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Emman POV After my dad told me about the story how Natalie and me ended up getting married. I cursed myself for being bastard and asshole. My mom hug me and said to never give up. I was too shocked she didn't knew as well that we are being getting married in arranged marriage and the reason behind everything. Dad wants to protect her from her father since he can sense that Travis is not a good father and Natalie scared of him. He even saw how he maltreated his own wife. No wonder those bruises that I saw in Natalie mom wrist and face came from her father no doubt about that. But what scared me the most is what the consequences of our break up. Dad said if anyone of us initiated the break then the family will pay fifty percent share of his company. Meaning Natalie dad will pay from my dad. I bet he didn't take this good since I saw those bruises from his wife? What happened to my Natalie? Did he do something to her too? I will kill him for sure. She's my wife and I own her, he doesn't have the right anymore to her. It's been two weeks since Natalie left me. And I even try all her friends asking them where Natalie right now. But they don't have any idea. I missed her in our house. The scent of sweet strawberry in her room comforted me when I fell like I wanted to cry. I moved to her room cause I can't sleep without inhaling her scent. Right now, I am scrolling in our wedding photos. Her eyes glitter with so much happiness but I only treated her bad. I know she didn't deserve someone like me. I called her phone number once again since I wanted to hear her voice in the voicemail. "Hey I miss you... Where are you? Please tell me where you are. I will go and get you. Please Natalie reply to me just once please" I leave the message on her voicemail it's been 200 times already that I leave message on her number. I get up and try to make pancakes that she usually make every breakfast. I wonder how did she make it. It's super delicious and yummy. When will I able to taste it again? After finished cooking I went to the garden. I saw the gardener busy planting more flowers. Yes! I am upgrading our garden since she love to take care of them. And also I plan on renovating the house. I will put more extra room for our babies in the future. I grin as I emagine Natalie and me having our very own babies. One month later... The garden is already done but my Natalie did not return yet. I am still hoping she will come home and we can start all over again. Then my phone ring and take it from my pocket. I saw my dad name flashed on it. "Son I have a bad news to you!" He said "What?" I asked him "Natalie mom she died last night. According to my friend it's a suicide. But I don't believe it, I know Travis done something wrong!" He said to me. "Yes!last time I saw her she have so many bruises dad. That Travis done something. Oh my God... What about Natalie? Do you have a news about her?" I asked my dad "Nope! My friend said that Natalie is not in the house. They went to the parlor but she's absent, she's not there son!" Dad said in worry. "Then where could she be?" I asked "I will hire a investigator to find out about this. I swear I am going to make Travis pay if he done wrong to Natalie, she's my daughter in-law, no one can harm her!" My dad said in angry "Call me when you have news dad!"then I hang my phone. I went to the funeral of her mom and I saw Travis laughing in the corner with his businessman friends. He look at me and I went to his side . "Condolences Sir!" I told him But the truth I wanted to kill him. He smiled at me and I know that smiled means "Thank you!" He said. "Where's Natalie?" I asked him "where is my wife?" "I must be the one to asked you. You are her husband and as far as I know your living together right? So where is your wife? Or shall I say ex-wife?" He said to me. "She came to you!" I told him "Yes she came but she left and I don't know where she is right now! I am just glad that the two stupid and useless women of my life are gone for good" He said in whisper in my ears. I glared at him and eyeing him in disgust. "One day you will pay for this!" I told him and storm the way out of the funeral. As I went to my car, I noticed I silhouette of a girl wearing all black with cap in her head hiding in the back of the tree. Her head bow down like she's crying. I walked towards her but before I could go near her she noticed me. She quickly move away and I run fast to get her. But she's too fast. We reached a dark alley, she stood in the other side like she's catching her breath while I am on the other side. "Natalie is that you? Hey it's me! Let's go home, I been waiting for you to come home!" I said to her shouting She only glance a moment then she ran. I try to catched her again but she already gone. I kneel down and collapse to where I stood. She's near to me but I can't get her. "I miss you please come back!"
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