26. Dinner

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I open my eyes and Mary is standing over us. "Wake up. Landing in a minute. We are back." It appears that everyone but momma and Asa are asleep. I throw my arms above my head and try to stretch but I can't really do it this way. Both boys are under me. They sit their seats up. Now I'm laid across both their laps trying to stretch. It's not working. "Mary help." "No, you have to wake up little miss. Come on." She helps me sit right in my seat. I throw myself back in it. It's still all the way back. Mary grabs my feet and pulls. "No. Wake up now." I can't help it. I start to cry. "You can sleep later, little miss." Tre pulls me up and Mary shakes her head. "Put her seat up." Between the 3 of them they get me into a sitting position. I sit there for a second, then I stand up and stretch. "That was a good nap." Mary shakes her head and fixes my skirt. Then she goes over and starts waking everyone else up. Me and Dipak go into dinner first. I stand there not sure where to sit because the table is round. Dipak leads me to a spot. He sits on one side and Tre on the other. "This is different." I hate this. This table is so big. There is so much space in the middle of it. It is stupid. Momma is shaking her head at it. No one seems particularly thrilled about it. Tre says, "Yea we can make it work." Dipak sits back. "Yea, it's not to bad." "Neither of you will ever get a calf massage again." They both stand right up and start complaining. They're both talking at the same time and I can't get any of it. Then daddy stands up and starts complaining too. I jump up. "SOMEONE BREAK THIS DAMN THING." Next thing I know the table in is in pieces. I think daddy and Dipak broke it. I take charge fairly quickly. "Servants clean this up and bring back the other table. I'll give us all some places quick." The servants get it all done in a couple of minutes. There are a lot of them moving around, and it's confusing for a second but then it's done. "Daddy that end." He shakes his head. "But that's my end. I've always ate on that side of the table. It's got a hole where I stabbed it, when you were talking to Tre one day." I rub my eyes. "Servants rotate the entire table." They rotate it. "Daddy that end." He sits down. "Thank you." I shake my head. "Daddy has his stab hole. We're all good now. Dipak that end. I sit here. Tre you here. You 2 can switch on and off. I don't care. Thora you are across from me." I know they both like their calf massages. They both smile at me. "Frode by Thora. Prinna by Tre. You'll sit by Dipak sometimes so that will work. Bud. Momma pick a side for daddy. Asa will be across from you. Dracul by her. Going down this side. Gunner and Omar and Kane." I put Kane one space away from Frode. I don't know why but I like having him close. "Mary, get in here and sit by Bud." She walks in and starts crying. Kane and Omar both jump up and go to her. "Mary this shouldn't be that hard for you. We've eaten together plenty." "But it's at the dining room table with everyone." She starts sobbing. "Mary, remember the time I peed all over in the sitting room?" She starts laughing. I smirk at Omar. "Sometimes you have to reset her." They all start laughing. "Mary sit between Kane and Omar for now. And please no swords at the table. Tre would not like to die during dinner." She hands me the sword. We all sit down. Daddy smirks. "Well this is interesting." I point my sword at him. "My table. Not yours." "I wasn't saying it was bad my princess. I actually like it quite a lot." Dipak jumps up. "Nope." He grabs his chair and takes it down to daddy. They switch chairs and he comes back. "You 2 were not joking about that chair." We all bust out laughing. Me and Thora get comfortable and Dipak smirks at Tre. "This is nice." The 4 of us laugh again. Daddy nods. "This is better than before." Momma gives him a dirty look. "It's nearly the same except now people are across from each other better. Like momma and Asa. It will be easier for them to talk now. But if you look around, it's almost identical but backwards. I'm sure it will work for a couple of weeks anyway." Momma busts out laughing. "Isn't that the truth." Tre puts his hand in my lap and starts rubbing my leg like he use to. I did miss that so much. I reach down and hold his hand for a few seconds. I miss him. Dipak gives the signal for food and the servants bring it right out. When we're done Dipak takes my hand and leads me back to my place. We get in and he gives me a kiss. "I missed you sir." "I missed you too. I am going to kiss every inch of you tonight." He takes my clothes off, then picks me up and carries me to my bed. He lays me in the middle and takes off all his clothes before he climbs in. He smiles at me then flips me over, so I'm laying on my stomach. He kisses the back of my neck then tilts me up a bit and kisses my marking spots from this angle. It feels so good having his chest on my back like this. I start pushing my ass into him, and he makes a "mmm" sound. He kisses all down my back and rubs it and my shoulders at the same time. It is so relaxing, and it's turning me on so much. He gets down to my butt and I freeze for a minute. He chuckles and bites one of my cheeks. Then smacks the other one lightly. He moves down my legs and massages them for a couple of minutes. Then he flips me back over and gives me a kiss. I close my eyes and enjoy it. I missed him so much. I run my nails over his back and up into his hair. "God I missed you sweetheart." He goes right after my marking spot again. "UHHH." I start pushing my hips towards him. He leans down like he's going to whisper something in my ear and I grab onto his marking spot with my mouth. I suck on it and kiss. He gets a really tight grip on me but lets me do it. "f**k baby." Then he starts thrusting against me finally. I throw my head back and push my hips towards him. "Yes." "I'm not done kissing you yet." He moves down and starts kissing my n*****s. I grab his head and try to pull him back up. He won't budge. I grab his hair and try to pull him back up by it, and he bites one of my n*****s. It