Chapter 6

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(Naomi POV)         A week passed by quickly and my birthday is in 2 days. For almost a week I have been waking up three in the morning to recite the spell from the Divine book.  The Devine book is the book containing the most ancient and powerful spells. Something that is handed down generation after generation. But most spells on the book are f*******n ones. They have consequences on being used.  I took a risk by using my magic to summon the Divine book. I had kept my book in my inner vessel along with my divine sword. But in my defense, taking a small risk is better than the big one. Summoning small objects only takes small magic and hence only small energy is released.  The magic released during my birthday is much worse, powerful, and very easy to find. In my spare time i would take that book and read all the spells. They were interesting to say the least. I was very happy when I found the exact spell I needed. The spell that is capable of surpressing one's power. This spell is considered f*******n in the sorcerer’s realm but that must probably be because it is one of the spells used directly by the Divine. The spell of course is really hard to conquer but with the right meditation and recitation, I will be able to seal my power.  I was careful during the whole week, scared at even the slightest movements. Even though it was such a weak spell I was afraid Hayden will find me. He is already a powerful warrior and with the access to the enhancer in our palace, it can be a 10 times stronger.         The doorbell rang gaining my attention. I quickly put on my shoes and swiftly ran to answer them. Opening the door, I met with a pair of same hazel eyes I grew fond of as days passed. "Ready?" Railey asked giving a breathtaking smile.  "Yea," I gave a short reply trying to grab my bag i prepared. But he immediately took the bag and swung it to his shoulder. I sighed knowing it’s no use arguing and started walking to the car. Yea... I forgot to mention. Over this week I have been spending a lot of time with Railey and his g**g. They were very persistent in making me their friend. The day after i walked home with Lo, I was surprised when they have specially requestioned me again.  That day Lo saved my number. She started chatting with me and even created a group with all 4 of us. They would invite me for hang outs but i would straight off refuse saying i have to work. Soon Lo started to forcefully drag me out from my job. "Dont worry, your hanging out with the boss so your salary wont be cut" she said as she dragged me to the hangouts. But then she would drag Vince away saying 'quality boyfrind-girlfriend' time and leave me alone with Railey.  Being with him was very awkward. It's really weird because everytime i am with him, my heart would flutter. It would always be difficult to breathe. He on the other hand would be anxious and do something stupid and then laugh awkwardly.  It was... It was kindof cute seeing him frustrated like that. At first, I was irritated and scared. My mind just pulled up its guard saying they may betray me but once I got to know them, it was not that bad. They made sure I never felt left out, especially Railey.  It’s kind of sweet but at the same time scary. Building up trust is very hard especially since it’s been like almost 2 years that I had one. Today they are going for a 3 day camp deep in a forest and they invited me. Of course, I tried to reject it because, one- I’m still learning to be comfortable with them and two- my birthday is on the second day of the camp.  But Lo talked me into this. Well more like forced me into this.  I must say that girl has a 'unique' way with words and actions. Kind of really scary too. Anyway, we walked to the jeep and made our way to Lo's house. Vince went ahead to help her pack. There will also be two other people joining us at the campsite.   (Railey POV) This silence is killing me alive! The whole time we both haven't muttered even a single thing. Come on Railey! Think of something. Start a conversation. "Did you wear new lipstick?" I asked before I mentally slapped myself. "Umm... yeah. You noticed" she paused as i cleared my throat nodding. "Is it bad?" she asked touching her lips. "No no. I love it" i said as she looked at me wide eyes. Oh god! I mean It looks ravishing. no...No I mean it suits you... yea suits you" I said as I once again gave myself a mental slap. "Um... thanks, I guess?" She said as she giggled. ‘Great way to go, smart guy’ my wolf, hunter growled. ‘Hey, I'm trying!’ I complained. ‘I think it's better you stay silent’ he said as he rolled his eyes and disappeared to the back of my mind. "How long to Lo's house?" She asked. "Oh, yea. I forgot to mention. They will actually be meeting us in the city outskirts. Some personal things to take care of." I said as she nodded. To tell the truth, they had to attend a function- well more of a meeting of Betas and female-betas. It’s like a beta ball hosted by different betas each year. Next year Vince and Lo have to host one. But for now I'm just glad Naomi decided to stop questioning that topic. "We are almost there," I said as I turned to the highway. Thank sto my werewolf vision, I can see them standing beside a tree. "Hey!" I shouted halting the car and waving. They seem to be in a serious conversation... Wait! Is she crying?! "Come on Loreal.  Just forget what happened. They are here. You don't want to ruin the camp you were excited about, right?" He said to Lo. "B-but...” she stuttered. "No but. Now wipe your tears and come on! We have a group to catch up to!" He said making her laugh whilst wiping the tears. "I think something is wrong," Naomi said making me look at her. Oh, right she can’t hear. Perks of being a Werewolf. I just nodded as I watched them walk towards the car. "Oh my! What happened?!" Naomi exclaimed looking at Lo. She looked awful. Her eyes were lined with redness and she looked flushed. "Let's just say some people aren't always nice," Lo said giving a small smile. My eyes went to Vince who sighed and shook his head. I guess it didn't go so well. The rest of the ride was silent. Well other than the constant embarrassing jokes sponsored by Vince. After an hour's ride, we stopped the car at the wooden cabin we will be staying at. It has two big rooms, a living room, and a kitchen. "What took you guys so long?" Daniel, my gamma, asked walking towards us with his mate Rosie. "We are not that late, dumbo," Vince said as they hugged. "You must be Naomi!! Railey talks about you a lot" Rosie said as my little mate blushed. "R-really?" She asked as she glanced at me through the corner. "Of course he does! By the way, my name is Rosie but call me Roe. And this i***t's my ma... I mean boyfriend, Daniel" she said quickly covering up her mistake. ’Sorry Alpha’ Roe mind linked me as I nodded. ‘It's ok. Be careful next time’ I mind linked back as she nodded. "Come on, let’s get inside," I said taking mine and Naomi's bag. "Wow," my mate said as I set the bag down. "You like paintings, beautiful?" I asked as she nodded and blushed. "They look amazing," she smiled looking at all the paintings. "Yea, my mom is a wonderful painter. I can't wait to introduce you to her" I said as she looked up at me with her midnight blue eyes.  All around me seems to disappear as I unknowingly inched closer to her. "Ok. We get it, lover boy. For now, let me take her to our room. We all need rest." Lo suddenly interfered before dragging Naomi away from me. I sighed before walking my way to the boy’s room.  Yes, I said it. In this cabin boys and girls have separate rooms. The camp is more like bonding time with your teammates. You learn to share and be with them. The camp is of the purpose to help build the bond between the pack authorities and not be a honeymoon house. I just hope Naomi can cope up with the girls.  
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