Get of the mine!

1115 Words
Anna's POV I was sitting on the ground when Doctor Lindiwe, her husband, and others ran in. Lerato is in tears. "He slept with her! He slept with the bastard child of that stripper! Mom, Dad, the engagement is off. I will not marry Charlie Pistone!" Lerato cries. As everyone looked at me, I looked up at her and saw the smirk on her face. That is when I knew Charlie and I were set up. Lerato and Kagiso planned this. Lerato pretends to cry again. Charlie tries to explain and blames everything on me. It is chaos. I feel like I am in the middle of a nightmare. All I want to do is wake up. Everybody's shouting and screaming at me at the same time. My head is spinning, and I do not know what to say. I know this is all my fault. I should have told Charlie that I am not Lerato. I brought this over myself. I feel ashamed of myself. What have I done last night? I should have gone home. I should not have listened to Kagiso. I thought he was my friend. He is standing at the door, looking at me. But he cannot look me in the eyes. I want to ask him why, but I know he did it because he loves Lerato. I guess everything is fair in love and war. I am being called names, and I do not know who calls me all these names as everybody is talking simultaneously. "Quiet! Lerato, go home with your mother. I will explain everything." Charlie shouts. "You little bastard! You can forget about the job in the hospital! I never want to see your ugly face again." Doctor Mothlamme says as she grabs Lerato by their hands and marches her out of the old miner's house. "Everyone else, get out! Here is nothing more to see." Charlie says. I get up as soon as everyone else is out of the house. I push past Charlie and start running. Luckily I have not unpacked my suitcase yet. I run into my grandparent's home, grab my bag, and walk to the mine gate. The sooner I get off this mind, the better for everyone else. The better for me. I know I am the most hated person on this mine. I start walking and wipe the blood and tears from my face. My dress was dirty, and I only stopped to put on my shoes quickly. An SUV stops next to me as I reach the gate and walk to town. "Get in," Charlie says. I pretended not to hear him. I have nothing to say to him. I keep walking, and blood and tears are flowing down my cheeks. I feel dizzy, but I am not planning on letting him know. I feel myself stumbling and land hard on the ground, hitting my head against a rock. It bleeds even more. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me into the SUV. "I had nothing to do with this." I say softly. I know Charlie is furious and looking to take out his s**t on someone. "You are not only a cheap w***e! You are a liar as well!" Charlie shouts. "I am not lying." I say softly. New tears are streaming down my cheeks again. "Why did you do it? Do you think you will break up Lerato and me? Our love is stronger than your cunning plan, and I will get her back. I never want to see you again! You will go away from this mine and never sit a foot on this mine again. If I ever catch you near Lerato or me again, I will kill you! Do you understand me?" Charlie asks. "I will never come back." I say. I stop crying. I know he will not believe me, and I still want some dignity. "Get out! You are bleeding all over my seats. I wanted you to understand that I will never even look at a cheap, dirty w***e like you. Now leave before I change my mind and kill you right here and now. You are a scamming b***h! You were always in love with me, and you thought I would fall for you!" Charlie says. "One day, you will know the truth. I feel sorry for you once you find out who is behind all of this." I say. I open the door and get out of the SUV. Charlie makes a U-turn, and rocks and dust fly over me as he spins away to return to the mine. I know this was all the doing of Lerato. I know now how Kagiso was planning to get to Europe. I bet they are planning to go away together. I start walking to town. Another SUV stops next to me, and I see it is Charlie's mother. Isabella Pistone is a strong woman, and I have always admired her, but she is always busy. I know she is here to shout at me and call me names. "I will not hurt you. Get in the car. I will take you to town. I know you had nothing to do with this. I know Lerato does not love my son and was looking for scapegoats to get out of the engagement. However, Dr Mothlamme is my friend. I can not take you back to the mine. I will drop you off in town. I can only give you money for a bus to a big city. I will provide you with enough cash to live off for a few months." Isabella says. I do not want her to help, but I have no choice as I feel dizzy and know I can not walk to town. "I do not want your money, Mrs Pistone. I will be fine. I have saved a little money and enough for a Cape Town bus. I will find a job there. I have caused enough trouble. What happened last night was all my fault. I should not have let your son think I am Lerato." I say. "Honey, your only mistake was being in love with a man that does not love you. Let me help you get away from this place." Isabella says. She takes me to town and the bus station. Before I could say anything, she bought me a ticket to Cape Town and put some cash in my bag. Then she is gone. So I am being paid off to leave her son as my mother was paid to leave the mine and Rose's parents. I smile bitterly as this is a hard pill for me to swallow.
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