18. I'll Always Find You

2250 Words
Mary stands up. "That's all I needed to hear. We have 2 hours before we leave. Hypatia Nadine Sandu. From this point forward, you are allowed to be with no males without female supervision." "What? I didn't agree to that." Momma rolls her eyes. "You can already get pregnant, child." "What about Omar and Kane?" I point at them. "Yes my baby. They have p***s's as well." "I didn't need to know that momma." Thora smiles. "Oh you didn't know that? All the boys have them." My boys both give her a dirty look. I nod. "Can we stop talking about p***s now please?" "Even your father has one." "NO. JUST NO. MOMMA." Tre grabs me and starts hugging me and rubbing my head. "It'll be ok. Think about something else." Thora jumps up. "OH I HAVE TO PACK." Then all the girls agree and run out. Even Mary. Kane smiles. "I wonder how long it will take her to realize she left you here with 4 p***s's?" I start laughing and spit out my water. All 4 of them start laughing. "Guard. Shut the door. No one in. I do love messing with her." The 4 of us sit there talking for about a half hour, then we hear Mary outside the door yelling at the guards. "FOR THE SAFETY OF THE THRONE f*****g MOVE!" I bust out laughing. "I've never heard that order before." She tries to get in but I already went over and locked the door. "FOR THE SAFETY OF THE THRONE OPEN THIS DOOR OR I WILL BREAK IT DOWN WITH YOUR HEAD." All 4 of us bust out laughing as Mary finally gets in. "HYPATIA NADINE SANDU." I can't stop laughing. Kade smirks. "Why would you leave her here with 4 p***s's? You know how they like to act up?" She points a sword at him. Dipak pushes him up. Tre yells "RUN!" Omar stops laughing for a second. "I'll be going now. Enjoy your trip. I do think you'll be having fun." "Thank you Omar." Mary shakes her head. "Well, not that much fun. There is no" "WE KNOW." I yell. "Can we go back to boobs and shoes now?" Tre looks at Dipak. "You want to split her time? I'll come back in 40 minutes if you want to do it that way." "Yea. Let's do that." With that, Tre leaves me and Dipak alone with Mary. Dipak picks me up out of my chair and he carries me next door. "Couches are better here sweetheart." I cuddle into him. "I will miss you sir." "I will miss you too. I love you so much. It scared me so much when you were shaking like that." I push him down on the couch and I lay on top of him. "I love you too. I'm sorry that all happened." "It's not your fault. We got you drunk, so you would stop worrying about kissing. Then, no surprise, you started kissing us." "I do like kissing you." I give him another kiss and wrap my arms around his head. "You really ok with me going?" "Well I'm definitely ok with the no boys part and hell, even my mom is going. It must be fun." "Yea, I wasn't expecting them all to raise their hands to go. Makes me very curious to know what will be happening for the next week." "What sweetheart? It seems like something bothered you all of a sudden?" "How will I get you there if I need you? Like something actually happens and I need you." "I'm sure a few of the others know how to get ahold of us. They will show you, but I will give you something." He gets up and turns into a dragon. He pulls a little feather out of his back with his beak and turns back human. He hands it to me. "If you ever need me, throw this feather up in the air as far as you can. Climb a tree or a mountain or something and throw it really high. As high as you can. It will come straight back to me. I will notice right away, and I will fly in the direction it came from until I find you. And I will find you." It's not even as long as my finger. It's all black with a red tip. I wipe a couple tears away. We hold each other for a couple of minutes. Then he takes it back and lays it by my wrist. By body absorbs it. I can only see a faint outline of it on my arm. "How?" "If you need it. The outline will get darker, and you will be able to pull it out." "How do you know this?" "My dragon told me. We both want you safe baby." "My dragon plots against me to get babies. Yours keeps me safe." I shake my head. "I don't get it." "I will miss you sweetheart." "I will miss you too. You are not allowed to have to much fun while I'm gone." "I won't. I promise. I will be miserable. I'm sure all of us at the table will be miserable." I start to cry. "Sweetheart, it's not for that long. You know how to get me there. You are taking all the girls. It'll be ok. I promise." I hug him. "You'll have fun." He gives me a few more kisses and outlines the feather on my arm. "Me and my dragon both like having that in there sweetheart." "Me and mine do too." I kiss him again. "I love you." "I love you too, sweetheart." He kisses me on the head and stands up with me. Then he hands me off to Tre. Tre pulls me down on his lap. He kisses my head and rubs my hair. I hug him. I don't even know what to say. It's like we're finally going in the right direction and now we have to part again. "It feels like all I ever say is goodbye to you. Nothing ever goes right." "I know baby. I feel like that too. We'll fix this when you get back. I promise. We'll take some time alone." "That would be really nice." I snuggle into him and steal more of his heat. "Thank you for saying no. I know you didn't want to." "No I didn't want to. I do want a baby with you. I always have. But I know the time isn't right. We need more time with only us first. In 10 years though, you may have more of a problem." "I will still be unbonded then, but let's deal with that when we get there." We