
1936 Words
AVALON Sebastian acting the way he did confused me and scared me at the same time. While I understood that he could be overbearing and possessive, I couldn’t think of a reason why he would act the way that he did. Sebastian apologized to me and said that he regretted hurting me? I knew there was a change in the timeline, the moment that I came back, but weren’t things supposed to be the way they happened years ago? “Change comes with the decisions that you make, Avalon. Whatever it is you change from your past life will change the way things in the present will be from then on.” The voice was small but loud enough for me to hear it and I knew just who had spoken. My heart pounded in my chest, knowing that I needed to be careful with every decision I would take. One wrong move could ruin everything, and it was the last thing that I wanted to happen. Sebastian had tried to forcefully take me back to James. He wanted to stay married and whatever it was that made him change his mind could not be any good. I have to stay away from him. And I am determined to, I told myself. I stared into the eyes of the two men that held me like I was the most precious thing to them. That was the same way that they looked at me too. One heartbeat and a few more before I snapped from staring into their eyes. They were the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen. It was unreal how they looked. When I pushed myself away, I could see something flash in their eyes like hurt and I didn’t know why. They both held an arm, refusing to let go, only squeezing a little tighter for a firm grip, not that it hurt. “Are you alright?” One of them asked with a voice that could give the gods a run for their money and power. I found myself nodding, but no words came out of my mouth. That was until Sebastian spoke. “Get your filthy hands off my wife, assholes!” I grimaced at the sound of his voice, feeling anger rise in my chest to hear him call me his wife. The men didn’t move, they continued to look at me as if they were reading my expression or trying to. Something about them felt familiar, but I couldn’t place my finger on it. Who could they be? “Did you two f*****g assholes not hear what I just said? Get your f*****g hands off my mate and step away from her before I f*****g make you pay!” Sebastian was loud enough to get the attention of a few other people that had no business finding out what was happening. I turned to Sebastian angrily to get him to shut up. “Stop it! I was your wife and mate a few minutes ago, but not anymore. Don’t you dare act like you ever loved me, or I meant anything to you.” I snapped at him and his features changed the moment the men unhanded me and turned so that they faced him. First, Sebastian relaxed from something that looked a lot like guilt, then his eyes went wide as saucers the moment he came face to face with the Twins glaring at him. He smiled nervously and this made my brows furrow. I was about to question him about his behavior when he spoke, beating me to it. “My Princes, I had no idea it was both of you....” he started to say, but his eyes held something completely different and sinister. Princes? As in the Alpha Princes, twin boys, well men of the Royal house? My eyes widened as much as Sebastian’s, if not more, and my mouth went agape. “Prin....princes?” I stammered, finally feeling the ton of bricks that identified as realization hit me. They both peeled their eyes away from my ex-husband and glanced at me with a very relaxed expression and I found myself blushing from their stare with absolutely no idea why. “ see, she and I just had a little misunderstanding. You know how women are. Now, if you don’t mind, my mate and I have things to attend to.” Sebastian spoke so casually with a smug expression that annoyed me, to every last bit of nerve I had in my body. Again, I wanted to speak, but I was beaten to it by one of the Twins this time. “I don’t think she wants to go with you.” He turned to me and spoke again. “Would you like to go with the man?” I shook my head faster than the words could form in my mouth. I glared at Sebastian. “I would die before going anywhere with him. He’s no mate of mine.” I didn’t want to think about the things he had done to me in my past life, but the images came nonetheless. I looked down, refusing to let him see the tears that wanted to form. And as if sensing my pain, the twins stood in front of me the moment Sebastian grabbed my arm painfully like he was warning me. “Your things are still at the house, Avalon. And where will you go? You have no one to go to.” One out of the twins growled at him this time, yanking my arm away from him, and he stumbled backwards a few steps away. “Touch her one more time, and we will make sure you become the first Alpha to lose both f*****g arms....” They meant it and I knew it. Sebastian bolted as fast as his legs could take him to a distance that seemed safe for him to yell. It really wasn’t that far and if they wanted to get him, they could without problems. This I knew as well. “You will come home back to me, Avalon. You cannot divorce me unless I allow it.” Came his voice that sent chills down my spine. Sebastian thought that he could scare me like he used to. What he didn’t know was that I was not that woman I used to be nor will I ever let myself become her in any way. My mind drifted into different thoughts that pulled me away from the new reality that was now my life. I was divorced and ready for revenge. “Avalon, is it? Can you hear me?” One of the brothers said, and I snapped out of my thoughts with eyes landing on him. I cleared my throat nervously, now knowing who they were, I didn’t want to seem disrespectful. “Yes my Prince. I’m alright.” As I spoke I took one step away from them to create even more space that was between us. “... Thank you so much for your help. I should leave now.” I was going to turn away from them and walk away as fast as I could before the other brother spoke. “I'm Asher by the way...” he said, taking hold of my hand in his, sending sparks to fly between us and my eyes widened. “And my brother is Merrick.” His voice was strained. And if I read it right, he was pleased and pissed to meet me at the same time. I didn't anger him in anyway, did I? I froze, unable to speak as I looked at our hands. This can't be. It can’t. I thought to myself feeling a wave of shock hit me so badly I couldn’t tell if it was from their touch or the realization. “We’re your mates, Avalon. You’re ours now..” they said at the same time like they had practiced the words a few times together. My heart raced at a speed that scared me. I pulled my hand away from Asher and placed it on my chest in an attempt to slow down my breathing, but that didn’t work. I continued to stare at them for some time, and they allowed me to. My eyes moved from one brother to the other, noting the differences that they had. “I'm sorry, but I can’t do this. I have a mission to fulfill, and I don’t want a mate or mates in this case. I’m really sorry.” I was about to run away like I wanted to, but they spoke, getting me to stop in my tracks. “Your ex-husband made it clear you had no place to go. Why don’t you come with us? Whatever it is you want to do, we can help you.” Merrick spoke, glancing towards his brother. “We do have the resources, plus you won’t have to worry about having a roof over your head or what to eat.” He has a point. But can I trust them? I thought about what he said and as much as it sounded like the thing to do, there was no telling what this could turn into. I didn’t even know who they were other than their titles. And I didn’t want to agree without at least letting them know what happened between Sebastian and I. The thought of it alone even made me tear up, and I felt weak. How was I going to win against him if I didn’t allow myself to become strong? Merrick moved where he stood, lifting a hand to wipe the tears that fell without me realizing it and I flinched without meaning to. My eyes shut, and I backed away again and by the time I opened them again, I found them with an expression that scared me. Not that they were about to hurt me, but they sure looked ready to murder Sebastian instead. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don't want to...” said Merrick after some time and that made me break down. “I should if I’m going to be living with you two..” I started to say. A fraction of relief flashed in their eyes and that made me relax in return. “ ex hated me so much he started to hit me and have an affair with someone I thought was my friend for years. I was just able to divorce him, but I want revenge on everything they had done to me. I want them both to pay.” Anger that I had woken up with boiled in my chest and I felt motivated to get started on my plan. “You’re going to need our help with your revenge, not to mention our protection.” Asher didn't seem much of a talker like his brother and that worried me a bit. He might want me, but his expression was cold, not to mention scary. This didn’t sound like what mates would agree on, but we shook hands on it, and soon I found myself staring at the Royal Castle with my heart beating fast against my chest. I was led inside and the more we walked, the more I was mesmerized by the ancient structure. This is unreal. “My Alphas, you’re home...” I heard a woman’s voice call out making the smile I had plastered on fall instantly. “Who the f**k is this?” the woman spoke sourly the moment my eyes met hers. She doesn't look like a relative.
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