Chapter 50

1569 Words
“Daddy, you hold your cup this way” Ara instructed. “And lift your pinky, like this” she said demonstrating as she goes on. Aro’s following all his daughter’s instructions. “Like so?” he asked. “Yes, yes” she answered nodding. “Daddy” she called as she put a slice of cupcake. Aro bought her a small bread knife, small tea cups and kettle. Everything for their cute tea parties. “Yes?” he asked after taking a sip from his small cup. “Don’t you need to work?” she asked. “I do need to work. But I just need the tea parties for now. Is that okay? Or should I ask other hosts for the tea party?” he asked smiling. “No, I like to host the tea party. Would you like another slice, Sir?” she asked imitating an English accent. He chuckled. “Why, thank you, my lady” he said as he put his cup in front of her. They heard a knock outside and saw Alpha from window. “I think we’ll have another guest” she said. Dolores walked to the door. “Why? I thought I’ll have this tea party for myself” he said faking a disappointed voice. “Why, Sir, a tea is better with more friends to share it with” Ara said imitating an English accent again. “Is there a room for one more?” Alpha asked. “Of course, please have a sit” Ara said in a soft voice. He saw Alpha laughed. “If you will excuse me, I’ll make more tea” she said and ran to the kitchen. “Mama Dolly!” they heard her shout. They laughed. “I called you” Alpha told him when they were alone in the living room. “Uhm, yeah” he said. “What’s up?” he asked. “You don’t text me as much, you don’t even call” he said whispered. “I can’t right now, Alpha” he answered. Smile faded on his face. “Why? What’s wrong?” he asked. “Here’s more tea” Ara said sitting next to Aro again. “What a beautiful fairy you are” Alpha complimented Ara. “I will be more beautiful when I wear my mermaid dress” she said proudly. “You have a mermaid dress?” he asked. “Of course! Daddy bought me one” Ara answered. “He did? What a nice daddy he is” Alpha said smiling at Ara. “He is the bestest” Ara said smiling. “Are you happy?” Aro asked her brushing her cheek. “Happiest!” she exclaimed. “Did Mira call you yet?” Dolores asked Alpha. “No, Tita. Not yet. I don’t know what’s keeping her so long to call” Alpha complained. “Alpha, he’s moving on from you. What do you expect?” Aro said. He’s carrying Ara, who fell asleep. Dolores sighed. “Don’t worry, mom. She’ll call if there’s anything wrong” he comforted his mom. “But really, what’s going on with you? You don’t answer my calls, or texts” Alpha told Aro. “I’m busy” he answered. “Are you cheating on me?” he asked. “What?” he asked, annoyed. “Let me take her to bed” Dolores interrupted them and took Ara. “I am not cheating. Don’t you know how many beautiful women I could’ve had—” “It was supposed to be a joke” “A joke” Aro said. “I can’t believe this” Aro told Alpha. “Aro, you were not answering my calls. I’m not asking your twenty-four seven attention. Just, if you’re going to be that busy, at least let me know” Alpha said, not raising his voice. He’s feeling a bit sensitive, Aro feels it himself. “I’m sorry” he apologized. “My daughter’s sick and” he paused. “I can’t—” his voice cracked and he broke down. Alpha tapped and rubbed his back. “I’m sorry” he said. Aro nodded. Aro told Alpha about Ara’s condition. “I’m sorry, man. Do you need me to do anything? Or does my presence bother her?” he asked. “No. It’s me. I just want to really focus on her. She’s a sensitive child and she gets scared of being left behind. I think. We’ll get through this, Alpha” Aro smiled. Alpha nodded and kissed him. “I’ll be here for you” he said. Aro smiled at him and nodded. “There are different therapies I’d also like recommend” the psychologist told Aro after Ara’s therapy session. “What do you mean? Is this not working for her?” he asked. “She’s doing great, but it will be helpful for her to also have other medium. I observed that your daughter doesn’t like telling stories, or talking for a long time. Some people do not respond well with therapies that include talking. That’s why we have other therapies to serve as their medium. Of course, we still suggest that you continue these sessions” the doctor explained. “What do you suggest?” he asked. “There’s dance therapy, art therapy, music therapy. Just think which of those your daughter has inclination to” the doctor suggested. Aro nodded. Aro can take this. He can have her do dancing, or painting. He will even go as far as taking the same class with his doctor. Whatever method that heal her daughter, he’s willing to take. “Baby, do you want to do something else?” he asked Ara while they were having ice cream. They were sitting on the front porch after their therapy session. “What else?” Ara asked. “You know, do you want to dance. Or learn ballet, or gymnastics. Or maybe you want to paint, or draw. Do you want to do something else?” he asked. “Why?” she asked again. “Because daddy still needs to go to work and so you don’t get too bored, you can have something to do” he explained. “Hmm” she said while l*****g her ice cream. “Let’s see” she said looking from afar. He chuckled looking at his daughter deliberating. “I like playing volleyball, daddy” she answered. “You do? You don’t have to like it, just because daddy likes it” he told her. “No, I like it” she said. “I also like planting flowers with Mama Dolly” she added. “You do?” he asked. Ara nodded. “Do you want me to buy you seeds so you can plant other flowers?” he asked. “You can?” she asked. “What about tulips?” she added. “Tulips? Baby, I don’t think tulips grow here” he said thinking about the climate in the country. “It doesn’t?” she asked. “No, but let’s buy tulip bulbs. You can plant it and let’s both see if it will grow here” he offered. “Really?” she beamed. “Of course!” he smiled. “There’s just one thing, baby. I need you to do something for me” he started. “Okay” Ara quickly agreed. “Can you tell dad when you feel sad, or scared or angry?” he asked. “Why?” she asked back. Aro chuckled. “Well, I’m just sad when I feel we’re not close anymore” he answered. “Me too” she said. Aro was surprised. “Really?” he asked. “When did you felt sad?” he asked. “When I thought Tita Mira will be my new mommy, I felt sad” she answered. “Oh” he said. “Why were you sad?” he continued asking. “Well, maybe you’ll have a new baby and” she paused. “You will not love me anymore” she said and then tears dropped on her ice cream. “Oh, baby” he said as he took her on his lap hugging her. “There’s nothing in this world that will make me love you less. Daddy will love you forever. Even when your hair turned all gray, you will be my favorite person in the world. That is my promise to you” he said. Ara’s sobbing so hard, her cries sounded so painful and it made Aro also cry. He carried her around until she calmed down. “You don’t have to worry daddy. I like Tita Mira and Tito Alpha” she said. He smiled hearing her say Alpha’s name. she used to call him Tito Archi. “But you like daddy most, right?” he asked smiling. Ara nodded hugging him. “Daddy, did I forgot something?” she asked. Aro rubbed Ara’s back. “Why? Do you feel like it?” he asked back. “No” she answered. Aro tears fell again. He doesn’t know how to deal with this. During Ella’s battle, there are a lot of people who knew what they were doing. “It’s okay, baby. You can take your time remembering things. What matters is you’re always happy” he said. He felt her nodding again.
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