Shut Up And Shoot

1170 Words
Four shots and four awesome goals! Griffin, freaking Kong, was an insane goal-scoring machine, and Jamie almost regretted taunting him. Almost... Just because that was the only way she'd risked having him let her play without begging. "You don't look so good, shorty. We can stop if you want." Griffin taunted. Jamie knew he was right; she had never sweated this much! Of course, she was only fighting for her life here and embarrassing herself while at it. The best she'd done was get a light touch on one of Griffin's shots as the ball breezed past her at an insane speed. Giving up, however, was not an option even if she knew she had already blown up her chance of playing for the Cougar Devils. Four goals out of five had ensured that. "Didn't peg you for a quitter, Kong." Jaime shot back, eliciting a roar of laughter from somewhere on her right. She'd totally forgotten they had an audience. "I'm not the one losing." Sexy brows shot up in a mock display and those damn butterflies down in her belly woke with a vengeance, dancing to an unpredictable rhythm of attraction. Jamie was so in trouble. "Clearly, so shut up and shoot!" Annoyance prickled, but not for the reason that came with losing a game. Jaime hated how Griffin easily got under her skin and unleashed her temper, leaving her exposed. "If you insist." With a smug smile and the most absurd air of confidence, dabbed with superiority, Griffin placed the ball on the penalty spot and took a few steps back. Show off! It took Jaime a moment to peel him out of all that and remaining with nothing, but an opponent whose ball she needed to keep from finding the back of the net again. One more chance, that's all she had to prove herself. "Or more like, redeem yourself." Her mind retorted and because she totally agreed, she took a deep breath and focused. On Griffin. It wasn't enough time to study her opponent or to formulate a strategy and make some tactical adjustments that would guarantee a save, but she was Jaime Parker, and this... football... was her life. It was all the boost of confidence she needed when Griffin's ball came at her for the fifth time and in a split second, she dove. It was the right direction and when the ball bounced off of her hands, a smile broke out on her lips before she hit the ground, panting. Hollers and whistles added to the earlier cheering around her, making her feel ten times better about her loss. “Well, that was unexpected." Coach Warren appeared in her view, his face hovering over her. "Welcome to the team, kid.” He extended his hand, catching Jamie by surprise. “B–But I didn't exactly do anything out here.” She pointed out, feeling the pinch of her failure. Her goal keeping sheet was not pristine, but four out of five? “Then I guess you don’t know your opponent very well.” “Excuse me?” “What coach means to say is, stopping half of one of Griffin’s shots is a big deal and you my dear, just stopped a whole ball! That is an even bigger freaking deal." The guy from earlier walked over, grinning. "Not to mention that you are a girl.” Jamie only rolled her eyes at that. "Hi, I'm Michael, the awesome centre back and your new guardian on the field now that you are staying. Guardian? Jaime snorted a laugh. The guy was so full of himself, but he also seemed more fun that 'Mr. you don't look so good, Shorty'. God knew if she was going to fit here, she'd need at least one friend. "Hi, I'm Jaime." She flashed Michael a smile before focusing back on her new coach. New coach... she still couldn't believe that she'd made the cut. "This is really happening, as in I'm not dreaming or something, right?" Jaime breathed out, letting the fact sink in. "It is." Coach Warren nodded, looking pleased. "Of course, it's only temporary and we'll need to figure out a ton of things because we've never had a girl on the team, but yeah, you are definitely in." You are definitely in... Jaime wanted to scream on top of her lungs, but she bit back her excitement. It would have to wait for her room back at the apartment. "So, what next?" "You can start by delivering the good news to Nadine and Griffin will get in touch about the rest." Speaking of the pretty boy, Jaime only noticed then that he was nowhere to be found. She hadn't even seen him go. Something in her stomach dropped and she internally sighed. She really needed to teach her organ to stop reacting to her new captain. "I'll be on my way, then. Thanks again for the opportunity." Jaime reached for her back pack and waved. Coach Warren flashed her a warm smile. Whatever was between them, Jaime decided she would paint him in a good light when she met up with Nadine. Super excited about making the cut for the football team, she practically raced as she retraced her steps back to the principals office, eager to share the news with Nadine and her mother. She got lost a few times and when she finally rounded a corner she'd been missing, she bumped into someone. Jaime stumbled, but instead of falling flat on her butt, the person's quick reflexes saved her as they effortlessly caught her, their arm going around her waist protectively. "I'm sorry, are you okay?" Concern filled ocean blue eyes held her captive when Jaime looked up at her saviour. Griffin... He was still shirtless. Still every bit the Greek god she thought he was and being so close sent those butterflies in her stomach into a flapping frenzy and her gasping at his touch. The picture of his mussed wet hair that was still dripping did not help matters. Neither did his head that dipped a fraction, bringing those tempting lips so dangerously close to hers. What the hell was he doing? "I-I'm fine, Captain." Jaime hoped her response would break the spell, but what happened next caught her off guard. "Captain?!" Griffin's nose flared and before she knew it, he let go and just like at the grocery store, Jaime landed on her butt. "Ouch!" She glared at him and was about to bite his head off when an overly sweet voice called out to Griffin followed by the appearance of an image of perfection. The girl, whoever she was, ran to him and slipped into his arms. He pulled back, seemingly caught unawares and for a tiny second, Jaime thought he would walk away, but he stepped back in, tilted her face to his and took her mouth in a searing kiss, flaunting whatever was between them. Jaime got the message. Loud and clear.
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