A chance to make extra money?

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Anna's POV The weeks have gone by so fast. I cannot believe that we wrote our last papers today. It was easy for me. I wish I could get a bursary to go to university. Unfortunately, in my world, I can't get one. Even if some people are willing to sponsor me, I am sure someone will stop it. I am not wealthy, and I am a bastard. I wish my old friend Grandmother Lerato were with me. I have nobody to celebrate with me on my last day of school. I don't have friends except maybe Kagiso, who is always friendly with me but has been avoiding me since I caught him and Lerato kissing behind the school. I saw Charlie yesterday, he's back from Italy. I just glanced at him and walked away before he saw me looking at him. I do not want him to know how I feel about him. He can never find out. He will most probably laugh at me. I do not even believe he knows my name. "Anna, wait up!" I hear Kagiso calling me. I stop and wait for him. I do not want Lerato to see us together. "Thank you for all your help. That paper was easy for me. A bunch of us are having a party at the mine tonight. Will you come with me?" Kagiso asks. "No, thank you. I need to go. I have to pack before we go to the mine." I say. "Listen. We are only going to be servants at the party. It doesn't mean we cannot enjoy it and will get paid. Loosen up a little bit, Anna. Please come and help me out. I will be the only poor one among the rich. I thought you were my friend." Kagiso says. "How much do they pay?" I ask. "One hundred rand an hour. You know how long they can party. Come on, we can make a quick five hundred rand (South African currency) each." Kagiso says. I am tempted. I do need the money. Every rand I make I save so I can study even if it is only after hours. I want to become someone! I do not want to end up like my mother. "Fine, but you can keep the drinks. I do not want to drink. I have never consumed alcohol in my life, and I am not planning to start right now. I won't party with those people as I do not want to be associated with them. I know they do not like me, and I will not pretend to like them or that we are friends as long as you promise to stay close to me all night and not let them bully me. I am sick and tired of them bullying me," I say. I look at Kagiso, but for some reason, he is looking everywhere but at me. Is he still feeling guilty about him kissing Lerato and that I saw it? I cannot think of any other reason why Kagiso will not look me in the eye. He is the only friend that I ever had in school. Well, not a friend, more an acquaintance. At least he never bullied me, and he never picked on me. I helped him with his exams. And I know that he will do very well. He is a very clever person. "I will stay by your side the whole night. I promise I will not let them bully you. If I get too drunk, don't blame me for not looking after you, please. I am planning to party and to party hard. We do not finish school every day." Kagiso says. "Kagiso, have you ever thought about applying for a bursary? You are clever, and I am sure that you will get one. You can have a bright future. I trust in you and believe that you can become somebody one day." I say. "I am poor as you are. You know that only the wealthy get the bursaries. Nobody cares about us. So why should I even try it? Besides, I have other plans for the future. I will go backpacking through Europe, making money on my way through Europe. Come back and pay for my education." Kagiso says. "It is costly to live in Europe. Where will you get the money to buy tickets to go to Europe? A plane ticket to Europe is expensive." I say. Again, Kagiso looks away and can not look me in the eyes. What is wrong with him today? "How I get there is none of your business. Will you come to the party and help me out tonight or not? If you don't want to say so, I will find somebody else who will help me. It is a lot of money for one night's work. I am sure somebody else will be interested if you are not." Kagiso says, and he does not sound like himself. I do not know what to think about this side of Kagiso. I have never seen him like this before. He is always friendly with me. But now he is almost rude. Did he use me to get through school? However, I do not want to lose the only person who cares a little about me. "Don't be silly, of course, I will help you tonight. I promise I will look after you if you get too drunk." I smile. Kagiso looks like he wants to run away. "Anna, if you don't want to, you don't have to. I will not be able to look out for you all night. I do not want to put you in a situation where you can be taken advantage of while I am drunk. This is a bad idea. I must ask somebody else." Kagiso says. He looks guilty, and I do not understand why, but he was always friendly to me, and I feel I owe him as he tried to stand up for me sometimes when I was bullied. "Don't be silly. Friends are there to look out for each other. I will be there. I will not look as fancy as the other girls as I do not have expensive clothes, but no one will even notice me, so I do not care. Besides, I will get drinks thrown all over me all night. I'll just put on an old dress. I know they will target me, but I don't care. I will help you out. Besides, I need the money. Every rand will help me at this stage. I do not want to stay here forever." I smile. "Okay, thank you. But remember, if I get drunk and you do not feel safe, go home. I will understand if you cannot look after me while I am drunk. I'll see you day to night. It is at the party grounds on the mine." Kagiso says. He walks away without looking at me again. I can see his feeling guilty about something. And I still think it is about that kiss. I know Charlie will be there tonight. Perhaps he feels guilty because he kissed Charlie's girlfriend.
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