Chapter Fifteen- Alexander's POV

1996 Words
We had been running all day. I pushed my pack hard, trying desperately to get back to our territory as soon as possible, but I knew they couldn’t keep going like this. I was pushing them too hard and too fast, but we all came to a dead stop when I felt Autumn’s emotions hit me like a brick wall. Fear at first that quickly faded to determination, then to such a forceful amount of despair that my wolf let out a howl that felt like it shook the entire forest. “Alpha, what is it?”  Kyle asked I couldn’t answer, all I could manage to do was shake my head fiercely back and forth trying not to let her despair consume me entire being. “Autumn? Autumn, what is it?” I spoke frantically through our link I got no response, not even a whisper. This made my wolf worry and he started to whine. “Autumn, answer me please.” I begged her  When she responded her voice pierced my soul “My father went mad.” She sobbed “He had to be killed before he hurt anyone. And I….I had to give the command.” Her voice was broken, not even a hint of the Autumn I left just hours ago existed in her voice. She was completely and utterly defeated, consumed by sorrow.  “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I’m turning around”  “NO!” She yelled “You must go to your pack, bring them back here as soon as possible. Don’t tell anyone. You are King of the Alpha’s now. That title comes with a target, if anyone found out you’d be in danger, your entire pack would be in danger.” She quickly explained. “Fine. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”   I quickly shifted back into my human form making sure I kept all emotion from showing. “We’ll camp here for the night. Tomorrow we push to make it back before nightfall.” I told them as they all shifted and went to set up the camping gear Autumn had sent with us.  I pitched my tent and helped gather firewood in silence. I couldn’t get Autumn’s pain out of my head. I could still feel it now, though it had died down and was now a numb feeling in the back of my mind. I couldn’t imagine the thoughts going through her mind. Having to give the command to have her father killed? I don’t know if I would have been strong enough to give that command. The strength and love for her pack it must have taken.  Shaking my head I laid down on the sleeping bag and stared up at the ceiling of the tent. My mind wondered as I felt myself drift off to sleep. I knew however the memory of Autumn’s feelings and the dull ache still tightening my chest my sleep would be restless.  Waking up the next morning I started belting out commands ready to get moving as fast as possible. Once everything was cleared and the fire put out we shifted and once again took off through the trees a new found determination in my mind. Get to the pack, tell them what WAS going to happen and then get back to Autumn. My pack had to follow me regardless of if they wanted to or not. If they decided not to, they would become rouges and be hunted down.  The thought made me uneasy, forcing my pack into moving hundreds of miles away to a new place. It was enough to make anyone uncomfortable. But there was no other choice, we had to move, had to merge. It was what was best for everyone and the best decision to keep everyone safe. My new title of Prince had already been announced, which means it had more than likely already made its way back to my pack. Pride filled me, Prince of the Alpha’s. It was a title coveted by many wolves, along with the idea of becoming king. The power the title alone gave was undeniable. The power to command all wolves, to have them all bow in submission just by speaking. It must be the way Autumn feels all the time. The power that laced her voice as she spoke, even if it was unintentional was hard to ignore. She demanded respect and she got it, her people loved her. I’m sure my people would fall for her just as I have. As we continued on our journey home I started getting the feeling we were being followed. I glanced quickly behind us and saw that we were in fact being followed. A group of wolves were closing in on us, fast. “Prepare yourselves, we’re being followed” I said through our link.     My wolf was Itching for a fight, he wanted blood after what Autumn went through last night. He needed an outlet to let out all the emotions she hit us with. “Come on stop and fight” My wolf Cyrus said “We will, we can’t lead them to the rest of the pack.” I responded “Get ready to stop and fight.” I told my pack     With that I turned on my heel facing the threat head on. The part of the pack that was with me filled in beside me. All of us growling, as the group of ten wolves approached us. Since they were not in my pack we couldn’t communicate so I waited for their leader to turn.     