lay down on the couch. "I will miss you baby." "I will miss you too sir." I play with his hair a little bit. "Don't have to much fun while I'm gone." He kisses me. I love his gentle kisses. They make me want so much more from him. "I won't have any fun while you're away baby." He gives me another kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him more on top of me. He gives me a deep kiss and I can feel him starting to get hard. I move my legs so he's between them. His eyes go dark. I run my hand through his hair and gaze into his eyes. He has amazing eyes. His jaw. His lips. I love those lips. He watches me and smirks. Then he leans down and starts kissing me again. I feel him press his d**k against me and I about melt. My body pushes back against him. I need him and he knows it. I'm trying to be quiet. It happened so fast. He glances at Mary. She has her back towards us. But she's still paying attention. He pushes his d**k towards me again and I bite his shoulder so I don't scream. He puts his hand over my mouth and kisses my marking spot a couple times. I can't hold it together I am pushing against him so much. He gives me a gentle kiss and shoves himself against me and my head drops back. I open my mouth to make noise, and he puts his hand back on it. Then he draws his fangs and runs them over my marking spot. He holds my mouth so tight. No noise at all gets out. But my body pulses over and over. I use my arms and legs to hold him as close as I can to me. It feels so good. I wish he was inside of me. After I get done, he gives me a kiss and shows me his marking spot. I know he is worked up too. I can't wait until we can do this for real. I drag my fangs over his spot. He holds me so tight. I wrap my arms around him even tighter. I feel him throb against me. So many times. He keeps his head in my neck stays quiet. After it's over. He holds me for a few minutes. Then he starts giving me those gentle kisses again. I whisper, "Do you not remember what happened last time you gave me those kisses, sir?" He whispers right back. "I remember. I'm about to do it again." I raise my eyebrows, and he puts his hand over my mouth. He goes after my marking spot with kisses. He kisses it over and over. He sucks on it and runs his lips over it. It makes me insane. I try to pull his shirt off. I want him now. He still has his hand over my mouth. He starts kissing my spot again, and I am going to lose my mind. He pulls his head back and makes eye contact with me for a second. "I love those pitch black eyes baby." He draws his fangs and drags them over the spot again. He holds my mouth tighter and my throat makes a little noise as I c*m this time. He whispers. "mmm I love making you c*m for me. Think I can get 1 more out of you?" "Do you want me to.." "Don't work that way for men baby. We have to recover after 1. I wanted to give you another, but we only have a few minutes. We would probably get caught." "Get caught doing what?" Mary spins around. "We're dressed Mary. Nothing to fun here." She turns back around. He whispers in my ear. "When you get back, I'm going to see how many times I can make you c*m with my fangs." I raise my eyebrows, but my body is shot. I am relaxed. He smirks. "You look zoned out baby." "I need a nap now sir. I'm very relaxed." The door opens at the end of the hallway. He pulls me up beside him and tries fixing my hair. I hug him. Dipak comes in. "Mary, is she all packed?" "Almost." "You can go finish. We will watch each other." "That will probably work." She leaves the door open behind her. He shakes his head. "Are you alright? What did he do to you?" He starts trying to fix my hair too. "We might have to carry her out." "With Mary in the room?" Tre smirks. "Mary took 'you see nothing' very literal. She wouldn't even look at us. I figured, why not?" "You're supposed to be the responsible one and everything." I start laughing. Thora comes in. "What's funny?" "Dipak's the responsible one now." She busts out laughing. "That is funny. But what did he do to your hair?" I point at Tre and the boys start laughing too. "I did not see that coming." Tre looks between me and Thora. "Why?" "You don't take a lot of risks. You keep things safe. You are always in control of everything. You do not like not being in control at all." He kisses me on the cheek. Dipak smiles. "What about me?" Thora laughs. "You have chaotic control. You're perfect in chaos. You can get control fast. And you do take a lot of risks." I wink at him. "You will risk getting caught if it's really what you want. Even if the risk is death." He nods. "It's time to go." "I don't want to go." I start to cry. "You won't want to come back. Trust me. It's amazing. You will love every second of it. You seen how fast we all wanted to go with you. Believe me, you do not want to miss this." She holds out her hand and I take it. She helps me stand up and we all go to the roof. All the other women are here. As well as my dad, Frode, Bud, and Dracul. My boys stand beside me. Tre holds my hand and Dipak has his arm around me. Momma starts fixing my hair. "What did you do to her Dipak?" Asa gives him a dirty look. "You can't even keep your hands to yourself for an hour?" Dipak points at Tre. She shakes her head. They roam away and the boys step back up to me. Tre laughs. "I'm going to take risks more often." Dipak shakes his head. I trace the feather outline with my finger. It makes me happy. It makes me feel safe. Dipak kisses my head. "I'll always find you sweetheart."
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