1189 Words

Natalie POV Six years later... "Excuse me but I believe something is wrong. My name is Natalie Anderson not Natalie Martin" I said correcting some typos error. The clerk glance at me and look at the monitor once again. "Ma'am but it's right! That's the correct name register here!" She said to me. "But I never submitted any legal papers acquainted with that last name ma'am!" I told her. "Yes! But it appears here that you are married Miss!" She said again. "What?????!!!!" I said shocked. That was shocking most of all. It's been six years, I flee from that place and bow myself to never come back. That place breaks me not just my heart but my world too. I tried to calm down myself and think, how did it end up my name is still the same when I already sign the divorce paper that he aske

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