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mman POV "What?" I said out loud "Yes son!" My dad said "You can't be serious dad? Me getting married? I don't even have a girlfriend right now? What makes you think about that?"I said "Because you keep playing girls heart and I know you will come to like her anyway. She beautiful and smart!" Dad said to me "Dad whatever she is I bet I will never like her. Who wants to get married in arrange way? My God we are in modern world now and arrange marriage happened only in past!" I explained to him "Shout up Emman I didn't asked your opinion about it!" My dad snap at me I can't believe it and I look into my mom eyes but she keep avoiding me. Just great! "But dad! Can't you see I am still young and I don't want to get married too early. I want a marriage that will last long like you and mom!" I said as I massage my temple since I am getting headache from my dad announcement. "We are came from arranged marriage too son! You can give it a try!" My mom said trying to convinced me too. "That doesn't mean it work on you and it will work on me Mom! You know me better. I am not the type of person to be force by things I don't like to do!" I said "Whether you like it or not, its final! It's good for the business too!" Dad said as I watched him in horror. "What? This is for business?" I said in shocked "Yes!" Dad said simply answered. "Are you crazy? Why do we need this for business? We are already rich and for the business, as I can see it work pretty fine and it's now spread throughout the world. Why now?" I asked my dad. I can't believed this, we don't need this kind of agreement for business purposes. As just what I thought though! I guess I am wrong. "Don't give me that tone or answer Emman! I am still your father. Do not ever question my decisions for you!" He said in a serious voice. "Then who am I getting married?" I asked in curiosity "She's the daughter of Travis Anderson and she go same school just like you. So I think you knew her!" Dad said smiling to me. Oh s**t! The f**k! Anderson??? That clingy and super annoying girl? But still I need to clarify my dad. "Who?" I asked him "Her name is Natalie Anderson. Her father said she's good at school and I bet you knew her son! She's beautiful although not as beautiful as your mom!" My dad said in a twinkling eyes and glance towards my mom whose looking at him too lovingly. "Dad not her please!" I said in protest. "Emman I already told you. I will not take no for an answer!" My dad said. "We will go to their house this Saturday so we can plan and meet each family. I am expecting your best behavior at that time ok?!" Dad said "and you may go!" He said as he dismiss me I groaned as I walked outside his office room. I really don't want to get married especially to that girl. How can I love together with a girl whose basically so obsessed with me. I felt goosebumps when just thinking of her as my wife. What does my dad think now? How can it best interest for me and for the business? I grab my phone and dial my friends number. I asked them to meet me in our meeting area in the same club we used to play when we are bored. Yes! I know I am too young but you know rich people can do impossible things. I parked my car in the parking area and I went inside the club. A loud sound of music blast over my ears and I saw a lot of girls grinning and smiling to me like their inviting me. But I head towards the VIP section since it's a place where my friends like to hang out. As I reached them I take a sit and waiter immediately stood up for our orders. "So?" Matthew asked as he sip a glass of alcohol "What?" I asked him "You will not asked us here if you don't have any problem" He said to me "Nothing!" I don't want to tell them about my problem since I am not here for that. "Did you see hot girls out there?" I asked him "Yup! Actually Adam already hook up with one. Currently busy in the room!" Matthew laughed as he informed me. Knowing Adam, it's impossible for him not to stay put when we are in club. I went outside the VIP lounge after I took one shoot of tequila. I scanned all over the place if I can have some fun while I am here. But didn't took time since a girl with a short red dress, long blonde hair make her way to me. I smirk as I watched her sway her hips to grab my attention. "So...." She said as she whispered in my ears while her hands slowly roaming in my chest. I pressed her body and plunged my lips to her. We kissed hungrily like their is no tomorrow. We pulled out as we run out of breath. "Want to continue this to a quiet place perhaps?" She said as she battered her eyelashes sexily. I nodded and I guided her towards the VIP room. Yes! VIP customer have each room for privacy purposes, you know! ?? When we reached inside, I don't know how did we end up in bed together n***d. We just took each other like hungry lions eating each other. After we done, I took my clothes back and I watched her as she dressed up again. She smiled to me and slowly sitting on my lap. "Another round?" She said as she took off again her clothes. Fuck!! This girl is amazing f**k I swear . I didn't have to nod since she took off my clothes and hungrily kissed me again. We have s*x till we drop.
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