Chapter 11

1235 Words
(Railey POV) My mate is finally mine! I can't believe it! My wolf is happily howling and causing me headaches.  ‘Let's go see our mate! Come on! Come on!’ He said as I rolled my eyes. ‘You know we can't right? She is with the girls doing… well, whatever girls do’ I said as my wolf whimper. ‘But it’s being so long since I've seen or touched her’ he whined. ‘You just saw her half an hour ago. Now shush! I'm trying to win this game' I said as I made my game boy jump and do a flying kick. "Hey Railey, when are you going to introduce her to the pack," Danni asked as he made his character dodge my double kick. "She is a human, Danni. She needs to know about us first. She needs to adapt to us." I replied shurgging. "Well then say it! The sooner the better. Why keep waiting" Danni said and Vince sighed. "Danni. We have to gain her trust before saying it to her. What if she freaks out and leaves?" Vince said making me tensed. My wolf started whimpering at the idea of her running away from us. "But.... she will understand. That's why you guys are mates right. You are meant to be. Sooner or later you will join as one. It’s the decision of the Moon Goddess" Vince changes his tone immediately sensing my tension. "When she feels more comfortable with me, I’ll tell her," I said as I put my game controller down. "Comfortable? What more comfortableness do you want? The past few hours she was so close to you and so happy with you. It was as though she knew you guys are mates or something!" Danni said as Vince nodded in agreement. "Danni has a point there. I also notice the intimacy she showed. The love was clear from her eyes. As far as what I experienced with Lo, humans take time to adjust and even trust mates. They don't feel anything strong like us. They do feel intimacy and shock but that's all." Vince said. "Each person is different in their own way," I said before walking my way to the kitchen.   (Naomi POV) "Come on try this one," Lo said as she threw me a shorts and a long red sweater. "I don't get this. I thought we were only having a campfire." I said as I changed from the blue knee-length dress. "Well duh. You need to look good for the Alpha, right?" Roe said as she looked at her suitcase for something. "Alpha?" I asked confused making both of their eyes go wide. "Well...yea... umm..." Roe Stumbled. "It's actually a nickname we gave to him. He umm..... is a great leader who helps us out of troubles and all. And Alpha means a leader. So yea... we sometimes call him that." Lo said making my heart fill with pride. "He is born like a king to rule" I whispered proudly, making Roe ask "What?" "Nothing," I said as I put on the top. "Perfect" Lo said as Roe agreed in the background. "Alright then let’s go before they start complaining," Lo said as all of us agreed and walked out to the campsite. "Took you long enough," Danni said as he went and kissed Rose. Vince did the same to Lo and I looked around searching for my Amor. "Ahh!" I suddenly cried as I felt an arm snake around my waist. Sparks flew everywhere making me relax and smile. "Well, hello there my king," I said as he inhaled from my neck. I shivered as hot air brushed my neck. "Wow someone has become more open," Vince smirked as Lo smack him on the head "Ow! Stop hurting me, woman!" She shook her head in disappointment before looking at me and winked. "You look so beautiful and at the same time sexy in this dress" Railey said as he inhaled my scent making me giggle. "Why thank you, Alpha," I said but as soon as I said that he tensed and the air was filled with silence. I turned around and looked at his confused and shocked face. "W-What?" he stumbled still looking at me in shock. "Rose said you are often called Alpha because you are like a leader to all," I said as Railey nodded and relaxed. "Nao, let’s go grab the marshmallow from the kitchen. I can’t believe they didn't take it!" Lo shouted. "We forgot, OK!" Vince shouted. "How the hell can you forget the most vital part of a campfire?!" she said as she walked to the kitchen, me following behind. (Riley POV) "I'm sorry Alpha. My tongue slipped again" Roe said, her head hung in submission. "This is the second time, Gamma-female" I said as my voice laced with Alpha authority. "My apologies, Alpha" she whimpered. "But since you handled it yourself, very neatly I might add," I said looking at her. "You are excused" I smiled making her look at me with a bright smile. "Thank you, Alpha," she said bowing. "Well done in proving you to be a worthy Gamma-female. You handled the situation swiftly and neatly" I amiled and patting her shoulder. "And yet again you make me proud," Danni said as he wrapped his hand around her waist. She giggled as he kissed her cheek. "What happened here?" Lo asked as she and my mate walked into the scene with bags of marshmallows. "This much?" Vince laughed as Lo playfully smacked his arm. "Yes, the more the better! Now come on" she said running to the campfire with us laughing. "I don't know how she can be so damn hyper!" he smiled all whipped as we made our way to the campfire. "Miss me?" Nao asked as she walked next to me. "You have no idea," I said taking two of the marshmallow bags from her hand. I then laced my free hand into hers making her blush deep red. "Hey, love birds. Campfire is tonight!" Vince shouted making us all laugh. "Hey, I know. Let’s sing a camp song!" Danni said as everyone agreed. "So which one?" "How about Naomi pick one," Roe said as I felt her stiffen beside me. "I... I don't know any" She said looking at us all. "I never went on a camp" "Never?" Roe asked as she slowly nodded a no. "Well then let this be your first and most memorable one," I said as I wrapped my hand around her shoulder. "You mean you guys are not ashamed of me?" she asked as we looked at her in confusion before bursting into laughter. "Why the hell would we be ashamed of you?" Lo said between her laughs. "What are you saying beautiful. It’s not your fault you never went on a camp." I said as she gave me a shy smile. "I thought...” she started saying but my attention suddenly drifted to the bushes. I stared at the bushes as I high lightened my senses. A pungent smell suddenly started to fill my nose making me let out a small growl. The others hearing my growl turned their attention to the bushes. "Rouges" Danni, Roe, Vince and I said at the same time.  
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