Chapter 55

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Mira “Is this everything?” TJ asked her. She looked at the bags, counted it and nodded. That’s all of it. “Nanay” Astoria called. She smiled. She trained her daughter to call her Nanay, a Filipino term for mommy. She’s always wanted that. “Yes, baby?” she asked and Astoria just gibber. “Let’s go” TJ told her. They’re going back to Philippines for the Christmas. That’s Mira and Archi’s agreement. He want’s Astoria to stay with him, since she’s a baby. Have his parents take care of her, since they were both working. But she strongly rejected it. He can visit all he wants, but her baby stays with her. They came to an agreement that they will come visit every Christmas, and when she’s old enough, spend half the summer with him. Carlos drove them to the airport. “I can’t believe she’s already one year old” Carlos commented. They both smiled at him. That’s true, she can even remember all the time TJ helped her with the evening cramps and now, Astoria’s one year old. “You’ll meet your Papa Arthur, Mama Aya and Mama Dolly” she told Astoria who seem not listen to her. “Come here, you little monster” TJ said and Astoria quickly raised her arms. “Tatay” she called. Mira’s supposed to teach her to call him Tito but the little girl seemed to mix them off. She first called him Tata, it was funny at first, she thought it will end up as Tita. But learning the word Nanay, and her calling him Tata ended up as Tatay. TJ looks happy about it so she didn’t correct her anymore after a while. One flight a year is covered by the company. Their flight today was upgraded by Andrei into a business class. They told him he doesn’t need to do that, but he said some passengers tend to be very cruel especially when a baby just cries non-stop. And that he wants a comfortable travel for his goddaughter. “You are one spoiled child. Do you know that?” she said as if her daughter can understand it. “No, she’s not” TJ told her. “You deserve it, my darling monster” he said while Astoria just hugged him and rested her head to his shoulder. She got to admit, it is comfortable in the business class. They travelled for thirteen hours. When they arrived at NAIA, they saw Archi, Aro, Anthony and Flora waiting for them. TJ’s pushing the cart with their luggage on it. “Baby” Archi immediately went to them. “Come here, it’s papa” he said to Astoria. “Hi Mira” Aro greeted her. “Hi Aro” she smiled. “TJ” Flora, their mother, hugged him. “Hi, mom. Kuya” he greeted her and his brother Anthony. “Let’s go?” his mother said. He nodded. “Mira, I’ll see you around” he told Mira. He went to Archi who’s holding Astoria, “bye, baby monster” he said and kissed her cheek. He waved at her as he walked away. Astoria realized TJ’s going away, she squealed and screamed. Shouting ‘tatay’. “No, it’s okay” Mira took Astoria from Archi and tried to calm her down. It’s the first time they’ll spend a long time without TJ by their side. “Let’s go” she told Archi and Aro who just nodded and took their luggage. “Are you sure you want to stay there?” It was Archi asking her about them staying at her old family house. Andrei got it all fixed, some repaired. He even had some of their helpers stay in their house to help her throughout their stay. “Yes, it’s all fixed. Andrei sent me pictures. It will be nice there” she answered him. “How did you get Andrei to do that all for you?” Aro asked. “It’s Tita Dolly who pushed me to make friends before” she answered. She looked at Astoria sniffing and just resting on her chest. She wiped her face and hair and back. She got sweaty from all the crying. After a few minutes they arrived at their old house. It’s been more than a decade since she last came here. The gate’s been repainted, the gardens are all planted with roses. They went inside and people just shouted “Surprise!” Astoria got really surprised and cried again. “Oh, hello” she greeted. “I’m sorry, she just got startled” she said while lulling Astoria. “Hello, baby” Dolores in front of them and touched Astoria. The baby just continued wailing. Arthur, Archi’s father, touched her head and softly stroked it. “Why? Did they made you cry?” she asked Astoria. “That’s Papa Arthur, baby” she said. Astoria looked at Archi’s father and cried like she’s been bullied by everyone and trying to get Arthur to side with her. “Oh” Arthur seemed to have gotten by her cuteness and carried her. “Why? They shouted at you? You were startled, baby?” he asked. Astoria nodded and continued crying. They all laughed “Hello, Tita Aya” she greeted Archi’s mother. Aya nodded and smiled a bit. Somehow, there’s something different with her smile. “Baby sister” Ara suddenly said. Ara is Aro’s daughter. She laughed. “Yes, she’s baby sister. Take good