Chapter One - New People

1853 Words
I’m seated on my bed, watching a movie on my laptop when I hear my name. “Adelaide? Sweetie? Please come down for a moment.” My mum shouts from somewhere outside my room. I pause the episode of umbrella academy that I’m currently watching, put on my fluffy white slipper, and go down to the living room. The distance from my room to the living room is a lot and I wonder why my mum would rather lose her voice than call my phone and tell me to come down. I walk down to the living room and see my mum, my dad, and a boy that looks to be my age, seated on the couch. I take a seat on one of the couches and my mum smiles at me. “How have you been sweetie?” “Been okay. I missed you and dad though,” I respond with a smile of my own. “We missed you too. We have something to tell you. This is your brother, your adopted brother. Adelaide meet Wesley,” my dad says to me. “Hi, nice to meet you,” I say with a small smile. “Nice to meet you too,” he responds in a quiet and deep voice. “So, you’re both seventeen and he’ll be going to your high school too,” mum explains. “That’s great. I can help him find his way around.” My mum smiles at the two of us. I know more than anything she’s anxious about how well Wesley and I will relate. Since I was adopted, there hasn’t been any new kid, but if I’m being honest, I’m eager to know Wesley better. “I’ll show him to his room,” I say to my dad, standing up from my chair. “That’s great. His room is the second room on your floor. Wesley, follow Adelaide,” my dad says and Wesley stands up. The butler follows us up with Wesley’s bags in hand. Our house is a three-story building. On the middle floor, we have my room, the library, a game room, an extra kitchen for my personal use, I love to cook and try out new recipes, and an empty bedroom that’s now Wesley’s room. My parent’s bedroom, a private living room, the movie theater, an art and music studio room, and an indoor jacuzzi are on the topmost floor. Though I am adopted, I won’t lie and say life is hard. I’ll say being an orphan is one of the best things that happened to me. These people see me as their daughter. They have given me the best life a kid can ask for, and are planning a wonderful future for me and with me. "Here we are,” I say before opening his door. His room is just as big as mine. The one big difference is my room is full of pastel, beige and brown colors and his room has a dark theme to it, but I still like it. "Do you like it?" I ask as I move aside to let Wesley and our butler, Mr. Benjamin, walk in. "It's nice,” he says. One thing I'm really good at, is observing people and my observations are never wrong. Wesley seems like a boy who likes to be alone and remain mysterious, but that's not going to deter me from being a good sister to him. Mr. Benjamin drops his bags on the queen-sized bed and turns to leave. "Have a lovely evening young master and young missus," he says before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Wesley walks in and looks around the room, taking it all in. I maintain my position by the door. "I was adopted too, I'm an orphan just like you. I don't mean to sound insensitive but you're in safe hands here, and I really hope we can really be close,” I say and he turns to me and nods. "Okay, I'll leave you to get settled in. I'll see you downstairs for dinner,” I say before turning and leaving his room. ************************ My five am alarm rings out and I lazily hit the snooze button. I had made it a ritual to get up by five every morning even though I don’t leave for school till seven forty-five am. I love to start my day in the gym. I get up from my bed, wash my face, brush my teeth and change into one of my gym shorts and shirt. I head for the kitchen to make my pre-workout protein shake, and once that’s done, I head straight for the home gym. I usually head for the mirrors, take off my shirt and check myself out before working out with a sports bra. I was going about my usual routine checking my hips and how my flat stomach helps define my waistline, giving me the perfect hourglass shape. What I didn’t expect to see is Wesley. He walks behind me, heading towards one of the gym equipment and I freeze in my spot. He didn’t say anything to me. I swallow the embarrassment I feel and I walk up to him. “Good morning Wesley.” “Morning,” he responds with a deep morning voice, not taking his eye off the dumbells. “I’ll leave you to do your thing but I just want to ask if you won’t mind riding to school with me. I’m just thinking that since you’re new I could help you around,” I rush out, feeling