Chapter 51

1749 Words
“Papa Nico!” Ara jumped to Nicholai who caught her midair and carried her to the kitchen. “Hi, dad” Aro greeted while holding a frying pan. He’s wearing an apron with ‘hotcake hot captain’ printed on it. It was a gift from Harold and Mathew. “Hey” Nicholai smiled to his son and sat on the dining area. “Aren’t you just the prettiest person in the world?” Nicholai said. “Thanks, dad” Aro replied and he heard Ara giggled. Aro looked behind him and saw his father with Ara on his lap. “Oh, you’re talking to Ara. Ha-ha! I’m just joking” he said laughing a bit. “Hi, Aro. Oh, hello Sir” Alpha said as he walked in from the back door. “Hello” Nico answered. Aro looked at him. He doesn’t know how his father think of him. He was born on a different time, where culture is restricting. Of course, the society is a little more accepting now, but he’s different since he’s not like Alpha’s parents or his mom who saw them growing up together. “Hey, what’s up?” he asked Alpha. “Mira called me” he answered sitting to the chair opposite to his father. Aro’s about to ask when Dolores came rushing in, broomstick still in her hands. She was sweeping the backyard. “What is it? Who is it? Mira called?” she asked quickly. He looked at his mother furrowing his eyebrows. “Yes, mom. Why? Is there something wrong?” “I don’t know. What did she say? How is she?” she continuously. “Wow” Aro said looking at his mom. “Seriously, mom. Is she a lost daughter of yours?” “Will you stop it” she hissed at Aro who raised both his hands up. “What did she say, Archi?” she asked Alpha again. “She’s” Alpha paused. “She’s pregnant” Aro saw his mother look at her left, eyes rounder than usual. He shook his head. She knew about it. “How far along is she?” he asked. “She’s six months pregnant” he answered. “Did you tell your mom about this yet?” he asked. “Not yet” Alpha answered. “Why not?” Dolores asked. “Your mother will be so happy. She's always dreamed of having a grandchild” she added. “What are you talking about?” Ara asked them. “Tita Mira’s having a baby” Dolores told Ara. “A baby!” she exclaimed. “A baby sister!” she shouted and raised her arms. “Will you come with me and see her?” Alpha asked him. Aro looked at his daughter. “Alpha, I don’t think I can—” “Aro, darling, you can go. We’ll take care of Ara” Dolores said. “You go and see Mira. And see for yourself how she's doing there” his mom said. It's more of a command than a request. “Mom” he said trying to complain. “She does want to see you. I think there's a good chance she wants to see you more than me” Alpha added. “She's saying something about wanting our child to look like you” he sighed. “You didn't sneak in our room, by any chance, did you?” he asked. “Fine, I'll go” he said. “Where are they going?” Ara asked. “They will go and check how’s Tita Mira” Dolores answered Ara. “Daddy, you should buy the baby milk. Is she going to live with us?” she asked. “I don’t know yet, baby. Will you be okay here? Daddy will be gone a few days” he said. “And when you come back, you have my sister?” she asked smiling widely. “No” he sat near his dad. “Baby, the sister is still inside Tita Mira. I can’t take her home yet” he told her smiling amusedly. “Oh” she answered. “If it's a boy, don't take him home” she added. Aro chuckled. Aro looked at Alpha sitting quietly. “Congratulations, Alpha. Why the long face? Shouldn’t you be celebrating? You’ll be a dad now” he said. “I don’t know. Can we go outside and talk?” he asked. They walked out and to the mulberry tree between their yards. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “I was thinking if we made the right decision” he started. “What do you mean?” Aro asked. “We’re having a baby. Do you think I should ask her to get back together? Give our baby a complete family?” he asked. “If you do, will you be happy?” Aro asked back. “Whatever your decision is, I’m all for it. We’re not teenagers anymore where we can try whatever we want and figure things out from there” he said. “We have kids now, you and me both. So whatever your decision is, stand by it. After you made up your mind, you can come back and ask me again to go with you, or not. I don’t think Mira will easily