care of her, okay?” she told her. Ara nodded, smiling widely. She scanned the whole room. Arthur, Aya, Archi, Aro and Dolores. Then there’s Yuan, Mathew and Harold. And then, “Andrei!” she called. Andrei smiled at her and she hugged him. “I thought you’re too busy to come” she said. “Not for you” he said. She doesn’t know what he did to deserve a friend like Andrei. “Where’s Kath?” Kath is his girlfriend. “She’s with Ate Estelle. Kath asked Ate to teach her how to handle the engineering department” he answered. “Ate Estelle is not an engineer, though” she said. “No, Kuya Santi’s teaching her. She just asked Ate to be there because she’s scared of him” he laughed. She also laughed and then saw Yuan smiling at her. Mathew and Harold are pestering Ara. “Yuan” she called. “Mom” he answered. Yuan, Mathew, Harold, Archi, Aro, Andrei and TJ are all members of the community team and they used to call her mom when she and Archi became official. “It’s so nice to see you again” he said and hugged her. It is nice coming back. After five, they all started to go home. It’s so cute to see Astoria really likes to have her grandfather Arthur carry her around. She’s even more comfortable with hm than Archi. At seven in the evening, Dolores, Aro and Ara told her they’re also going home and will visit come visit again in the morning. “It’s good to see you back again” Arthur told Mira before they also went inside Archi’s truck. “Do you really not need me here?” Archi asked her, she’s carrying Astoria who stopped crying when there’s suddenly silence in the house. “Andrei had four of their staff stay here and help us with everything. We’re okay here, Archi. You can visit as much as you want, though” she said. Archi nodded and kissed her cheek and then Astoria. “Papa’s going to be back tomorrow, baby” she told Astoria who just looked at him. She walked upstairs and opened her old room. She doesn’t want to occupy her mom and dad’s old room. The staffs already arranged everything, including their clothes at the luggage. She at her phone and saw four miscalls. It’s all TJ. She sighed. She cleaned Astoria and changed her clothes and called one of the staff watch her while she took a quick shower. Andrei even had a bathroom installed in her room. She smiled. “Do you need anything else, ma’am?” the staff asked. She told them she’ll just call them if she needs anything. ♫ Hey, hey, oh playmate Come out and play with me ♫ She stopped. The song’s a bit creepy when it’s just them. Her phone rang again and saw TJ’s name flash on the screen. “Hi, TJ” she greeted. “Hi. How’s Astoria?” he asked. “I’ve never seen her cry that long” she replied. “Can we video chat? Is she still awake?” he asked. “Yeah, but I don’t know, she might just cry again” she said. “No, just don’t show her the screen, it’s not good for her eyes” he said. She nodded and replaced the call to videocall. Mira put the phone on speakers and put it above Astoria’s head. “Hello, baby monster” TJ said. Hearing it, Astoria’s eyes turned large and rounded. She looked around finding where the voice coming from. “Hello, baby” TJ said again. She’s really looking around the room finding the source of the voice. She felt a little sorry for her daughter, missing TJ so much “Who is it?” she asked her. Astoria stared at her and started crying again. “Tatatay” she repeatedly said while crying. (*tatay is daddy, or papa in Filipino language) TJ’s just staring at them, Mira carried Astoria again and rubbed her back. He’s looking at them through the screen with a bit of sadness. “Wait for me” he said. “TJ, you don’t have to—” and then he cut the call. She sighed. It’s been so long since he visited his family. After a few minutes, she heard a car parked in front of the house. Astoria’s still crying a bit. She went out to the room and went to the living room. One of the staffs opened the door and then there’s TJ with his usual get up. T-shirt and shorts. “Hello, hello baby” he said softly, just enough so Astoria can hear. Astoria, who’s resting her head on Mira’s shoulder got up so quickly and moved her head sideways to look for TJ. “Who’s that?” she asked Astoria who then looked behind her and saw TJ. She screamed tatay again and raised her arms wanting him to carry her. TJ laughed. He walked to them and quickly took Astoria from Mira. “How can tatay endure not to be with this beautiful, beautiful monster?” he asked Astoria who just tightly hugged his neck. TJ didn’t even finish one lullaby and Astoria already fell asleep on his arms. “Let me take her” she said but as soon as she tried taking her arms off TJ’s neck, she immediately wakes up and hugged him tighter. “Mira, I’m also a bit tired and jet lagged. So is Astoria. Is there any way I can just sleep here for the night?” TJ asked. He even