Chapter seven

985 Words
Natalie POV It's been five since I got married to Emman though we are married but we are like stranger. He always comes home late and I always waited for him . Sometimes I told myself just to leave him and give him what he wants. Emman went late as usual he do and he barged into my room. "Emman?" I said shocked "Sign this!" He said as he purposely throw the paper in the bed where I lay down. "What's this!" I asked as I grab it and read the what's written on it. "Sign the damn divorce paper and set me free. I don't want to be with you" He said to me. "But Emman I promise our parents to work this out. Please! " I said as my tears fall down from my eyes. "We can't work it out!" He said loud like he's screaming "Why?" I asked him "I will never love you. You are opposite to the girls I want" He said to me and that hurts like hell. "But you can try to love me and I promise to be a good wife!" I said trying to convince him "Why can't you understand that I don't like you. Forcing me to this marriage makes me hate you more, so if you want to be happy set me free. I will never love you and this marriage is doom already!" He barked at me "But.....!!!" Before I can finished he cut me off "I will expect you to sign it!" Then he left me stunned and hurt stood in my place. I am crying my heart out since the words he said is so hurting. Then one-day he came home all drunk and I can spot few hickeys in his neck. I am not born yesterday so I know what he did. But I love him too much and I can't seem to hate him even he's hurting me. A sound from phone disturb my reverie. It's a call from Anna. "Hey what you doing?" She asked me "Nothing! I am just thinking about what to do since it's summer and next month we are going to college!" I said lying to her "Come on! How about we go to club tonight and have some fun?" Anna said "You know I am not a club type of girl Anna!" I told her "Yeah! Wait I will make a group call to our friends!" Before I can protest she already calling Maria and Mandy. "What's this all about?" Mandy said "Guess what we are going to club!" Anna said in squeal "Huh?" Mandy said "Really????" Maria said. "So now let's prepare and we will go club Prestige. Let's meet in the usual spot ok?" Anna said and she hang up. So great! I need to dress up for the party  After I doll up myself, I grab my purse and went down to the garage and drive my car to our usual meeting spot. After meeting, we ended up went to each car and drive to prestige club together. We went inside the club and smell of alcohol reck all over the place. A lot of people talking, I mean more like making out rather than talking. I crunch my nose in disgust. "From the way you look, I think you dislike it here!" A whispered at the back of ears that makes me turn around and eye the person. "Hey!" Adam said in grin Adam is here so Emman is here too? "Yes!" He said "What?" I told him since I didn't get what he mean. "Emman is here!" He said to me laughing "Really?" I asked him "Yup! Actually he's enjoying himself right now. He's f*****g his long time hook up girl in this club!" He said grinning to me What? I didn't knew that! I felt a pain in my heart of what he said. Adam didn't know about our marriage it's still a secret to us. "Can you take me with him?" I asked him "Sure babe!" He said while he kiss my hand. I wipe my hands the place where he kiss. "You know what! It's a waste why a woman as beautiful and sexy as you always clinging to Emman when all he do is hurting you. Look around you, they are plenty of guys will love to love you!" He said to me as he reached my waist and grab it. But I blocked it and swatted his hands "Hands off Adam!" I told him angrily We reached in the VIP room. Wow! So they have they're own VIP room here. Adam open the door and I saw shocked me the most. More like hurt me the most Emman sitting in the edge of the bed while the girl straddling him almost all n***d. Her boobs can be seen and her skirt is up. I know he's doing this behind my back but seeing this personally it's a different story. I look at him at he look at me then he put the girl more like push her. Then he stand up and look at me. "What are you doing here? And why are you wearing?" He said to me in angry voice. I didn't bother to answer and I turn away. I think I had enough of it. I walked away more like running away from the place. I took my car and drive my way to the house. I went inside my room and cried myself out. I reached for the paper that he give me few days ago. I cried as I read it again after that I sign it before I change my mind and be a fool again. "What the f**k did you do out there????!!!" Emman voice rang in my room. I turn around and look at him shocked. I didn't noticed him barged in my room.
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