agree to get back together with me there” he said. He was about to go back inside when Alpha called him. “Aro” he called. “You know I love you” he said. “I do. And I love you, too” Aro answered. “But things are different now. I have a daughter, and soon you will have, too. Or a son. I can’t introduce you to Ara as my partner and then tell her we broke up. It’s confusing as it is now. Make up your mind and stick to it” he said. “I want to give her a complete family” he said. “Alpha” he started. “I grew up with just mom with me. I never felt I have an incomplete family” he said and went back to the kitchen. Alpha watched him walk back to their house. ALPHA “Hi, Ma” Alpha greeted as soon as his mother walked inside the kitchen. She’s carrying grocery bags and his father Arthur followed her carrying boxes, probably groceries too. “Hi” she greeted back. “You’re here” she said. “What?” he asked. “I thought you’ll be at the neighbor’s by now” she said. He doesn’t know where to begin. His mother’s always on edge when Mira and him broke up. “Ma” he said. “Mira’s pregnant” he said. Aya and Arthur stopped what they were doing and stared at him. “What? When?” Aya asked. “She’s six months pregnant” he told them. His parents didn’t say anything for a while, as if trying to absorb what he said. “So, what now?” his mother asked again. “We’ll go there, and visit her” he said. “We? You and Aro?” she asked. He nodded. Aya nodded too. “Do you think she’ll let us see her child?” she asked. “Why wouldn’t she?” he asked. “Well, why would she decide to live abroad?” Aya asked. “To move on?” Alpha answered. “Whatever the case, visit her and ask what she needs. Milk, vitamins, or anything for your baby. Should she ask you to marry her, you will” his father said. Normally, he’ll just nod and agree with him because everything that he says make sense. Even now, it makes sense. He walked to the kitchen door and saw Aro carrying Ara. He signaled him to come to their house. He saw Aro furrowed his eyebrows and sigh. Not long after, Dolores came and took Ara from him. Aro held the branch of the mulberry tree and jumped to the fence. “What?” he asked sternly. They just talked about the same thing, after all. He pulled his hand and took him inside their kitchen. His parents looked at them with serious faces, especially Aya who haven’t really came around yet. “I’ve always said yes to whatever you say, Pa. Because everything you say just make sense to me. Everything. Even now, it does. But I just can’t right now” he said. Arthur and Aya looked at him, taken aback with what he said. “I tried to ask Mira to marry me. I did. But she said no. Maybe because she saw how I really felt, I do love her, but I will never love anyone as much as I love Aro” he said. “I will support Mira with everything she needs and with everything our baby needs. But, it’s Aro I will marry” he said. Aro looked at Alpha and then to Arthur and back to Alpha. It’s true, he never said no to his father. But now he did. And it’s because he’s choosing him. “Then what are you going to do with your child? You’re going to let Mira raise him alone? Or you’re comfortable with another man raising your child with Mira? What if you have a daughter? Are you going to trust her with him? And if he had other kids with Mira, do you think he’ll love her the same way he’ll love his real kids?” Arthur asked Alpha who’s still holding Aro’s hand. Something suddenly rang in Aro’s ears. “I’m sorry, Tito” he started. “I understand that you can’t easily trust your granddaughter with Mira’s potential partner, but can you at least trust Mira’s discretion when she chose her partner?” he told Arthur. “Would you trust a stranger to love your daughter? Even though she’s not his blood?” Arthur asked Aro. “Pa” Alpha tried to cut in. “I’m trusting Alpha with Ara” he answered. “Not because I love him but because I know he’s a good person. I’ve only spent my whole life seeing it myself” he told Arthur looking straight at him. “My daughter is the most precious thing in my life right now and loving Alpha isn’t enough to trust him with my daughter. I will sacrifice anything for her. Even my happiness”
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