Chapter 15

416 Words
Chapter 15 “This is too heavy!” Kyveli complained. Teddy slapped some tiny devices on the Royal Crown. “Light as a feather,” she said and turned it in her fingers. Then she put it on her white hair. She made it work, of course. Tilting it to one side, the crown that symbolised power on Earth became nothing more than a fashion accessory on her. An oval of a mirror appeared out of nowhere. Guillermo remembered Lorenzo talking about mirror fields, energy-hungry force fields that mirrored things as a defence against speed-of-light attacks. This was wasteful like using an aircraft carrier’s engines to go fishing. She posed for a few holographies. Arching her back, opening her lips seductively, twirling her finger, every tiny movement made Guillermo hot and flustered. The finishing stroke was when she modelled the thing, catwalking up and down the Jewel room. The way her hips swayed was too much. Guillermo bit down hard on his lips till they bled. He used an old trick Joaquin had taught him to put his erection under control, by gripping his thumb in his fist. He had no idea if it worked or not, but he was down to try anything. Then she blew a kiss his way. Okay this was it. Guillermo mumbled an apology and ran outside the room. He put his back against the cold stone wall and calmed himself down. He lost his erection completely when the man from MI5 scowled at him. “Yes, I’ll get them back,” Guillermo said and went back inside. Kyveli tried on the various capes. She made everything work, but it was a bit too much red with her complexion. Guillermo pulled the princess’ stylist aside and whispered, “Tell her the Jewels are old and stuffy.” The man went pale. A lifetime of adoration was a hard thing to change. “Please, don’t force me to do this!” “Okay, calm down.” Guillermo sighed and looked around. The man’s comm device chirped and he pulled it out. He tapped his adoration for his Princess and went on to write a comment. Guillermo perked up and snatched the comm from the man’s hands. “No, give it back.” “Let me.” He typed a single comment. “There, take it back.” The stylist read the comment that was posted from his account and sagged on the floor as he had just been sentenced on death row. The MI5 agent kept scowling at him. Would his plan work? Would a single comment in the vast sea of trillions make any kind of noticeable difference? But the Ekrignontes had gotten used to unbridled adoration. They hadn’t seen what an internet troll can do.
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