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Natalie POV I excitedly went to school since I can't wait to see Emman. I bet he knows already about the engagement thing. When dad said that his family will come along in the house to make a proper plan for the wedding I happily agreed though I can't understand why my mom eyed me with so much pain. Why? Is she not happy for me? I just ignored and went to school as early as the usual I went. I just want to see him. I quickly spotted Emman together with his friends in a bench talking. He saw me and stood up, he glance to me and nodded his head trying to communicate to me. I smiled secretly since this is the first time he initiated to talked to me. He stop inside the room and I went inside it too. I think the room is vacant since they're is no single students inside and it's was so quiet. I walked towards him as he took a sit infront. "Look! Tell your father to cancel the wedding and I also do the same!" He said as he look into me. I look at him confused "Why?" I asked him "Why? You asked? It's obvious I don't like you!" He said as like he spatted a venom to me. "But I do want to marry you!" I said truthfully "So? Your the one who requested your father to do this scheme? Are this desperate to have me?" He said angrily to me. I saw how he's eyes flashed like fire. "Emman I am not against it. You know I love you right!....." "Love me??? Do you know what that it means? I won't love you not in this lifetime! If you won't cancel this crazy stupid idea then you will have to suffer. I will make your life like hell!" He said to me. "Emman please! I really love you!" "Shout up! Your crazy b***h!" He said as he exited to the room. Leaving me all alone in the room and shocked to his outburst. I let out a small cry since this is not what I picture his reaction towards the engagement. I thoughts he will give it a chance. I wipe my tears and try to fucos "It's ok! He will love you later. Just be a good wife to him and everything will be alright!" I told myself After that Emman never bothered to talked to me. Actually the whole week of school. Saturday came and I am so excited since Emman and his family will come in our house. I dressed into my semi short red dress and I put my hair into bun. I hope Emman will find me beautiful in this. A knock on my room door disturb me from my imagination. "Miss, the guest are already arrive. Your dad asked you to come down!" She said then she exited I quickly put a red lipstick in my lips and I pouted. I went downstairs and I saw a beautiful woman and together with Mr. Martin, Emma's father and I bet the beautiful woman is his mother. Emman sitting in the corner of the sofa when he sense my presence, he glanced at me and I swear I saw shocked in his eyes but he quickly hide it will the his hard face expressions. The beautiful woman look at me smiling. "Is this my soon to be daughter in-law?" She said as I slowly walked closer to her. I nodded shyly to her and she hug me. "Glad to meet you! I am Ysabella, I am Emman's mother!" She said to me. "I bet Arabella will like you if she sees you!" She said to me. "Oh!!!!!" I said since I didn't knew what to say. " I am Natalie... You can call me Nate for short!" I said to her smiling. Emman narrowed his eyes to me and smiled towards him. But he ignore me. I thinks his mom witness it and she glared at him. Then she smiled to me. "Let's eat our dinner first then we can talk about the engagement process!" My dad said. "Of course!" Emman mother and father said in unison. I didn't see anybody other than Emman and his parents. I knew his not only child of his parents. "Sorry if Daniel and Arabella can't make it here. Daniel said he have important thesis to make and Arabella is busy with her studies abroad, so she can't make it here. But I bet she will love you dear!" Emman mother said to me. "Thank you Mrs Martin!" I said to her "Oh no please call me mom ok? Since Arabella is not here around, I am so happy that I will going to have a new daughter. I am so happy excited to do things together with you! What are your hobbies?" She asked me as we began to eat our dinner. "She loves to cook a lot and she loves to read!" My dad said as he bet me answering. "Really? So what do you plan taking in college?" She asked me again. I was about to answer her then my dad bet me again. "She plan to go to law school! Right honey!" Dad said in sweet voice, I know it's just for show since he knows that I don't want to be a lawyer. I look at him in hesitation. But he glared at me. I think Mrs. Martin sense the disagreement and she asked me again. "What your second option dear?" She asked me sweetly and she look into my eyes like she wanted me to say to her honestly. "I want to be a doctor!" I answered her honestly. I saw Emman eyes grows wide like he's shocked of my answer. What's so shocking about it? I heard a squealed and I look at Mrs Martin shocked. "My god! You want to be a doctor? Wow! My daughter wants to be a doctor too and you too? I am so lucky to have you both in our hospital. I am looking forward working together with you!" She said happily to me and she hug me. "Archer my daughter in-law wants to be a doctor just like me!" She said to her husband and Mr. Martin smiled to her lovingly "That's good dear! Ysabella is a surgeon and she actually managed the hospital business together with her bestfriend Emma Knight!" Mr Martin said. And I look at her with awed "Really?" I exclaimed and smiled to her. I saw at the corner of my eyes Emman look at me or rather than glared at me. I don't know why though. Did I do something wrong?
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