Chapter six

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Emman POV I swear that girl have no limits. She must had her studied about my mom being a doctor since she wants to be a doctor. Shocked? More like I feel disgust!! Does she have to do things like this to make me love her? What does she think of me? Well she's wrong! I am not empress of her fake charades after all. Minus her looks that night, she's beautiful and look enticing in her dress. I know I must hate her but I am man ok? I do feel attracted to her but she's not my type. ( But you just said that she's beautiful and enticing?) My inner self said. "f**k off!" I mumbled to myself. After the dinner our parents discussed about our marriages. I look at her and boy she looks very happy like a child who just got her candy. Can this woman just f**k off? "So how about we do the wedding next week?" My mom said happily grinning. I know she's happy it's been how long since my sister went home. Arabella went overseas to go to school. She just one day said that she like to transfer and my parents agreed to it. We all love her so much though it's hurt to be apart from her but it's her decision. "That's great idea Belle" Her father agreed. "So, were going to announce it in public tomorrow" My dad said I just listened to them since they will not listened to me anyway. Even Natalie didn't answered, her father only spoke for her and even her mom only answer single word. I don't know why. When Natalie speak she always eyed her father like she asked for approval. But whatever it's her problem not mine. And I don't care about her. Right now I am waiting in front of altar. Yes my friend it's the day, the dreadful day which mean I am getting married today. I am waiting for my bride to arrive though I am bored as hell right now. We only have simple wedding, only few friends are invited. Our family business partner Knight family, my friends and her relatives and etc. My mom said that the bride is arrive. Thank God! What does she think of herself? I been waiting for almost an hour here. My god! Then she marched towards to altar and I almost forget to breath. She looking beautiful as always. Her wedding dress suited her so much and she look like an angel came down from heaven. What the f**k did I said??  She came beside me and I took her hands. Her hands are trembling and I think she's nervous. We took a sit infront of the altar and the priest began the ceremony. I didn't pay attention to everything and just then the priest said "you may kiss the bride" I let out a big sigh and I glance at her and took off her veil. I noticed her cheeks tint in pink. Why would she embarrass? This is what she wanted right? I take a pick on her lips, just smack or lightly. Then I didn't bother to look at her. She grab my arm link it to mine. I just let her be since my parents looking at us happily. I don't want to ruin my parents happiness right now. "Congrats bro!" Daniel said to me as he patted my back and hug me. Then he turned to Natalie "welcome to the family Nate!" He said then he kiss her cheeks. I don't know why but I felt something in my chest. I didn't feel right what I saw. She smiled to me and I give her a lifeless expression. After the wedding we went to the simple celebration. It takes two hours to wrapped everything. We get inside the car and head to our house. Yes! We have our own house. My parents gift us a house of our own. They said as much as they wanted us to be with them but they rather want us have our privacy which I absolutely agreed. We reached to our house and went inside. We walked literally, she walked behind me like following me. I stop right infront of a room door. "This should be your room" I said then I walked away heading to my room. "We're not going to share?" She said as she fidgeted her fingers "Nope! I want my privacy. Do not bother to knock on my door or enter my room. Do you understand? I don't want anything to do to you!" Then I went inside my room which located across her room. I close the door of my room and took a shower getting ready for my sleep since I am too exhausted today. Morning comes, when I opened my eyes my nose smells the heaven scent of food. I went downstairs and what I saw stunned me the most. My wife, I mean Natalie is in the kitchen cooking looking so beautiful in her pajama.  She smiled to me when she feel my presence. "Take a sit, I will prepare the food!" She said then put some food in the table. We eat our breakfast silently, it's miracle though, I am thought she's going to be talkative and all sort of clingy wife. "I want to discuss few matters about this marriage. We will set some rules" I said to her as I finished my food. She look at me and nodded her head. She stuff bread in her mouth and she chewed it sexily. She keep biting and l*****g her lips since the Nutella slip on her lips. "f**k!"I course " stop doing that!" I hissed at her "Huh!!??" She look at me confused "Don't bite your lips and stop l*****g" I told her but I can't say it on her face. I tried to glance the other way. "Ok!" She said "So about the rules! 1. We are not going to share room 2. Do not disturb me 3. No need to act lovey dovey 4. No clinging 5. I can do whatever I want no questions 6. Do not tell anyone about the marriage That's all, if you have some addition you can put it" I said to her. "Why do we need it? We are married couple now?" She whined at me "Natalie, you can't make me love you. Even if you have to act very well in front of my parents but it will not work on me" I told her angry "I am not acting Emman!" She said "what are you talking about!" "Don't talk to me as if your not faking it that you want to be a doctor. The truth is you just want to make my parents like you that's why you said it!" I angrily answered her. "What did I do to you to deserve this? Did I do wrong? All I done is to love you!" She said and I think she's in the bridge of crying. s**t! I stand up since I can't take it when I saw a woman cry. I storm away from the kitchen leaving her. I can hear her sniffing and I know she's still crying. I don't care she's trying to trap and I will never be trap or played by her.
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