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Natalie POV I watched my mom how she scrambled and try to maintain her poise after what Dad said to her. I can never seem to look away. "What happen MoM?" I asked in concerned My mom look up to me and smiled then her eyes take a side glance of my father. Currently my dad has a visitor, he's name is Archer Martin. I know he's Emman dad and we are sitting in the dining room. "Natalie go to your room!" My dad barked to me "I am still eating Dad!"I said like I am stating an obvious He glared at me in response and my mom shook her head. "It's ok Travis, let your daughter finish her food!" Archer said, no wonder Emman is handsome because he's obviously handsome like his dad. "Do you want me to repeat myself!" He now starting to shout like it's a warning. I stood out since I don't want him to angry my mom will be the one face the consequences in the end. "Excuse Mr.Martin!" I said then I went to directly to my room. ******************* Third POV Archer look at the beautiful girl that exited in the dining room. If he is not mistaken, he think she's same age like his two son's. He didn't know why but he feel sympathy looking at Travis mother and daughter. "Can we discuss business now" Travis said to me. A lot of my friends said that he is ruthless and very hard man to deal. But the way I saw him dealing his family I can really say he's not a good man to deal. He's wife trying to act simple and natural but I know she's too afraid. He can never do that to his wife Ysabella. Just a name sound on his mind and he will smile. "So?" Travis began. "How about we will arrange marriage our children? I will give fifty percent amount of the money you wanted and half will be my shares in your company. You don't have to pay me for the money I just want your daughter to marry one of my son!" He said . Just the looks of it I know he likes my idea. Who doesn't want to? My two sons will inherit all my business "Why marrying off to my daughter?" Travis asked me "I will think she will make a good match to one of my son!" He simple answered him. "So the fifty percent money will be only given to me and I don't need to pay for it?" "Yes and I can still give you anything as long as I want my son to get married to your daughter!" He said He wanted to help Travis wife and daughter. He knows that he's not a good father and husband to them. "I don't think that a good idea Martin!" He said to him "Why?" He asked confused "What if your son doesn't like my daughter? What will happen?" Travis said "If my son asked to break their marriage then I will be give you the 100% capital amount in return for that. If he will asked to break the marriage and I think my son will not do that Travis believe me" "That's good!" He said smiling "But you will pay me 50% if your daughter asked to break the marriage Travis, so make sure she will not!" Martin said to him. "I will make sure of that!" With that they seal their agreement. All they need to do is to announce it to their family. **************************** Natalie POV A knock on my door disturb me from my reading. Yes I love to read and if I have free time I always choose to read rather than doing girly stuff. Everyone thought that I am those like bimbos whose brain as size as peanut. But I am not, even though I am cheerleader I study a lot and I have a good grades. "Hurry up!"Dad said out of patience "Coming!" I ran towards the door and open for him. Then he went inside my room and stood in front of me. Something tells me that things are not right. "I have something to discuss to you!" He said to me then he motion me to take my sit. I sit on side of my bed. "I want you to marry one of Martin son. He said he wants you to be his daughter in-law!" He said to me. "What?" That's all I can say. One of his son? Which mean? "He said he will let Emman marry you since the other one of his son is kind have a thing to his long time partner Xavier daughter!" Dad said to me. More shocking it is to me. I am getting married to Emman. I jump into my dad and he look at me confused. I never hug my dad and never been happy everything he does but right now I am more happy and I can't explain it. "So your ok with it?" Dad said "Yes dad!" I said excitedly "Good!" "When are we going to prepare the wedding then?" I asked him "Archer said that they will call me tomorrow since he will announce it tonight or tomorrow to his family!" I nodded and he keep talking and talking and I just simply nod my head in response even though I don't even know what he said. My mind is completely occupied of the thought that me and Emman will be in one roof soon. I am going to be his wife! My God I am so happy and I wanted to scream. My dad exited my room and I still happy like an i***t. I have so many plans in our marriage. Later did I knew that this will only the begin of my nightmare.
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