Chapter 52

1545 Words
ARO “My, my” Ara told her father who just entered the living room from the kitchen. “Tardiness is unbecoming of a gentleman” she scolded Aro, the English way. Aro smiled at her, she’s using big words for a small child. “Are we not doing tea party today, daddy?” she asked when she noticed Aro didn’t move from where he’s standing. “Oh, of course we will. We still have three parties, right?” he asked. “Daddy, what are you talking about? We only have two parties left” she answered. “Oh, I invited Papa Nico but he told me he’ll attend the last party. Come, come. Would you like to join me, Sir?” she asked his father, Peppa Pig style. “Why, of course. Thank you for having me today, my lady” Aro replied removing his shoes and joining Ara’s little tea party. “It is my pleasure” she answered as she pours tea to his cup. Aro smiled sadly watching his daughter. His sweet, beautiful daughter. Would you trust a stranger to love your daughter? Even though she’s not his blood? It’s what Alpha’s father said that continue to resound in his ears. You are not my blood, but I love you. More than my own life, he said in his head. As if Ara could hear it. A tear fell from his eye and he quickly wiped it. Ara didn’t even notice. “Baby” he called. Ara stopped slicing the cupcake and looked at his father. “Will you hug daddy first? I think something’s breaking inside me” he said and smiled. Ara quickly stood up and went to hug Aro. “What’s wrong, daddy? Why are you broken again?” she asked. “I jumped over the fence earlier. I think that’s when something broke inside” he said “Oh, daddy. The fence is there so you will walk through the gate” she sighed and shook her head. She continued hugging him, though. “It’s okay daddy. You will heal soon” she comforted him. Aro smiled. “I’m sure I will” he replied. Aro knew someday he has to tell Ara the truth about her parents. That he isn’t James. He’s just someone her mother accidentally trusted her with. It’s such an unfair way of thinking. Why can't he love her just because she isn't his blood? Children are the easiest people to love because they’re just children. They weren’t there because they chose it, they were born and they love you already. Someday, he will tell his daughter. But not now. Too much stress will not help her in her current situation. “Daddy” Ara called while hugging Aro. Aro just made an ‘hmm’ sound. “It’s okay. You can go and visit Tita Mira” she said. “Really?” Aro asked. “Yeah” she simply answered. “Make sure my baby sister is healthy” she added. “We don’t know yet if she’s a sister. What if it’s a brother?” he asked Ara who then looked at him blankly while sitting on his lap. “Can we return him?” she asked. Aro laughed. “Good night, baby” Aro whispered as he tucked Ara in her bed. Ara’s already sleeping when her father put her there. He put her lights to dim, since she tends to wake up and just stand beside him. He went to his room and look at his phone. There’s a message from Alpha. I already booked the flight, said one of the text. It’s two tickets. You’re coming, right? And that’s the other one. It was sent three hours ago. He went to his bathroom and washed his face and brushed his teeth. He’s wiping his face with a small towel when the door opened and then there’s Alpha. “Hi” he greeted. “Hey” Aro greeted back. “Did you read my text?” he asked and started to walk inside the room. “Don’t close it” he quickly said when he saw Alpha about to close the door. “Ara might wake up and come here. She’s not very patient when she just woke up” he said. “I read your text and I’ll go visit Mira with you” he answered going back to his question. Alpha nodded and started to position himself in bed. “What are you doing?” Aro asked. “We can’t do this here, Alpha” he said. “Why not?” Alpha asked back. “My daughter” he started and sighed. “She’s weird. You will not notice her, but she just pops in the corners of the room. She won’t say a thing. She’ll just stare. This is not something I want her to watch” he said. Alpha laughed. “Okay” he conceded. “But I still want to sleep here. I won’t do anything, and give your daughter a live show” he added. He laid in bed watching Aro wipe his neck. “Why did Mira even chose to live there? The tickets are so expensive” he complained. “Want me reimburse you?” he asked. “No. Even though it’s you Mira really wanted to see” he complained. “No, thank you” he said pouting. “You can’t blame her” Aro told Alpha. “Why not?” he asked. “I’d also choose to see me” he said. A smile quickly formed on Alpha’s face and shook his head. “Hey” he started. “If Mira and I have a daughter, I’ll also trust you with her” he said. Aro smiled. “Really?” he asked softly. Alpha nodded. “I saw how you love your daughter. I want to have someone like that, too. And even if you won’t love her the same as your daughter, I will dote on her too much she won’t even notice it” he said smiling. “Really?” Mira asked excitedly over the phone. “Tell me you’re not joking Aro, you’ll visit, right?” she continued asking. “I am” he answered. He heard Mira squealed. He chuckled. “No! I told you, put the apples in the water” she whispered. But he can still hear it. “You said you want apples” he heard someone answer Mira. “I said, I want water with apples” and then she squealed, which sounded different from a while ago. It sounds like she’s in pain. “Fine, fine, fine! I’m sorry. I’ll put the apples in the pitcher” the man told her. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked Mira. “Yeah. There was just a bit of agony, but I’m fine” she answered. Aro scratched his head. “You want to drink your water with apples floating in it?” he asked. “Yeah. I’ve been craving for it” she quickly answered. “And who’s the poor slave?” he asked her. “Oh, it’s TJ. He’s not a slave. I’ve been so good since I arrived here. He doesn’t have any complaints against me” she proudly said. Aro almost ‘whew’ with what Mira just said. “Anyway, when are you coming here?” she asked. “Tomorrow night’s the flight” he answered. “Oh, I can’t wait to see you” she said with such a sweet voice. He chuckled again. “Yeah, Alpha’s also coming with me” he said. “Oh, of course. Yes, yes. Archi” she said and then giggled. “Of course, he’ll be with you. There’s no way I’ll forget about him” she added. He laughed silently. This is what Alpha’s talking about. “I’ll see you tomorrow Mira” he said. “Oh, I can’t wait to see you again” she said. “Hearing your voice just isn’t enough” He chuckled and heard the beeping sound after Mira ended the call. “Who is it?” Alpha asked when he put his phone down the table. He just walked in their kitchen. “It’s Mira, asking about the flight” he answered. “Unbelievable” he said. “The only time she called me was when she told me about the pregnancy. And she didn’t even call just for the sake of telling me. She called me so she can see you again” he complained. “Alpha, it’s part of the pregnancy thing” he defended Mira. “If I'll ever feel sorry for anyone, it’s for TJ who’s suffering under her dictatorship” he added. “Oh, yeah. He’s there too. What’s up with those two?” “You can ask her yourself tomorrow” he said continuing to slice the papaya for Ara. “Did you deal with this too? With your ex-wife?” he paused. “Wow. This is so weird. Why do I have to deal with these? You having a wife, my ex-girlfriend craving to see you” he sighed and stared blankly on their wall. “Alpha, you just tend to like weird people” he grinned.
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