Chapter Two - Competition

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It’s been two months since Wesley came into my life and it’s been quite the month actually. Wesley is still as guarded as he can be but, he’s opening up a bit and holding long conversations with me. He’s also proven himself to be a hot nerd. He’s been acing his test and exams, but most shocking of all was the debate competition held last month. Wesley went head-on with Marius and he won. I was shocked for two reasons, one being that I didn’t expect Wesley to climb up on stage and talk in front of more than a thousand students, and two, Marius is f*****g smart, like Albert Einstein kind of smart, and for someone to tie with him or beat him at anything academic, comes as a shock to the whole school. I know now that Wesley isn’t shy, but is just guarded. Marius on the other hand has been angry and feels insulted that Wesley is just as smart, if not smarter than him. Most of my so-called friends have been doing nothing but bull-shitting me behind my back. I know some of them have always disliked me for being Marius’ girlfriend but I find it stupid that they’ll dislike me even more just because Wesley is my brother and he talks to me alone. Wesley has been avoiding a lot of people and talks to me most of the time which is, sometimes. He speaks to other people only when necessary. Whenever I walk past Wesley being bombarded by some girls, he uses me to get away from them. I try to get him to stay and talk to the girls, but he never listens and I can’t force him. I’m on my way to the cafeteria for lunch when I once again, spot Wesley. Two girls in my science class were talking to him. He sees me and points to me and I sigh. “She’s the one I’ve been waiting for,” he says, walking over to me. The girls turn to me and roll their eyes. “You can’t even leave your ‘brother’ alone for a day?” One of them asks me. “Not my fault you're pushing yourself on him and he doesn't want,” I retort and keep walking towards the cafeteria with Wesley. “Why do you run from them? I mean it’d be good to make friends.” “Yes, friends, not girls who are throwing themselves on me,” he deadpans and I laugh. I see the corner of his lips curve up a bit like he’s fighting a smile of his own. “Maybe that’s their way of trying to make friends with you.” Roy gives a look, and I raise my hands up in mock surrender. “I’m just saying.” We walk into the cafeteria together and head for the food stands. I spot Marius at his table with a few of his friends around him. One of his friends whisper something to him and he turns towards where I’m standing. I smile and wave at him but he doesn’t do anything. He glares at Wesley and moves to stand up, but one of his friends put a hand on his shoulders, stopping Marius from standing. Wesley and I get our food and he turns in the direction of another table, but I stop him. “What are you doing? You’re seating with me.” “Your boyfriend and his crew are not going to be happy with that.” “I think they just need time to know you and see that you’re okay.” “I'm okay?” He asks, raising an eyebrow “You know what I mean. Come on,” I say to him before walking in the direction of Marius’ table. “Hey baby.” I peck Marius’ cheek and take a seat beside him. Wesley takes the empty seat on my left and says nothing but begins to eat. “Did he really have to come and sit with us?” Marius whispers into my ears “Marius! He’s my brother, obviously, he can sit with me if I want him to,” I whisper back to him. “Your brother who only talks to you.” “Marius, he’s my brother, nothing is going on between us. He’s just not easily trusting. Give him time and you’ll like him,” I whisper back and I begin to feel Wesley’s awkwardness. Marius opens his mouth to talk but I cut him short. “Eat your food babe,” I say and turn away from him to eat my food. One of Marius’ friends tries to talk to Wesley but he is being a snub. I nudge his knee with mine, trying to get him to talk back. **************************** The rest of the day goes by uneventfully and Wesley and I are home now. I head straight for my room, take off my clothes, and head for the bathroom. After my shower, I hear a knock on my door before my bedroom doors open. Marius walks in, looking handsome in some khaki shorts, a round neck t-shirt, and Nike slides. “Marius? What’s wrong?” “So something has to be wrong before I decide to visit my girlfriend?” “That’s not what I mean. You usually tell me you’re going to come or do something cute or romantic whenever you’re around, but you just more or less barged in.” He says nothing and sits on my bed “I’m sorry, I’ve just been going through a lot.” I sit beside him, and turns to face me. “You want to tell me about it?” I ask and he sighs. “I feel like this Wesley dude, is trying to take my place. Academically, and most important, I feel he’s trying to take you away from me. I feel like he’s trying to take my place in your life and I can’t afford to lose you, babe. It irks me how he is always with you and it makes me mad, like why the f**k can’t this dude make friends with other people? ” I smile at him and rubs his arms “What’s so funny? “I just find it funny how you’re so insecure when you have nothing to be insecure about. I do love how cute and annoyed you are with Wesley when it comes to me but he’s my brother and I mean it. I see him as my brother, adopted or not. I have eyes for only you Marius.” “Prove it,” he says and I straddle him and kiss him. The kiss is slow and passionate. I wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair. His hands roam my body and grind down on him “f**k!” He groans out. One of his hands goes into my shorts and begins to rub my clit through my damp panties. I moan right into his mouth, biting my bottom lip. He uses his teeth to drag my bottom lip free and sucks on it, biting it a bit before letting it go. “You like that huh?” He whispers huskily against my mouth. “Uhun,” I pant out, trying to grind down more on his hand. Just as he pushes my panties aside, someone knocks on my door. “You’ve got to be shitting me!” “Adelaide? I need your flash drive,” Wesley calls out from the other side of the door. “Um, can you come back for it later I’m busy,” I say and Marius doesn’t stop. He inserts a finger into my v****a and I bite down hard on my lip to stop myself from moaning out. “I really need it. It’s important.” “Oh okay, give me a se-,” I cut myself short, holding a hand over my mouth to stop the loud moan from coming out of my mouth. “Ade?” “Uh, hold on I’m coming,” I say but Marius doesn’t want to let me go. “f**k him,” he whispers and pulls me in for a kiss. His mouth goes to my neck and begins to suck on it. I lose myself in the sensations, forgetting Wesley and the flash till he knocks again “Adelaide?” “She’s busy dude, come back later,” Marius shouts angrily and I rush to say something but Wesley beats me to it. “Oh, I’ll come back for it. Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb.” I hold Simon’s hands when I see he is about to continue. “You didn’t have to be that way,” I scold and Marius c***s his head to the side, trying to look innocent. “What way? I’m having a good time with my girl, and someone’s trying to mess it up. I did what anyone would do. I mean, he f*****g lives here with you and can get a stupid flash later.” “I know, but what if it’s really as urgent?” I ask and Simon says nothing and looks away, pulling his hands out of my shorts. I grow cold a bit at the loss of contact but I do nothing but put my hands on his face and turn his head to face me. “Marius, you are allowed to be jealous but you have to be nice to other people.” “That’s where you're wrong sweetheart. I’m only allowed to be nice to you, not to everyone.” I shake my head at him “What am I going to do with you?” “You’re going to love me,” he says with a smile. He pulls me in for a kiss, and I let him. We eventually end up cuddling on my bed and talking about random things.
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