Whipped By A Girl

1235 Words
Jaime had been the new kid in school before. More times than she would have liked, but never had she received so many stares and glares. The moment she'd stepped out of her mother's car after being dropped off at school, eyes had fallen on her, judging and curious. It may not have been 'all eyes', but for someone who was used to being almost invisible, it felt like a lot. Her trick to staying unseen down the school hallways had not done a damn thing, but she was determined to keep trying as she headed to the first of her classes. Until someone bumped into her, deliberately. "Great." Jaime swore under her breath, deciding to keep going still, but someone tugged and pulled on her backpack, demanding her attention. "Hey new girl?!" The person screeched, no doubt drawing more of those eyes Jaime didn't want on her. "Can I help you?" Swallowing her annoyance which would not do her any good if she indulged in it, she swung around and came face to face with a fuming Little Miss Perfect. Griffin's girl. Instinctively Jaime's guard went up. She'd had enough run-ins with this kind of popular crowd to know how unreasonably annoying they could get and ruin an entire school year. Although that was not the only reason, but Jaime wasn't about to entertain that part of her which refused to get the memo to ignore everything Griffin. "How dare you?!" The girl's nose flared, leaving Jaime wondering what her case was. "How dare I?" Her brows shot up in question. "I'm sorry, but I don't even know you." Jaime feigned ignorance, as she bit back a smirk when her response got the perfect reaction. God, it never got old! "You don't know me?!" The girl hissed so loud Jaime thought she would bring the hallway down with the intensity of her piercing anger. Was being known even by a nobody that important to her? Jaime wondered, though that was a waste of her time because no matter how much she tried to understand them and their insane need to be known by everyone, she never could grasp their motivations. "I... don't?" Jaime shrugged, earning herself the queen of glares. "Don't be Miss smarty pants." The girl straightened up, her intention to intimidate oh so clear, but Jaime remained unfazed. "I know you remember my kiss with Griffin." Jaime didn't know if it was the way she said it or flaunted it or that smug look that replaced her angry face, but something ticked in her. Thankfully being in the goal had taught her to school her features so perfectly, her opponent would have to know her personally to pick on her reaction. "It was your kiss, why should I even bother?" Jaime shrugged again and this time around the hallways that had been silently watching the little confrontation she'd been forced to endure burst out in laughter. "The girl is right, Becca." A familiar voice announced before they rounded on Little Miss perfect, resting their arm round Jaime's shoulders. "Traitor!" The girl, whom Jaime now knew as Becca hissed at Michael before shooting another glare at her. "This is not over. I won't let you tarnish Griffin's reputation!" "What?!" Jaime blinked. She was about to ask what the hell Becca was talking about, but the girl was gone in a flash. "Oh, I like you." Amusement was written all over Michael's face when Jaime turned to him. "First time I'm seeing a newbie run Becca off like that... no, wait... make that the first time any one has ever run her off at all." "What the hell is she talking about me tarnishing Griffin's reputation?" Jaime was all for putting the mean girl in her place, but right now whatever Becca had said about her new captain was all that mattered. She knew a thing or two about ruined reputations and she wouldn't wish it on anyone. Not even Mr. Full of himself. "Michael!" Jaime punched the center back when he kept smiling instead of talking. "Damn girl!" He winced, but Jaime knew it was all an act. "Start talking." She demanded, forcing him to sober up. "Pretty sure its because of this." Michael held up his phone in front of her, the title 'Whipped By A Girl' flashing on a video playing on some insta account. Jaime was about to ask what that had to do with her when she recognised herself in it... and Griffin. It was a clip of Griffin's last penalty shot that she saved playing on a loop. "What the hell?" She grabbed the phone and took a closer look. The comments thread was insanely long and brutal. All from rival teams as far as Jaime could tell. "Apparently, someone thought it was funny that it took a girl to bring down the mighty captain of the Cougars and they couldn't wait to share the event with everyone." "Is that why everyone has been staring at me?" Jaime felt a headache coming on. She never wanted this kind of attention even if she never shied away from standing up for herself when confronted. "Is that why Becca is mad at me?" "Well, there is that and then there is this." Michael scrolled to another image of her and Griffin. This was not a video, though, but a photo, frozen in time. It froze Jaime in place too. "I suspect this is the real reason Becca came after you so brutally." With her hands on Griffin's bare muscled chest, his arm protectively locked around her waist, their lips so dangerously close to devouring each other, while he looked at her like she was the most precious thing in the whole world, Jaime realized that she too would be mad if she was Griffin's girlfriend. "This is so out of context." She finally protested, barely hiding the effect of seeing herself and Griffin like that. Michael bought none of it, if his wide grin was anything to go by. "I swear he came out of nowhere... bumped into me - I bumped into him... he saved me from falling and-" Jaime was aware she was rambling, but she hoped she could at least get one person to believe her. "Sure it was an accident, but damn, lucky bastard!" Michael grinned at the photo, making Jaime groan. "He hates me, doesn't he? For ruining his reputation and his relationship in a single day." "Who? Griff? Hell no." Michael stated, but something about the uncertainty in his eyes made Jaime raise a brow at him. "Trust me, he doesn't. He may hate the idea of a girl on the team, but not you." "How would you know?" Jaime was suddenly plagued by this strange need to know what Griffin thought of her. "Because he happens to be my best friend." Michael's lips curved flaunting their obvious close friendship. "God are you here spying for him?" "Of course not." "Uh huh." Jaime's brows only shot up higher. "I'm here all for you. Thought you might need company and protection on your way to class and by the looks of things, I was right." Jaime only rolled her eyes and began walking. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much." "Also...you, Becca and I share classes. You still need me." Jaime halted in her tracks, groaning. "Please don't say-" "Yep, Griffin too."
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