Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 “I don’t like you,” the ship’s avatar said. It still wore the Ravenmaster hat it had previously stolen. Guillermo got shivers from the place. The Tower of London’s dungeons didn’t exactly have the best ambiance. Centuries-old stone, damp floors, mold growing in the cracks and the terrible feeling that so many people died in there. “Touch Her And You’re Dead, we need to sort things out. Actually, let’s start with your name, can’t I call you something else?” “No,” the Teddy Bear crossed his fluffy arms. Guillermo touched the bridge of his nose. This was getting ridiculous. The avatar Teddy floated at his level and poked him on the chest. “I don’t like you.” It was hard to take the intimidation of a Teddy Bear seriously. It must have sensed amusement in his microexpressions because it got really angry and then tore out Guillermo’s arms from his sockets, blood gushing everywhere. Guillermo gasped and grabbed his arms. They were still in their place. “What did you do to me?” “I merely showed you a sim of one way I can kill you. Wanna see another?” the Teddy avatar smiled and tilted its head. It wasn’t silly now. “No-” Guillermo got drowned in a floating bubble of water, that defied all rules of gravity and stayed attached around his head like a reverse diver apparatus. He flailed and thrashed, gasping for air and taking in water but the bubble remained around his head. Then it was gone. Not a drop to be seen anywhere, except his sweat and his agony. “What are you doing, please stop this!” he pleaded. “I have come up with 147.000 different ways to kill you, and I rerun the sims for my entertainment.” The Teddy avatar was now creepy beyond measure. “Please… Stop. I’m no threat, I would never…” “Say. My. Name.” Guillermo gulped. “Touch Her And You’re Dead.” Teddy raised an eyebrow. “And I’m dead.” “And what did you do the very first second you’ve met her?” “Touched her.” “Aaand?” “I’m dead.” Avatar Teddy patted his head. “Not yet, cause she seems to like you. But there won’t be a second time.” It walked away, towards the stone steps. “Yes, Mind. I see now that your name serves as a reminder. You have chosen well.” Avatar Teddy turned back to look at him. “Ooh. I see you’re not as stupid as you look.”
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