Chapter 54

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TRISTAN JAMES They just went to see Archi and Aro off to the airport after them staying at their unit for almost a week. “Are you really okay with this?” he asked Mira. “With what?” Mira asked him. “With the whole situation. To be honest, I’m kind of weirded out too. You on the other room and your ex and his current boyfriend on the other” he smiled. Mira looked at him and sighed. Oh, no. Did I cross a line again? He asked himself. He doesn’t recognize sometimes. “I don’t know. It’s weird, but I’m not hurt about it. I’m not jealous or anything. Maybe my baby’s taking out all my negative emotion, so buckle up for a dark spawn in three months” she replied. He laughed. “You know, I thought you didn’t tell me about your flight because you’re mad at me” she told him while driving back to the hotel. “Mad at you for what?” he asked. “You know, the coffee” she answered. He crunched his eyebrows. “What coffee?” he asked. Mira laughed. “Before you go, we had that dinner. And I ask you if you want coffee, with Yuan and Andrei and—” “Oh, yeah. I remember” he said smiling. He laughed remembering it. Before their life in Denmark, they became friends through a mutual friend, Archi who is her boyfriend at the time. Before his flight to Denmark, they had a dinner, but they got on each other’s nerve she told him she doesn’t have coffee, with the coffee just behind her. “I’m not mad about it” he told her. “I’m glad, I like having you around” she said. Ah, this again. He thought. Three months later “Hello, Archi? Can you hear me?” TJ asked on the phone. He can’t hear anything from the other line. “I said Mira’s giving birth today!” he heard heavy breathings on the other line. “Yes, I heard you the first time. We’re already booking the flight” he answered. “Ask Andrei, I think Mira also ask him to come” he said. After cutting the call, he went back to Mira’s room. It’s a private room, everything is covered by the employer thanks to Andrei. He even had Mira given four months paid maternity leave. “Hi” he greeted Mira as soon as he got back to the room. “It’s only six centimeters dilated, I am here for twenty-five days!” she shouted. That’s not true of course. They’ve only been there since this morning, but still, it looks like she’s really suffering. “I already talked to Archi” he told her. “What good can that do, TJ? Is he going to cut my belly open and pull out his son? If so, then please, by all means, tell him to hurry up” she said. Ah, he never thought Mira have this kind or cranky side in her. “Ahhhhh, here’s another one again!” Mira shouted as she felt another contraction coming. She’s crying really loud. And that’s been going on since nine in the morning. He’s been trying to call Archi since morning but he only got a hold of him at three in the afternoon. “Baby, come out already. Don’t make your mom suffer too much” he said to Mira’s belly. “TJ, I’ve been saying that too him since this morning. This child, he’s deaf” Mira said panting. “I’m dying today, TJ” “You’re not dying today, Mira” he said. “Let’s just do this, do you have name for him yet?” he asked trying to divert her frustrations even for a little while. Mira seemed to calm down. “I was thinking Ezekiel” she said. “Wow, we’ll get along nicely. Name-wise” he grinned. “What?” Mira asked starting to get annoyed again. “Mira” he said sounding a little hurt. “My name is Tristan James, James” he added. “Oh” she nodded. “Oh! Here’s another one! I can’t do this anymore! TJ tell them to cut me open already” she said crying again. “Mommy, we can’t do that. You are perfectly capable of normal delivery, you can do this” her doctor said entering her room. “Let’s just check how far we are” she said and checked between her legs. TJ’s eyes quickly avoided it and cupped Mira’s face. “So, about the names” he said again. “That’s his name if he’s a he, what’s if it’s a she?” he asked. “What?” she asked getting annoyed again. “Is he a she? Did you ask the doctor? Did he ask you?” she asked the doctor. “I didn’t! Why would I do that?” he sighed. Patience TJ, patience he told himself. “He didn’t, and I won’t tell anyone without your consent” the doctor said smiling. “Mommy, let’s just wait for a little more while, you’re already eight centimeters dilated. Just a little more—” “What?” she said to the doctor with a really annoyed voice. She looks like she’s about to slit the doctor instead. “Mira, it won’t take that long—” “I will kill you if you finish that sentence, oh!” she said having another contraction. Her hand on his arm squeezing it. “Ouch” he said. “I will make you pay for this for the rest of your life, Mira” he whispered. Today feels like twenty-five days already. Pressured, scared, excited, all in one day. “So, going back, what’s the name if it’s a girl” he continued. “I don’t know” she said. “Can I name her?” he asked smiling. “What do you have in mind?” she asked him. “You have to say yes first, before I say it” he grinned. “No way! What if you name my daughter Conchita? She will be Conching the rest of her life!” and then she shouted again. Contraction. Somehow, TJ didn’t seem to mind this contraction. He also heard the doctor laughed. “Fine, I’ll tell you. I want her to be Astoria” he said. Mira looked at him, no emotion. “She will be Amelia Astoria, if that is to your liking your highness” “That’s the most beautiful” she didn’t finish what she’s about to say and started sobbing. “Okay, mommy and daddy. I will be back later” they didn’t hear the rest of it. Mira’s sobbing ugly cries about the name and he’s thinking about the doctor saying he’s the daddy. It made him happy. “TJ!” Mira’s crying uncontrollably. Five hours later, they’re at the delivery room. Her right hand squeezing both his hands and her left hand pulling his hair. “I can’t do this anymore” she cried. Archi will be here tomorrow, the earliest flight they can book is twelve midnight. Andrei will also be there. After a few hours, everything will be okay. “It’s okay, Mira. You can do this. After this you’ll meet him” he told her in a very calm voice. Mira shook her head. “He doesn’t want to come out!” she continued crying. “Are you going to live there for the rest of your life!?” she shouted at her belly and cried again. “Okay, mommy, at the count of three you push again” the doctor instructed her. They stayed there for another two hours before they heard the baby cry. They both looked at the doctor. “It’s Astoria” she said smiling. She bathe her first before putting her in TJ’s arms. “Astoria” he called. He didn’t know what to feel. He never felt so happy and emotional at the same time in all his life. “Look at you, so beautiful. You will be my favorite dark spawn that ever crawled the planet” he told the baby. After doing a few stitches and checking her blood pressure, the doctor gave Mira her child and she started breast feeding her. Mira cried for a while saying it hurts. “Astoria” she said. “I thought you’re Ezekiel all this time” she continued still emotional. “Thank you” she told TJ. “Wow, now you can feel such gratitude after pulling her out of your body” he joked. She laughed. “You really are a dark spawn” he told the baby who can’t completely open her eyes yet. “I never knew you have that in you. Naming such a beautiful name to my baby” she’s still crying. “Look at her” he said. Astoria’s trying to shake her head while letting a really silent hum. They’re laughing.
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