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Emman POV I drop my phone after I made a call to my only sister Arabella, that girl is our family pride and joy. Well she's only girl that's why we all love her so much. But the thing is that, she wanted to hide to someone. I didn't dig in so much about it since she said she wanted a little bit of her privacy. I frown as I went downstairs and look for my parents whose casually sitting on the couch and talking sweetly to each other. I admire them so much, being in love even how many years had passed. They still sweet and loving towards each other. Sometimes I hated it though, but I am thankful cause I am not one of those children who have parents who ended beating or fighting each other in front of them. That's why I am thankful. "Mom, Dad I am going to school now!" I said as I walked towards them and give them a kiss on the cheeks "Ok honey! And please remind Daniel to never have too much practice ok? I don't want you both to get fatigue" My mom said as she kissed me on my cheeks too. "Listen to your mom Emman. I don't want you both to be hard headed, you are responsible for our family someday when I retire from business" Dad said scowl at me. "Of course Dad! I will tell Daniel ok? So don't worry Mom! We will get home early. Promise!" I said as I run to the door and head next to my car to drive off to my school. As I arrived I walked down to the alley where almost girls eye r****g me. Like they wanted to drool over me. Girls are girls. They're just one particular girl that so very persistent in taking me out. She never bother anyone opinion about her . She always asked me out and I always declined her. She's beautiful, she's a cheerleader and smart too. It's just that I am not in my time to look for serious relationship right now. And I think I don't want to be tied up for some clingy girlfriend, who will drag you and nag you Every time she will see you with other girls. I love this life like this, I can go with anyone, anytime at any day, so why bother getting into trouble in having relationship? It sucks! "Hi Emmy! Do you want to go to cafe together? Or maybe somewhere?" A familiar voices ring on my ears. I turn around and there I saw her. Speaking of her. She's Natalie Anderson, she came from wealthy family, popular in school since she's very beautiful, sexy and smart. I have seen a lot of boys trying to hit on her but she just shrugged them off and always cling to me. "Nope! And kindly stop asking me out. I think other boys will be happy if you let them take you out instead of me!" I said then I leave her there. I don't want to argue or talking to her any longer. I heard a footsteps and I frown as I saw her trying to catch me the stop in front of me and trying to catch her breath. She signal her hand to stop and I stop. "Please.. i don't like them they're too touchy and they're not my type!" She said to me looking into my eyes. "So?" I knitted my eyebrows to her. "But I like you...!!" Before she could say another word, I cut her off. "And I also don't like you Natalie and please stop following me!" I said atlast I never heard her footsteps coming, thank God she heard my words. At long last, it's time for my last subject which is the science and I hated it since there's a lot of things to memories, those theories, test and everything. I slump into my sit next to my friends of course. And everyone snap their heads, just when someone walked in the door. I got curious and I also look. I saw her, she's wearing short black shirt with a oversize white shirt but I admit it looks good on her. She flipped her hair on the other side of her shoulder and boy she's f*****g sexy. She never took a glance on everyone whose looking or rather I say drooling over her, instead she look to me and give a sweet smile. I was shocked and I immediately look away. I heard a murmuring after. "Lucky bastard!" "s**t why can't she look at me" "What does she see in him?" "Why not me?" And so on and so forth. After the bell ring, I collected my things and went outside as fast as I can. I went to the parking area and I took a sit on the hood of my car. My friends came to me. "Dude, your one lucky guy!" Matthew said to me "What?" I asked in confusion "You know! Don't be too cocky man!" He add "I am not!" "You know about her. She's very into you but you never reciprocate her feeling!" Adam said to me "If it's me, I will gladly take her to my house and introduce her to my parents. Gezz, she's pretty, popular, beautiful, sexy, talented, smart and most importantly she's kind" Adam exclaimed to me. "Then asked her out!" I said in simple tone "As if! I done it hundred times already but she never glance nor give me a chance. She just want you!" They all said the same. "But I don't like her, she too clingy and too good two shoes for me!" I said. "I don't know of you are just blind or stupid" Matthew said to me. "I am not, my eyes are perfectly fine!" I snap at him. I am getting angry now. I stood up and I went inside my car. "Where are you going?" Adam knocking on my window "Home!" I said as I ran my car fast as I can. Why do I have to explained myself to them that I don't like that girl a bit? Just because shes beautiful , pretty and everything, do I have to like her back? That's stupid!
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