As if reading my thoughts the wolf in front of the pack turned, revealing a hulk of a man. He looked like he took steroids and was as wide as I am tall. Ignoring my better judgment I shifted and faced the man. “Why are you following us?” I demanded “Well, well, well look what we have here. The Prince himself, shouldn’t you be surrounded by guards in that cozy palace of yours?” The man mused I was not amused, I glared at the man “What do you want?” I growled    The man let out a menacing laugh, cold and emotionless. It sent chills down my spine as I braced myself for the fight. Cyrus was in my mind begging the man to attack.  “We want you.”  “Why?” I asked through gritted teeth.  “Well” The man said “You are the mate of the current Alpha and Queen. If we kill you that would leave her hurt and vulnerable. That would make her an easy target, don’t you think? Do you know how long we’ve waited for that b***h to get a mate so we could bring her down? Too long.” the man said dryly.    That did it for Cyrus, he surged forward and before I knew what was happening he had the man pinned beneath him snapping at his neck. The man was grunting beneath me using all his strength as I tried to tear his throat out. The man was able to keep me away from his throat so I dug my claws into him, tearing through his chest down to his stomach. His grip loosened as he screamed out in agony. That split second was enough though, I took my chance and sank my teeth into his throat and pulled it out. He made an awful gurgling sound before he went limp and the life left his eyes.     I turned to face the wolves as I spit the man's esophagus out and snarled at the group. Snapping my jaws I growled deeply, warning them.  They growled in response, standing their ground. My pack came up beside me and stood at my side snarling at the group, this made the group take a step back. With one last growl the group retreated and ran off in the direction we came from.      Snorting I looked at my pack, nodded and continued running towards my territory. Even if I didn’t want to lead the rouge’s to my pack, I knew we would be better off there with the warriors' help. They were trained to deal with rogues and defend the pack, they wouldn't fail if they followed us.     The sky was turning orange from sunset when we finally reached our borders. I let out a sigh in relief, we were finally home and could get some rest. And tomorrow I would gather the entire pack and tell them the plan. They would have two days to pack only what they needed and we would go to our new home.     As we approached the pack house I shifted and was greeted by Grayson, my Beta. Relief flooded his features when he saw us. “Damn, finally. Where the hell have you been?” He asked as he stormed up to me. “Do you have any idea what’s been going on? Word got out that you are mated to the princess and are now Prince of the Alpha’s, can you believe it?” He asked “Well Grayson it’s true, I did. And tomorrow an announcement will be made and we will be merging packs with the Royal Blood Moon pack.”     Grayson’s jaw dropped, as he stared at me in shock.  “Close your mouth before you catch a fly.” I said dryly “Merging with the Royal pack? That’s big man, it’s great don’t get me wrong I am totally on board but that is going to be a shock to the pack.”     I ran my hand through my hair and sighed  “Yes it is, but we will talk about it tomorrow. Right now I just want to go inside shower and go to bed. We all need to rest, tomorrow is a big day and I am going to need yours and Kyle’s help. Tomorrow we tell the pack the plan and get ready to be part of the Blood Moon Pack, with Autumn as Alpha.”  “Autumn? Your mate? An Alpha?” You have got to be kidding me Grayson said. “Autumn is acting Alpha and king right now and your Luna, you will give her the respect she deserves.” I said coldly       Without another word I walked past my Beta into the pack house more than ready to crash for the night but I had to check on Autumn first. “Autumn?”  “I’m here Alex.” She said, her voice distant “We made it back safely, I will address the pack tomorrow about our plans. How are you?” I asked as softly as I could. “It’s only been 24 hours since I condemned my father to death, how do you think I am?” She said, her voice cold as ice. “I am sorry you went through that. I wish more than anything I could be with you now, holding you.”  “I’m sorry Alex, it has just been a rough day. We had my father's ceremony in secret. Just myself and Lucas. After that I just locked myself in my room. I don’t know how I will ever be able to face the pack right now. I just lost both parents and now feel like I am losing myself.”     I heard the pain in her voice as she spoke. But I knew she was strong, resilient, she could get through this. It may take her some time, but I know she can overcome this pain. And I knew I had to be with her while she fought this battle.  “I will be there soon my love.” I told her “Please hurry Alex, and be safe. You’re all I have left.” she whispered  My heart ached at her words and the rawness in her voice. “Soon little wolf, I’ll be there soon.”
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