hurts a little. He didn't bite hard. But it makes me gasp and jump back. "I'm sorry did that hurt?" "A little. I liked it too though." He smirks at me and starts licking and sucking on it again. He bites it a little lighter and I pull his head closer to my chest. I did like that one. "mmm yes." "Good girl." He starts kissing my side and working his way down my stomach. He gets all the way down to my p***y and he licks it. I grab his hair and pleasure shoots through me. "OH YES PLEASE." He licks it again slow and then kisses my thigh. "Tonight you are coming on my dick." "Yes sir. Please." "mmm not yet." He rubs my legs for a minute then starts rubbing my feet. He plays with my toes and then starts kissing them. It feels so good. I swear I could c*m from this. "DIPAK YES." He chuckles a little bit. "I'll try to get you to c*m like that another time baby. I can tell you really like it." He kisses his way back up my legs. He gets to my p***y and he slides a couple fingers in me and starts moving them in and out. "OH YES." He licks me again and my head falls right back. "DIPAK." He backs up and takes his fingers out of me. He kisses my stomach again, and I can't take it anymore. I sit up and push him over. "I was still kissing you, woman." I straddle him and go right for his marking spot again. I pull his hair at the same time. He tries to move his head, so I can't get to it and I grab him by the throat and move his head. "It's mine and I want to kiss it." I kiss it for a minute while I'm rubbing my p***y on his d**k. "f**k BABY." I back up and he smirks at me. "What else is yours?" I lower myself down on him and put his d**k in my mouth. I start sucking on it. "Oh f**k sweetheart." He pulls me off it. "I got somewhere else to c*m tonight." He flips us back over and gets between my legs. He slides his d**k into me so fast. "OH YES." "f**k you feel good." He starts moving in and out of me. "PLEASE YES. OHHHH." "Whose is it baby?" "YOURS YES." "Take what I give it." He starts going faster, and I latch onto his back with my nails. "DIPAK." He picks up speed again and is so deep. He grabs my throat and kisses my spot. "ALL MINE. TAKE IT." He starts slamming into me. "OOOHHHH DIPAK." "Take it all. c*m all over my dick." "DIPAK YES." I throw my head back and start cumming all over him. "YES." I try to pull him closer and he holds it all the way inside of me. My pleasure pulses all around it over and over. "DIPAK YES MINE." He starts throbbing inside of me. "f**k yes." We hold each other for a couple minutes like that. "I really missed you sir." "I missed you too, babygirl." He lays down beside me and pulls me right against him. We both fall asleep holding each other. The next morning we get ready and we eat breakfast. "I missed you so damn much. I don't know about these vacations. I won't be able to have you in my head all the time when you're with Tre." "I didn't think about that. It really wouldn't be fair. I mean, he can't at all. When we go, he will have no contact at all." I stare at my plate and stop eating. I feel the tears come up. I don't know what to do. That will be so long. "I could move the feather to him, when you come with me." I look at him weird. "Well, you'll be with me, we won't need it to talk. And you'll be able to talk to him if I'm there. It's better than nothing anyway. We were mostly together when you were away anyway. At least you would be able to talk a little bit. And he could connect with me if anything weird happened." "It's mine. It makes me feel safe." "I know. Me and the dragon both want it in you. It makes us feel safe too. We feel like you are more protected with it. But for a week, it would work. You decide though. I'm not going to take it out of you without you saying I can." "I think it would be the best option, actually. It's either that or I don't talk to him at all. And we have no contact with anyone here." He smiles at me then kisses my cheek. "I couldn't imagine going for a week without hearing your voice." "Dipak if I tell you something will you keep it a secret. No one can know. No one at all. Well, momma knows, she told me. But no one at all." "Tre?" "Definitely not. No one. Promise." "I promise baby. You can tell me anything." "I hate secrets and I don't want any with you." "No secrets sweetheart. That's what I want too." He takes my hand and holds it. "What is it?" "I have his dragon now." "I thought you wouldn't get it till after the bond?" "That's what everyone thinks. Momma made me swear not to tell him. She says we are nothing but a mess. She doesn't even know if the bond can reconnect at all. If he got the dragon, I would always think that's all he wanted. Or something like that I don't remember." I start sobbing. He picks me up and sits me on his lap. "I agree with your mom. And yes, you two are a mess. It is better if you don't tell him. You have to wait and see if the bond does anything, sweetheart. I know it's hard." "But I don't want any secrets with him either." "I know sweetie. But this one you have to keep at least for a bit. You have to see if you can fix things with him." He tilts my head and looks in my eyes. "Trust me, he will be happy you waited to tell him as well, and it's not a lie. It's just a secret that you have to keep for a little bit, sweetheart." He hugs me so tight. "He kept a lot of secrets and lied to me a lot. I guess I can keep 1." "There you go baby. Do not tell him unless you are absolutely certain he will be honest with you. When you get to that point with him, then you think about telling him again. You can talk again with your mom or me if you're not sure ok?" I nod. "Ok let's get your hair done sweetheart." I go sit on my stool. Mary walks in with the green things. "Turns out they weren't hard to figure out at all. It's cucumber mush that is cooled." I put them on my eyes. We get me all finished and Dipak puts his arm around me. We get up to his office a couple of minutes late. I glance around and Tre isn't here. I scratch my head. "Where?" "He's in his office with his mom and yours as well." I turn around and storm out of Dipaks office.
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