awkward and he turns to stare at me for a few seconds. “Yeah sure, thanks.” “Great. We leave by seven forty-five,” I add and he nods in response. I leave him and walk towards the treadmill. ********************** “Bye mum, bye dad!” I shout to my parents as I walk out the door. My parents rush to the front door. “Have a nice day. If you need anything Wesley, you can call us,” my mum says to him. “I will, thank you.” “Have a nice day you two,” my dad says as he comes to stand beside my mum. “We will, bye,” I say as I head for my car, Wesley walking right behind me. I settle in and start my car. Once I see that Wesley has worn his seat belt, I back out of the spot my car is parked in and drive out the gates The car ride is slightly awkward and I know Wesley isn't the type for small talk so I connect my phone to the speakers and blast music through it. After about thirty minutes, we arrive at our school. Our school is one of the most prestigious if not the most prestigious high schools in Beverly Hills. I attend Cressida Damaris High school. It’s a school for the extremely wealthy and because our adopted parents are well to do, Wesley and I have the opportunity to mix with the wealthy and enjoy education at its finest. We wear school uniforms. The boys wear dark blue trousers, a white shirt, a dark blue blazer, and a tie, while the girls wear the same except we wear a flared skirt. My skirt is just below my mid-thigh and I love to pair my uniform with these beautiful leather boots my mum bought for me, and black thigh-high socks. I reverse my Tesla into an empty parking spot. “So, here we are,”I say with a smile to Wesley before grabbing my bag from the back seat and getting down from the car. A lot of heads turn my way when they see Wesley alight from my car. I roll my eyes at girls that are giving me the stink eye. I mean can’t blame them, I have a hot brother and a hot boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriend, I spot Marius, looking hot as usual, but Marius is not smiling at me. He’s glaring at Wesley. I’m barely given a chance to make a move when I’m pulled away from Wesley from behind. I turn around, ready to shout at the culprit but I come face to chest with Marius, his cologne instantly calming me. I hold onto his shirt, but snap out of my daze when I realize what I’m doing. “Marius, meet my brother Wesley, and Wesley, this is my boyfriend, Marius.” Wesley nods at Marius and Marius does the same too. I say nothing and Marius starts to pull me away. I turn back to look at Wesley. “The counselor’s office is the second door on your right once you walk into the school building,” I call out over my shoulder to Wesley and let Marius drag me away. Maybe I'm a b***h for abandoning my brother on his first day, but Wesley seems to want to be alone and Marius needs me more. Marius’ family practically controls and runs the school, so when teachers see him dragging me through the hall, they don’t caution him but greet him. Marius pulls me into his personal room on the school grounds. It looks more like a studio dorm room, an expensive studio dorm room. He closes the door and I lean back against it. Marius moves closer to me and stands in my front, placing his hand on the door over my head. “What’s wrong?” I ask in a soft whisper “I don’t like other boys around you,” Marius says in a tense tone “Your friends are always around me.” “I know they won’t make a move on you. I don’t know this dude and I don't trust him.” I place my hands on his cheek gently and Simon opens his eyes to stare into mine. Our breaths mix and become one due to our close proximity. “Wesley is my brother. I have feelings for you and only you.” “I know, but he’s not your blood brother, I don’t trust him.” “Are you jealous?” I ask and an unexplainable expression flashed through Marius’ eyes. “Hell yes, I am. I don't need no one taking princess from me.” “Your princess isn't going anywhere babe,” I whisper to him. I move closer to Marius and lock my lips with his. As usual, the close contact sends sparks all through my body. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. After what seems like an hour, we pull apart. “I love you, Adelaide.” “I love you too Marius,” I respond with a soft smile and he hugs me, resting his head on my shoulder and inhaling my scent. He does this when he’s angry, annoyed, irritated, or whenever he is insecure about our relationship. I run my hands through his hair, trying to comfort him and we stay like this, swaying sideways till the bell rings for our first class of the day.
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