50. The Plan

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Dipak smirks from his spot at the conference table. "I thought I would be gone longer than you 2." He knows. "What did you find out? Anything useful?" I sit down. "My brother didn't do it." "You sure little miss?" "Yes. A woman werewolf took a chosen mate. They had a daughter. The soulmate showed up. He killed the chosen mate and the child. He found the child walking by the cave and thought it would be a good place to hide her. He didn't want to raise a child that wasn't his." And that just clicked in my head as I said it. I will be having children by 2 men. What if they decide not to or what if something happens to one of them? I feel tears coming up. Omar grabs me right out the chair and pulls me right into the sitting room. I feel like I'm going to pass out. Tre and Dipak come in sit down. "Talk Nadine. What went through your head? All the color drained out of you so fast. You still seem like your going to drop." "I have 2 mates." "Yes, what else?" "I'll have babies from both of them." "That will be your choice. But yes, it does seem that you want them. Continue on." "What if they don't want them?" "Have you seen either of them when you get near a baby? They can't even think straight. They will want babies eventually too." "But they'll both be raising babies that aren't their's. What if I have a bunch of babies and something happens to one of them? I don't... I can't..." The tears are in a free fall. This is the most painful thing I've ever thought. "I can't help you with this. Only they can." He gets up and leaves. Tre smiles. "Baby, we're not going to kill a part of you no matter what. Any baby you have is safe. We will never hurt you like that. And we will raise it like our own. That baby is half you. We will not hurt you. Even if you get pregnant by someone else. We're not going to hurt your baby." "We're killing that fucker that gets her pregnant though." Tre crosses his arms. "Yea, he is definitely dead." Dipak puts his hand on my knee. "If I had a baby with someone else, would you kill it?" I jump up. "I WILL KILL YOU!" I throw the table at him, and it breaks on his arm. Part of it cuts his forehead open. "THEN I'LL KILL THE w***e!" I keep glaring at him. "WHO IS SHE?" "There is no one else, sweetheart. I was asking what you would do with the baby. Would you hurt it?" The blood is all down his face and dripping on his shirt. "No, I would probably keep it. Because it would resemble you and I would miss you because YOU ARE DEAD." He keeps wiping the blood off. "My dragon is extremely happy right now. It's a little concerning." Tre stands up. "All babies are safe sweetheart. Neither one of us will ever hurt a hair on one of your babies. They are all yours, and that makes them ours." I hug him. "Thank you." Dipak stands up. "Yea I probably should have just said that too. I promise baby, I will never hurt one of your babies. I will love them like my own." I hug him. "Thank you." "You going to say you're sorry about my head, sweetheart?" "No. You brought up a w***e. You deal with it." Tre laughs. I go into the kings office with the 2 of them following me. Tre is still laughing. "All good now." Mary stand up. "Did you slip, little miss?" "No, I tried to kill him with a table. There was no slipping involved." Everyone cracks up laughing. She gets some water and cleans it up for him. She laughs the entire time and he rubs his eyes. Tre stands up. "Ok everyone, due to a kissing mishap. Prince Tye now thinks that the princess is cheating on me with Dipak." It takes a minute for the laughter to stop after that. "Anyway, he told her he wouldn't tell on her. So if he says anything to anybody about her cheating. We need to know about it right away." Thora smiles. "What are you going to say if he tells you?" "I will tell him I already know. And that it is sometimes convenient to have the commander as my mate's pet. But not to tell her that I know." Everyone laughs again. Even Dipak. I jump up. "When I was with the prince. He said he has 2 little sisters. One is small. He didn't give me an age. Someone write that down. And we are going to need a plan on how to evacuate them if we have to. I know Ylle said 'out the back door' but we don't know where that is. So we will need ideas on how to remove them. WITHOUT giving away that we have prior knowledge of the attack." Dipak smiles. "I can tell you already have a plan. Or you're starting one. What is it? Maybe we can build on it." "I didn't know you would pick that up. I think we need ideas. I don't know how mine would work." "What do you have so far, sweetheart?" "Send Thora and Mary in early. Get them each close to a girl. They can wait on a signal. Evacuate or leave. We are not going to fight. It's a simple grab and go if we need to. They are both capable and good with children. And it will be easier to get women in there with the girls." Everyone nods. Kane sits back. "How would we get them in though? And how early? The attack isn't for months." Dracul smirks. "We are very friendly with them now. Perhaps they would allow something simple. Like showing the girls how to use oils. The princess could say she is sending a couple of servants to show their servants. They would more than likely be with the girls after that." My eyes get so big. "AND their king did say I could put in my store once Tre says I can. It would make sense that I teach the servants how to use it all first." Gunner shakes his head. "We can't send them in unarmed." Tre sits up. "Maybe we can plant the princess's swords in there somewhere. They get off the carriage like normal servants. Grab the swords when the time is right." Dipak gets a paper out. "We still don't know about a back door either. Frode, write down that we need 4 more medical swords immediately and send the order right now. Mary is fine. Thora, you will begin training with 2 swords tomorrow." She is nearly jumping up and down in her seat. Frode shakes his head. "I don't know about my mate being in there." "She's fighting off unarmed servants. The guards will be outside. It's just a grab and go. Mary will be there as well." Frode winks at Thora. She jumps out of the chair and runs down the table. Lands on his lap. "THANK YOU. A REAL MISSION FOR ME." Tre nods. "Yes, it's a mission, and we will talk more about it later. But if it goes wrong. It is more important that you get yourselves out. You leave the girls if you have to." Daddy looks around. "So how are we going to find the back door?" I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe the builders seen something today?" Dipak shakes his head. Daddy smirks. "My princess, we are sending you in to find the back door. See as much as you can. You 2 do have a connection. Ask him for a tour." "Daddy, he will even find it weird if I show up at the door asking for a tour." Tre sits back. "He would probably like it." I throw my pen at him and give him a dirty look. Daddy smiles. "I have to go back tomorrow about the irrigation stuff. Wear something you can't go to the village in. You'll be suck in the castle. Come into the meeting with me and be bored. His dad will feel bad for you being so young. He will send you 2 away. Then you can ask for a tour." "That might actually work daddy. What should I wear though? Can I wear a queen outfit there? They have seen me like that, but I don't know about heels in tunnels. Do they have tunnels?" Dipak nods. Thora throws something in her mouth. "Go human. It's more comfortable, and you are going out with your dad. No reason to look good." Dracul nods. "And she went with Miculai because everyone is busy with the werewolf thing and didn't want to leave her alone. She would be to bored." "Sounds like a plan. I'm going with daddy tomorrow. Does anyone have a general description though. How many wings and floors? Stuff like that?" Tre nods. "It's a big entry surrounded by 3 wings. We can map out what we know and show you before you go. We all know the ballroom and some offices close to that. We all got ready in them. We know the kings office and where it is. We will map out everything we already know." "Ok." "And do not have to much fun with the prince." "How much is to much sir?" I stare at him. I really do what an answer on this one. "He already thinks I'm cheating on you. I'm going to have to try something, or I won't get in the tunnels." Tre looks at Dipak and shakes his head. Dipak turns to me. "NO MORE THAN KISSING. AND THAT'S ONLY IF YOU HAVE TO." Mary jumps up. "Oh she has to, sir. He is a prince." Me and Thora laugh. Daddy jumps up. "NO KISSING." We laugh harder.

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