took the trouble to drive here just to see Astoria. She nodded. They went upstairs and TJ tried to put Astoria to bed but after many tries and tears, they still can’t her arms on his neck. TJ just laid on the bed. Mira looked at him also looking at her. “I’m sleepy” he said. Mira laid beside him and put her hand on Astoria’s back. She’s asleep already, but she doesn’t take her arms off TJ. Like a sloth. “Why do you like him that much?” she whispered. “I endure labor and lost blood, not him” she said. She heard TJ chuckled. “Good night, Mira” he said. Like Astoria, she dozed off quickly with TJ just being near her. Mira woke up at five in the morning. She might still be jet lagged from the travel. She got up, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She took a new toothbrush and soaked it in hot water. TJ will need it when he wakes up. She went out the room and to go to the kitchen. Mira’s still half way the stair when she stopped and looked at it. That’s where she always saw her parents drink their coffee every morning. Now she remembered why she stopped going back there for how many years. She went to the kitchen and made tea. She took the cup out and sat at the porch. Mira stared at the garden Andrei had his staff planted. It’s so beautiful now. It’s home, but it doesn’t feel the way it did. She sighed. Mira’s lost in her thoughts when a familiar truck parked in front. It’s still a little dark since the sun hasn’t fully risen yet, but bright enough to recognize the person approaching. It’s Archi carrying a paper bag. It must be food. That’s how he always looks when he’s bringing something to eat. “Hi! Good morning!” he greeted. He opened the gate, it’s just as high as his waist. “You’re up early” he said. “It’s the time difference” she answered. “I’m still adjusting” she added smiling. Archi walked to her and kissed the top of her head. She stopped sipping her tea. Mira’s used to this gesture of Archi, she just didn’t know he’ll continue doing it even after their break up. She stood up and walked with him. There are already staff in the kitchen, starting to cook. “You’re drinking tea?” he asked. “Yeah, I don’t want to drink coffee on an—” “empty stomach” he smiled finishing Mira’s sentence. “Where’s my baby girl? Is she still asleep?” he asked. “Yeah” she answered remembering TJ in the room. They both looked at upstairs when her room opened and TJ, speaking of the ‘d’, came out of the room. She looked at Archi, eyes slightly widened. It felt awkward. She walked up a few steps looking at TJ. “Hi” she greeted him. “You can use the toothbrush on the table beside the bed. The one in the cup” she told him. TJ nodded and went back inside. Mira looked behind her and saw Archi looking just as startled at her. “You” he said trying to collect his words together. “Really?” he asked. “The two of you?” he continued. “It’s not what you think” she said and walked to the kitchen. “Then what is it?” he asked again. “Archi” she said without knowing what she’ll say next. “I just want to know. You slept with him with my daughter in the same room” he softly said. He doesn’t sound angry, which might be a good sign. “I didn’t sleep with him” she said. “Well, technically I did, but not what you’re thinking about” she sighed. “You know what? Can we talk about this later? I promise I’ll explain better later” she said. Archi nodded and started taking out the containers. “Is that tomatoes?” she asked referring to one of the containers he’s holding. “Yeah, Papa figured you’d want it” he smiled. “I do! Oh my gosh” she said taking the container from him. “I miss this, with onions” she said. She might even cry. Archi just chuckled. “Hi, Nanay” TJ entered the kitchen holding Astoria. “You say hi to Nanay” he told the child. “Nanay” she cried. “Oh” she said quickly taking Astoria from TJ. “Why? You didn’t see Nanay when you woke up?” she asked her daughter who started to cry. TJ saw Archi and nodded at him. Archi nodded back. “She’s hungry Mira” TJ told her carrying a big cotton sash and wrapped it around Mira. That’s what she uses when she breastfeeds Astoria in a public place. TJ’s always been helpful to her, but he’s being extra doting to her that morning. Astoria started having her breakfast inside the cotton band when she immediately stopped and looked at Mira. “Tatay?” she asked. “Tatay’s here” she answered. TJ held her head and, “I’m here baby” he said but mouthing something to Mira. “I have to go” he whispered. Mira nodded and mouthed not to say goodbye. Astoria might just throw tantrums again. He looked at Archi and nodded. After a few minutes, they both heard a car engine and later, the sound of it driving away. “Wow” Archi said smiling a bit to Mira, awkwardly.
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