Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 “I do not enjoy giving away my things,” The Queen said with cold words. Guillermo bowed before Her. “Your Majesty, I don’t think we have a choice.” It was an urgent audience with The Queen. Prime ministers, foreign Chancellors and dignitaries had met The Queen in this room at Buckingham Palace. And now, Guillermo had to ask Her to give up Her precious Crown Jewels. “The answer is no, I’m afraid.” “Your Majesty, forgive my insistence on this matter. You see, if we don’t do our best to please the Princess, the whole Earth blows up. Along with the Crown Jewels, I might add.” She scoffed. “Now that’s a fine way to extort everyone!” She seemed old. The deageing miracles from the aliens had benefited her dearly, much to the dismay of her next-in-line. She was still sharp and strong, going close to a hundred years old. “It is, Your Majesty. That’s exactly why the Dieretis Empire is feared and respected.” Guillermo was offered to sit, but even Churchill himself stood when briefing the Queen so he did the same. Joaquin’s lesson gnawed at the back of his mind. The Queen seemed to consider it. But he knew that it was an act. This is why he didn’t like working with royalty any longer. She was about to decline and there was nothing he could do. “I don’t like to repeat myself, mister Reysolo. The answer is still no.” She rang the bell. The audience was over. “Your grandchildren, Your Majesty.” “What about them?” “They won’t be safe.” The doors behind him opened. The man there glowered, waiting for him to leave. But he had Her attention. “Tell me.” “My impossible task is to do whatever might please the foreign princess, or else our entire planet blows up. Please, I beg of you, try to comprehend that. The entire planet.” “So this is a terrorist threat, you say?” She stood up and shook her finger. The Queen actually knew quite a bit about war and threats on her life. Scarred and weary, but she still kept soldiering on. “In essence, yes. Your Majesty should think of it as a polite visit from a princess strapped with all the nuclear arsenal in the world, and even that’s not enough to compare.” She straightened her dress. “Fine. She can have my Crown Jewels. Make sure they are personally returned to me afterwards. The Crown is too heavy for me to wear these days but I’m quite attached to it.” She smiled. Guillermo sighed in relief. “Of course, Your Majesty.” He turned to leave, thinking he had outstayed his welcome. “I have heard of you, mister Reysolo,” She added. “Should you survive this royal tour, consider sending a letter with your curriculum vitae at Buckingham.” Guillermo bowed deeply. “I’m honoured, Your Majesty.” Then he stormed out of there to go borrow the Crown.
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