Chapter 53

1946 Words
MIRA “Why are you only telling me this now?” Archi asked her over the phone. Exasperated. Mira, after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend Archi, ran out of the country when she discovered she’s pregnant. With the help of her friend Andrei, she flew to Denmark and worked there. “Archi” she started. “I’m sorry. Truly, I am” she apologized. “But we just broke up and I was the one who decided it” she sighed. “It was me, and then I discovered about my pregnancy and I was just overwhelmed. What am I supposed to say? ‘I’m sorry, I made a bad call. Let’s get back together, after all?’” She heard Archi sighed on the other line. “I’ll come there” he said. “Okay. Take Aro with you” she told him. Aro is Archi’s boyfriend and the most beautiful human being she has ever laid her eyes upon. At least, that’s what she thinks now that she’s pregnant. It might just be the hormones. “Why?” Archi asked. “We might need someone with a sound, logical mind with us” she replied. “Plus, he’s really handsome. I want to look at him, who knows our child might be as pretty as him” she beamed forgetting completely that she just told Archi she’s six months pregnant. “Mira” he started. “The only reason Aro will look like our child is if he happened to be the father” Archi continued and sighed again. “We’ll book the earliest flight we can get” he said. “Okay” she answered and cut the call. She sighed. But that’s what the old people said. During conception, when you always want to see someone, he or she will look like your child. Wouldn’t that be nice? My child will be so handsome, she smiled. “You’re doing it again” TJ suddenly said. He is one of her friends back in the Philippines, and now they’re housemates sharing the same unit. “What?” she asked. “You’re smiling by yourself” he answered. She knows he’s usually very stern and sarcastic, but at least he’s trying not to be so condescending like usual. “We might have visitors soon” she told him. TJ looked at her waiting to know who will be visiting them. “It’s Archi and Aro” she said. “Is that why you’re smiling? Because you’ll see your ex-boyfriend again?” he asked referring to Archi. “I’m smiling because I’m going to see his boyfriend again” she said referring to Aro. TJ seemed to be used to the weirdness of her pregnancy he doesn’t even crouch his eyebrows anymore. “What do you want for dinner?” he asked. “I don’t know” she said. “Ugh! Can we just go for a walk first? I want the air” she requested. It’s TJ’s time to sigh. “Fine” he answered. “But think about the food. You might survive with just the air, but the baby won’t” he said taking coats. “Let’s not stay out long, it’s already starting to get rainy this time of the month” he said. It’s July and he’s right. Rain is frequent but that’s just the way she likes it. They walked out of the hotel and saw Carlos, one of the few Filipinos working at Hotel Luna. “Hi, Kuya Carlos” she greeted. “Hello! Out for a walk?” he asked and she just nodded. As grumpy as he is, she can still feel TJ tolerating her. A lot of workmates have asked her if TJ is the father of her child. She tells them no, sometimes people give them compliments like, ‘what a nice couple’ when they go out for a walk. TJ doesn’t take the time to explain anything but of course, she doesn’t want them to get the wrong idea. It might create a conflict for TJ later on when he starts his own life. After two weeks, Archi and Aro arrived at Nordvest, Copenhagen. TJ fetch them from the airport and to the hotel. They will stay at their unit. There were three rooms at their unit, TJ occupied one, and Mira the other. “There’s no CR or BR in this room, you’ll use the bathroom there” he pointed at the room beside the kitchen. The other two nodded while TJ walked at Mira’s door and knocked twice. Not long after, the door opened and Mira came out with a wide smile. “Aro!” she exclaimed and almost run to hug him. Aro hugged her just as tight she does. “Nice seeing you, too, Mira” Archi sarcastically said. “Wow” Aro told her when they stopped hugging. “Just wow” he repeated. “Look at you. This is what you and mom talked about that day?” he asked looking at her baby bump. She nodded and still smiling. “What? Who talked to whom about what, when?” Archi asked in less than two seconds. His voice is tinted with slight annoyance. TJ’s looking at him with an almost permanent grin on his face. “You, stop that” he told TJ. TJ just shrugged. “What’s going on?” Archi asked Aro and Mira. “Before I left, I told Tita Dolly about my pregnancy” she confessed. Archi looked like he’s about to say something he might regret so Mira cut him off quickly. “She has the experience of being a single mother” she softly said. Archi sighed. “You know what, you’re both tired. It’s half a day’s travel” she said trying give Archi the time to calm down. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him” Aro whispered to Mira. “Ugh!” TJ said with twice the eyerolls he usually does. Aro looked at TJ and then to Mira. “Do you deal with this every day?” he asked. “Too much stress is not good for the baby” he added. “Oh yeah, there are stress involved, not to her. But there is” TJ told him. Mira smiled at Aro. “Yeah. He kinds of put up to me, with all the pregnancy thing” she said. Aro looked again at TJ who shrugged with a grin. Aro’s forehead creased. “Let’s take this inside” Archi said taking the luggage to the room TJ pointed they’ll use for the rest of their stay. “No, wait!” Mira shouted they all looked at her. Mira cupped Aro’s face and stared at him with a bit of a smile. “What are you doing?” Archi asked Mira who didn’t even cut her stare to Aro. “You’re so pretty I can just eat you” she said to Aro. Aro’s eyes widened. “That is so wrong in all the levels I know!” Archi quickly said, voice a bit raised and pointing at Mira and Aro. “That is so weird!” he added. “Oh, no. The ‘weird’ doesn’t stop there” TJ said clearly enjoying the show. He then looked at Mira. “What food is he?” he asked her. “Something sweet, like a cotton candy. Or ice cream, or maybe a strawberry shortcake?” she said still just staring at Aro. “Now, I can feel the weird” Aro said. “I won’t eat you” she told Aro. “Oh, yeah I can hear it now” she said laughing awkwardly and letting go of Aro. “Yeah, you should go inside” she told them. “Oh, you’re still there. Hi, Archi” she said continuing to laugh. Archi looked at her with amazement with what just happened and shook his head. He then caught a glimpse of TJ who’s grinning at him. “You stop that” he said before going inside the room. “I miss Tita Dolly’s paksiw” she said after having their dinner. It was TJ who cooked their dinner. Chicken adobo, rice and scrambled egg. “Mom misses you too” Aro told her. “Every day she just asks, ‘did she contact you yet?’ or ‘is she okay, there?’ just every single day” he said. “Now I know, it’s because she knew you’re pregnant” he added. “Who else knows about it?” Archi asked. “Anyone you told this about, except me” he asked. “Andrei” she answered. “Andrei” Archi repeated. “He just happened to be there, when I learned about it” she explained. “And he knows about it when you decided to work here” he continued. “Alpha” Aro called him, trying to stop whatever it is he’ll say next. “Archi, I understand you are upset, that’s the reason I’ve been apologizing. But really, what do you want us to do? Cut you in half?” she asked him. Getting her point, Archi seemed to calm down. They were having coffee in the living room, Mira’s having her maternal milk. She’s sitting next to TJ and when he’s about to take a sip, “here comes another weird” he said followed by Mira sniffing at the cup just a few inches away from TJ. Archi and Aro just stared at Mira. “Wow” Aro’s lost for words. “Anyway” he started. “Hypothetically speaking, if we really are to cut Alpha in half, which part are you going to choose?” he asked smiling a bit silly. Mira and TJ also started to laugh. “I mean, if you ask me, Alpha’s not that much of a talker. You won’t miss that part” he continued laughing in between. “We won’t cut him” Mira replied “Thank you” “Crosswise” she continued saying it at the same time Archi said thank you. Archi stared at her. “I mean, the fairway is to cut him lengthwise, so we’ll just have half of everything equally” she continued. TJ’s laughing silently. “I am just here” Archi said as if they’ve completely forgotten him being there. Mira and Aro smiled at him. “Do you need anything?” he asked. “For the baby, milk bottles, diapers, anything?” Mira looked at him. “I already bought some clothes, towels, baby shampoo, and all. I didn’t buy milk yet, since I’m hoping I can breastfeed him for at least two years. But I can’t say for sure, Doc told me we’re not sure yet if I’ll be able to produce milk” she said. “He’s a he?” Archi asked, starting to smile widely. “Yeah, no. I don’t know. I just thought, maybe he’s a he” she smiled. She told the doctor not to tell her the s*x of the baby, so she just knows that the baby is healthy, have two hands and two feet. Complete fingers. That’s okay. Everything will be a surprise when she finally delivers. Archi smiled, really brightly. He sat nearer to Mira and started to touch her baby bump. “Are you a he?” he started talking to her stomach. Mira smiled looking at Archi looking happy about their baby. “Are you going to be my junior?” “No” Aro and Mira said in unison. Archi just laughed. TJ continued sipping his coffee, looking at Mira and Archi.
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