Chapter 10

1051 Words
(Naomi POV) I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a bed. I quickly recognize it as the camp house.  I rubbed my head trying to numb its pain. "What happened?" I mumbled trying to stand up. I can't remember anything.  I stretched my stiff body before walking myself to the living room.  "Good Morning everyone," I said letting out a yawn. I sat down on the counter before grabbing myself some breakfast.  Silence was all I received and I looked up to find them staring. I frowned and tilted my head in confusion.  "Are you feeling better, Nao?" Roe asked as she walked up to me and placed her hand on my forehead.  "I'm alright. What happened guys? Why are you looking at me like that?" I was starting to get wierded out by their stares.  "Nao. You fainted. And all of sudden you were burning up. You were muttering something. We don't know. Some other language maybe?" she answered looking at the others who nodded.  I looked at them trying to remember.  It took a few moments but suddenly it hit me. My birthday! My transformation! My body must have heated up because I prevented myself from releasing the power.  Wait but that doesn't explain the talking.  "Naomi!! You are ok!" a very attractive voice shouted making me shiver and jump.  My head whipped to my left and I felt the world had stopped moving. His aura struck me hard and the only thing that came to my mind was "Amor”.  A glimpse of flashback of the previous night hit me. I remember feeling sparks and being engulfed in warmth. I remember seeing a pair of beautiful worried hazel eyes stare at me.  My eyes widened as it hit me. He is my Versus Amor! Railey is my other half! We are destined to be together.  A wide smile immediately spread on my face as he approached me quickly.  He stood in front of me and looked for any damages while I stared at him with love and pride.  He is perfect! I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. He put his hand on my forehead and a sudden wave of sparks ignited and spread throughout making his eyes widen. He must have felt the spark too.  "I'm alright Railey," I said taking his hand into my own as the sparks still ran through our body. He stared into our hand as a little smile started forming on his face.  "Aww! So are you a couple? How come you didn't tell us, Railey!" Lo asked suddenly snapping me from my trace.  "Um....." Railey hummed as she looked from his friends to me. All of a sudden he sighed and let go of my hand and I felt like a part of me left. I frowned as I took his hand into mine again before giving him a toothy smile.  He looked at me totally confused. "what are you doing, Naomi. You said you don't like me" he whispered as my eyes widen in realization.  "Oh Lord," I said as I remembered what happened. I rejected him because I thought he was not my Amor! But he is!  He looked at me patiently waiting for an answer. "Nao...." he started but I put my hand over his mouth. "I'm sorry...” I said as I looked into his eyes. A wave of sadness flashed through his eyes before he smiled.  "It’s ok. I understand. It’s the bond making you do this" he said making me look at him confused. "The bond?" I said as his eyes widen.  "No no. I meant you are just confused with me. That's why you are holding my hand. It’s your subconscious action....?" he said ending it with a question and looking at his friends.  My poor Amor is so confused and hurting and it’s entirely my fault. I felt his sadness through his aura and I just wanted to hug him and say everything is alright.  "Railey...." I called looking at the others. "Can we talk alone?" I said as they nodded. I gave them a small smile before dragging him outside.  I walked into the forest not deep but still far away. I stopped at the open area where I met Mr. Alpha. I smiled at the memories I shared with him before turning and facing Railey.  "Look. I understand it’s confusing you. But please it would be amazing if you give me a chance. I’ll protect you, care for you, I’ll get you anything and everything, I’ll spoil you and be there with you at all times. Just... just... give" he kept talking but I stopped him mid sentence pulling him into a hug.  "Railey, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I rejected you yesterday because of a reason. A stupid reason really. But I realized my mistake. I know it’s a sudden change in my decision but I like you too. I swear one day I’ll tell you the reason but that one day is not today." I said hugging him tightly.  He stood frozen for a moment before hands wrapped tightly around me. "Thank you. Thank you so much" he said as he quickly released me. He, all of a sudden, lifted me up by my hip and gave a spin. I grabbed hold of his shoulders and gave a laugh making him stop and look up at me.  "I love your laugh. It is the most beautiful sound I have come across." He said as I looked down at him. Our nose was almost touching and I could feel his breath on my neck.  "How about a date once we reach home?" He asked as I gave a bright smile and nod. He closed his eyes and inhaled my scent deeply before opening to reveal them darkened.  "We should go. I don't know what I will do if we stay like this for long," he said his voice rough making me shiver. I nodded. He put me down, took hold of my hand, and smiled brightly. I returned a smile back before walking to the camp house.  This is the best day of my life.        
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