tightly around my neck as she shook with her sobs.    I stood up, holding the girl in my arms and headed back to the pack house. The girl was shaking and I was doing my best to calm her. Whispering to her that it was going to be ok, rubbing circles on her back and playing with her hair, nothing seemed to work.  “Are you hungry?” I asked the girl.    She pulled back and looked at me. Her green eyes were watery and puffed up, strings of her red hair were in her face and I gently pushed them away. She nodded at me and I smiled. “What would you like? And can you tell me your name and how old you are?” I asked. “My name is Belle I’m 4, is pizza ok?” She asked, wiping tears from her eyes. “You know what Belle? Pizza sounds great.” I said smiling    The girl's face lit up and she hugged me tightly beaming. She got so excited over food and it confused me. “When was the last time you ate Belle?”  “Uhm, I don’t know Alpha. It’s been a long time.” She said meekly.     Her words broke my heart. There was no way I was going to let her end up like her sister. Autumn and I was going to show this little girl how much the world had to offer her, how much love was still in this world.  “I’m sorry little one. I wish I had known, I would have helped, but now that you’re here Autumn and I will take care of you. You won’t have to worry about anything again. Ok?”  I said. “Who is Autumn?” She asked as she tilted her head in confusion “Autumn is my mate.” I said as we entered the house and headed for the kitchen. I sat Belle down on the bar stool that sat under the kitchen island. Belle bounced in her seat smiling. “Will she be my new mommy?” She asked     I froze for a brief second. How was I supposed to answer that? I knew Autumn would take this tiny girl under her wing without a second thought. She would care for and raise the girl as if she were her own. Sighing I dug the pizza from the freezer and placed it on the pan. Waiting for the oven to heat up and leaned on the bar across from Belle and looked at her. Her green eyes bright with hope I couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, I guess she will be little one.”  “YAY!” The girl yelled bouncing up and down.      I just laughed as I turned from her and put the pizza in the oven. Even after everything this little girl still had so much life, so much happiness in her. Her laughter filled the kitchen as she rambled on and on about having a new family, a new mommy and daddy. She asked if she would have siblings and all I could tell her was maybe soon. Her happiness was contagious and I found myself laughing and smiling along with her.       The only time Belle was quiet was when she started to eat her pizza. I watched as she devoured slice after slice of pizza. I was worried she would make herself sick if she kept eating like that. “Slow down Belle, you’ll make yourself sick.” I warned     She just nodded, but she started eating slower. When the pizza was down to the last slice she asked me if I wanted it, I told her no, go ahead and eat, She did happily. By the time she was done her eyes were fluttering and she yawned. I chuckled “Are you sleepy now?”    She nodded and reached her arms out for me. Picking her small frame up she leaned her head on my shoulder and sighed softly, snuggling into me. I just held onto her softly rubbing her back as we made our way upstairs. I wouldn’t make the mistake of leaving her alone like we had with Marie so I carried her into my room and gently put her on the bed bringing the blanket up to cover her.      Just standing there beside her I knew I would always protect her, I’d never let anyone harm one hair on her fiery red head. Was this what it felt like to be a father? to want to protect someone other than your mate so much you wouldn’t hesitate to give your life for them? I didn’t know but what I did know was I would always be there for this child, no matter what happened, she would be protected.
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