Chapter 5

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(Naomi POV) I stretched and walkedout of the building dreading to fall into my cozy bed. "Hey!" someone shouted from behind making me turn around. A petite figure in a palazzo pant ran towards me. "Loreal?I thought you went home." I was surprised. It’s like an hour since my shift is over and it is very cold right now. She raised her pointer finger asking for a minute as she panted for air. "N-no... I... I was w-waiting for you. And please call me Lo." She said between her breaths. "I'm sorry there was not enough staffs and we had to do the cleaning," I said as I felt really guilty.  I really thought she went home at this time. Her face was red with all the rushing blood. "No biggie. Now come on. Let’s go" she said walking forward. We started walking in awkward silence. Well, awkward for me at least. She was smiling and humming a song. "So where do you live." She asked kicking a stone. "24th Avenue" I answered short as she gave me a quick glance. "Sweet we are close. I'm downtown" she replied and I gave her a hmm. "You don't talk much, do you?" she asked as she slightly leaned and looked at me. "I.... I am sorry. I'm just not comfortable with new people" I shrugged as she nods her head. "Well. We have to change that since you need to face the whole pack" she said whispering at the end. "Sorry what?" I asked with a confused face. "Nothing!" She said smiling widely. Wow.... she has a truly beautiful smile. I feel like the smile is contagious as a small one appeared on my face too. "What?" She asked tilting her head in confusion. "Nothing you have a beautiful smile. True, sincere, and happy." I said looking at her. "That's because I feel happy and content with my life,” she said looking into my eyes. "Happy? I wouldn't mind having some in my life," I looked away in a low whisper but it seems she heard it. "Well I'm sure you will be happy and hold a smile just as beautiful as mine when you open up more. Maybe even fall in love," She said looking at the sky. I couldn't help but give out a short dry laugh at that. Love? I clearly doubt that I will have that in my life. **************************** I opened the door, walked into my house, and turned on the light. "Silent as ever," I said sighing, and made my way to the bedroom. It’s not much actually, a small bed, a table, a very small closet, and a bathroom. I dragged myself to the closet and change into my pajamas. Walking my way back, I noticed a red circle on my calendar. Confused, I looked into it to find that it was February 9th in a week. My eyes widen as I looked at it in horror. My Birthday! My 21st birthday! s**t, how could I forget?! It the most important day for every Sorcerer. The day, I turn into a full sorcerer. the day I start sensing my Amor. Panic filled me. This is bad. This is really bad. I'm sure I won’t be able to find my Amor.  I'm in the human world. There is no way i will meet my amor. But there is another thing that haunts me. During a sorcerer's 21st birthday, his power multiplies 10 fold so that they can sense their Amor from anywhere around the dimension. It mark the age where a sorcerer completes their power. But that also means Hayden will find me. He will be able to sense my power. I know he will be waiting for that day.  I'm scared. I don't want to be found by him. It’s been a long time since I used my powers. It’s being a long time since I have trained. I've become a weak prey. I made my way to the bed and rapped my old blanket around me. I have to find some solution for this or I’ll be doomed.   (Railey POV) "Dude calm down! She will call once they reach home" Vince said for the 100th time as I walked to and forth in my office. "Call Lo. Ask her where they are." I ordered as Vince gave out a frustrated groan. "I called Lo literally like five minutes ago. If I call her again, I'm sure she’ll get mad. I don't want to sleep in the couch man. Its really uncomfortable." he said with a shiver as I laugh. Suddenly a music started to play around us. I frowned and looked around but stopped as Vince took out his phone. It was 'Beautiful angel' by Bazzi. "Oh, it’s Lo," he said casually picking it up. "Bazzi? Really?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "What! I love this song. It reminds me of her" he said answering his call. "a*s whipped" I mumbled. "Heard that," he said before going back to the call while I went back to my piled up paperwork. "Hey, they both reached home. Seems like her house is only a five-minute walk from my mate's." He said as he sat on the opposite chair. "Anything else about her," I asked looking at him. "Just the doubt that Naomi either might be feeling the bond or she is crushing on you badly," He said opening a file I assigned him. "How so?" I asked wanting to know more. "I don't know. I asked the same and she said and I quote 'I felt it in my girl radar', whatever that is." He said shrugging. "I don't even want to know" "Me too, brother"  
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