Chapter nine

1128 Words
Emman POV My head is bursting with so much pain when I woke up. I get up and look around, I noticed I am not in my room. I frown hard and think what happened then the memory of last night flashed into me. Shit! I did horrible last night! I glance at the sheet of the bed and I saw blood on it. Oh no! I am acting bastard and asshole last night. I think I deserve a slap or kick from her. I hurriedly changed into comfortable clothes and went downstairs. I am getting ready of my apology as I enter the kitchen since I know she's cooking breakfast right now. I reached the kitchen but it's empty. Maybe she's in the garden since she love to water the plants every morning. Yes I know! It makes me smile when I saw her singing the plants while she watered them. Sometimes I can hear her talking to them. I reached the garden but she's not there too. I frown and think she's not in the room too since I came from there. Where can she go at this time of day? It's early in the morning and she's not all over the house. "Natalie!!!!!" I shout since I am running out of patience now. "Natalie!!!!" But I didn't hear any footsteps came from her. Where are you???? I whisper to myself I went to my room and washed since she's not here I washed first then maybe after washing she will be arrived. Maybe she ran to grocery to buy some stuff or food. I am singing while I put shampoo in my hair . I didn't knew but I feel happy knowing that I am her first makes me proud. I smile like i***t. I think she's right, we need to give our marriage a chance. Yes a chance! Maybe we can be happy and build our own family. I hope she's not angry to me of what I done to her last night. Then all the sudden I remembered her in the club with Adam. She saw me with other girl in the bar room like we are almost n***d and have s*x. I am screwed big time!! What if she.... No! Don't think of anything else. She's Natalie, she will never gets angry at you. She love you like crazy. Yeah that's right! I smiled and I exited the door of my washroom. I again went downstairs after I finished changing new clothes. I frown since the house is still silent. Where did she go? "Natalie are you in here!!!" I knocked to her room. Since no one answered I open the door . I went inside and I noticed something is not right. Her closet is open and I did not notice anymore her suit case. My hands began sweating and my body began shaking, I can feel my eyes watered, this can't be happening. I checked her closet and some of her clothes are missing. Maybe she's angry and went to her parents house. I dial her number and call. But the call only reached the voicemail. She will never cancel my call. I dial again and again but it always went to her voicemail. My eyes caught a familiar paper in the night stand. This time my heart pounding like crazy now. I reached and look at the paper. It's a divorce paper that I hand her few days ago. I put my signature on it and try to sign her that day but she did not. I can hear my heart break when I saw her signature above her name. This can't be happening. She will never leave me, she told me she love me and she will try everything to make this work. I sit down and hug my knees crying. I get up and decided to go to her parents house, it's not too late to fight for this right? As I drive heading to her parents house my chest almost out because of too much nervousness. I hope she will forgive me. Thank God the maid allowed me to get inside. She said she will called Mrs. Anderson. "What are you doing here?" Mrs Anderson asked me like she's confused "Is Natalie here? Can I talked to her?" I asked her nicely "She's not here!" She said but my eyes catches her face with bruises. "What happened to your face Mam?" I asked her as I try to turn her. "Get outside the house. She's not here anymore!" She said to me "Where is she?" I asked her. I look into her then she stared into my eyes. "Let her be! I know she suffered so much in your side! Let my daughter have her freedom and be happy!" She said then she turn around. But I grab her wrist making her flinched. I saw bruises in her arms too. "Mam what happened to you? You have too many bruises in your body. Do you want me to take to hospital?" I asked her "Just do me a favor. Do not bother to come here anymore!" Then she walked away from me. The sight of blood on her dress caught my eyes. What happened in here? And where is my Natalie? I exited her parents house and went to our house again. But the house is empty, I didn't hear any noise anymore. Then I heard a ruckus, the door of my house opened revealing my dad whose looking angry and my mom who looks worried. He yank me and about to punch me but my mom stopped him. "What did you do to her!!!!" Dad shouted at me. They knew??? I looked at him confused "Don't look at me like that, Natalie dad inform me that Natalie said she's breaking the marriage!" He said out loud. "Yes she left a sign divorce paper in the table!" I answered him "What the f**k did you do???" He said then I told him about what happened last night. My dad punched the hell out of me. And my mom cried so hard looking at us. "How dare you do that to her. You don't know what kind of animal her father is! I bet she's suffering right now!" My dad hissed at me. What??? "What are you talking about? Didn't she a daddy's spoiled girl? She asked her father to make an agreement to you to marry me right? Because she can't have me she literally want to force me into this marriage!" I told him "That's what you think of her???? How could you this low Emman! I am ashamed of you calling you my son!" "You want to knew the truth, I will tell you!"
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