The party

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Anna's POV I am not happy that I took Kagiso up on this offer. I did not feel like attending the party tonight, but I promised him I would be there. And I do not want to break my promises. At least it will be better than sitting here in this house with my drunk grandparents. I hope everybody enjoys themselves so much that they do not notice me. I will help pour the drinks and stay out of the mix. As long as Lerato does not see me, I know the race will not even notice me. She is always on the lookout for me to see how she can make my life miserable. I go early so that I can help Kagiso with the preparations. As I got there, I saw him at the drinks table. "Am I on time? Can I help you with something?" I ask Kagiso. This shows me how to throw the drinks and make a few cocktails. I do not know anything about alcohol as I hate it. I never want to drink in my life. I have seen too many lives destroyed by alcohol. Look at my grandparents out drinking every day. My mother stays with a drunk who hits her every day. Or I don't even know if she is still with him. I wonder if the parents will be here tonight to keep an eye on the children, or will it only be their children partying away? Since all of them are eighteen, they can drink in South Africa. I do not think the parents will care if they drink and party tonight. It was our last day of school. As long as there are no underage people here, they will not mind the few who have graduated to party along with the older persons like Hannes, Thabo, and Charlie. I bet the three will be in charge of seeing that the young graduates don't party too hard. I have made a few cocktails, and we keep them cool with ice. The first party guests have arrived. I know Lerato. She will want to be last. She will want everybody to see her when she walks in. I bet you will have a beautiful dress. I feel like Cinderella, waiting for her stepsister to step in and humiliate her. I know it's not going to be an easy night for me. Kagiso has already tasted a few cocktails, and I can see he is acting happy. I know he cannot feel satisfied. I know he's in love with Lerato. Perhaps that is why he is drinking so much. "Look who's working at the drink station if it isn't the bastard herself. I hope you did not spit in the drinks. I do not want to get some STDs. Kagiso, give me one of the cocktails you made and ensure this one did not touch it." Rose says, pointing to me. Kagiso hands her a cocktail but says nothing. So much for him going to protect me against their nastiness. I ignore Rose's comments and continue giving cocktails to those who want them. Then, the queen herself enters. She and Charlie are the last to show up. I feel my heart breaking as I stare at them. Why do I have to be in love with Charlie? I look down quickly as I do not want anyone to see the hurt in my eyes, and I do not wish Lerato or Charlie to see me staring at him. Lerato walks over to the cocktail table. To my surprise, she is ignoring me. I think it is because Charlie is with her, and she does not want to show her ugly side to him. "Did you spike this cocktail? And is that why you are handing it to me?" Lerato asks. "I will never do something like that. You are paying me to be here tonight. I am just doing my job." I say softly. I do not want everybody's attention on me. I hope that she will leave me alone, but she does not. "Well, if it's not spiked, why don't you drink it?" Lerato asks. "I do not drink. I never had alcohol in my life." I say softly again. "Ohh, come on, who are you bluffing? Your grandparents drink like a fish! Now, drink it to prove you did not spike it. Charlie, honey, I think she did spike this drink. And that is why she pretends that she is not drinking." Lerato says. Charlie looks bored. He looks at me and then at the drink in my hand. "Drink it. This is a party, and you might as well enjoy yourself." Charlie says as he takes one of the other cocktails and downs it. "Please do not make me drink this. I am not used to alcohol. Lerato, I promise you I did not spike it. Besides, I do not even know what it means to spike a drink." I say. People are starting to gather around us. "Down, down, down the drink!" They start to shout in one voice. I feel like I am going to cry. I want to leave. Allow me to leave. Someone opens my mouth, and Lerato pours the drink down my throat. I want to spit it out. But before I can spit it out, Lerato hits me in the face, and I swallow the liquid in my mouth. I start coughing and gagging, as I wouldn't say I like the taste of alcohol. I can feel that it is a potent drink. What are they trying to do? Are they trying to make me drunk so that I can make a fool of myself? I need to escape from here, but they will not allow me to. I looked around for help, but nobody was there to help me. Charlie, Hannes, and Thato stand sideways, downing the shot. Kagiso is nowhere to be seen, and I wonder if he will help me. I want to vomit, but Lerato and her friends keep throwing shots down my throat while some of the boys are holding me. Some of the drinks land on my dress. "That's enough. Let her go. You had your fun, Lerato. Let's enjoy the rest of the night and forget about Anna." Charlie says. I feel dizzy, and I do not feel well. I need a place to go and sit down. I want to vomit. I have never drunk in my life. And now, for the first time, I feel the effects that alcohol has on me. My head starts spinning. I have stopped counting how much they have thrown down my throat. Why me? Why always me? Why can't they leave me alone for once in my life? "I'm sorry about that. It should not have happened. I got busy and distracted. I did not see what they did to you until it was too late. Come. Let me take you to a place where you can lie down. I can see that you are not feeling too well. I am sorry I left you alone. There is an old bed in one of the empty houses. Here is a blanket, so go and lie down. They will soon forget that you were here. You cannot go home in that condition. Your grandparents are just going to take it out on you." Kagiso says. I feel dizzy and know I must lie down until I feel better. I must have fallen asleep. Because when I wake up, I think somebody gets into bed next to me. "What? Who?" I ask and want to jump out of bed, but I am still drunk from the shots and other stuff they pour down my throat. "Sjoes, it is me, Charlie. Come here! I want you so bad." I hear Charlie's voice. I lie still. He started kissing me forcefully, and I kissed him back. I am too drunk to care if he thinks I am someone else. I move closer to him and push my body hard to his. He pulls me closer to him, and our kiss intensifies. "We have to stop." Charlie whispers. I don't want this to stop. So, I pushed myself harder against him. I want him. Even if I can only have him for one night. Nobody ever has to know about this. I pull my dress over my head and take off my underwear. I have no idea what I am doing, but I know I want this man. I may regret it in the morning, but this is the only chance I will ever have to be close to Charlie. "Are you sure you want this? We are both drunk, and you may regret it in the morning. Your parents will be furious." Charlie says. I nod as I am too afraid to speak. I know I am acting like a w***e. I know he thinks it is Lerato who is in the bed. I do not care. I want to be loved, even for only one night. "I will be gentle with you, my love. You know I will never do anything to hurt you." Charlie whispers, and I pretend he knows it is me in his bed. It hurts as it enters me, and I take in a sharp breath. I am acting like my mother, but I incredibly love this man. I have to get out of here before you wake up. I know Charlie will be furious if he knows that he has slept with me and not with Lerato. We make love more than once. I'm tired, my head is spinning, and I feel dizzy. I wonder if those drinks were not spiked by someone else but not by me. "I love you so much." Charlie whispers as he holds me in his arms. I fall asleep in his arms. That is the last thing I remember of that night. The next moment, I opened my eyes when somebody screamed. Lerato is standing at the door of the empty miner's house. She has her phone in her hand, and she is taking photos. Charlie jumps out of bed and puts on his pants as Lerato runs away. "Lerato! Wait! I thought she was you!" Charlie shouts. I try to put on my clothes, but Charlie pushes me off the bed and looks at me with hate. I bump my head against the wall but get dressed quickly as I know Lerato will be back with more people. I feel the blood stopped running down my forehead. I hid my head against the wall. "You will pay for this! You bloody w***e!" Charlie says as he stands in front of me.
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