Fiancé VS Mate

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AVALON Two minutes it had been since I came here, and I could already feel the animosity in the air. It was thick enough to choke me to death and I had absolutely no desire to die a second time because of the opposite gender. “Who are you? And why are you here?” this woman, whoever she was, asked me with a sneer. Jealously and possessiveness were thick in her voice. She looked at me like I was not worth being in her presence. My brows knitted wondering who she was and why she thought she could question me. First, she had approached the twins who were my mates as though she had been serving them for years in the bedroom, and second, because she thought she could speak or command me. I said nothing to her, not feeling the need to give her an answer and to not disrespect her if she turned out to be the Alpha Twins’ sister. It was unlikely, but I had to tread cautiously. The Alpha Twins, however, walked past her, without so much as a glance, and if they had anything, even the tiniest bit of reaction, it would be dislike. “This way, Ava...” Merrick spoke, catching my attention and making me peel my eyes off the woman who was staring down at me like I was nothing. I turned to follow, but instead my arm was grabbed in a tight grip, and I was yanked backwards until I was face to face with her again. “You don’t walk out on royalty, you filth!” she yelled in my face, startling me. My heart thumped violently in my chest, taking me to a time when all that I heard when people spoke to me were loud angry voices, spit flying in my face and curses rained down on me. Get it together, Avalon, I thought to myself. But that didn’t help by much. I was legitimately afraid of what could happen. “You’re only royalty if we officially mate with and announce you as our Luna.” Asher spoke with a hard tone. “That won’t happen. Avalon here is our fated mate,” the woman gasped, and her eyes widened in shock but was soon replaced by anger and disgust. “ that means that whatever arrangements you have with our Uncle is over.” I didn’t know what to think, but it was no wonder she hated me instantly. She was their fiancé, bethrodded or whatever, set to be their Luna and my presence just cost her a royal future. I yanked my arm away from her, only to be pushed behind someone who, when I lifted my eyes, realized that it was Merrick. He was trying to protect me, a gesture I had never received from anyone before. This melted my heart by a notch, but I refused to dwell on it. I was on a mission for revenge and thinking about a man, or two in this case, was the least of my problems. Merrick took my hand in his and started to lead me somewhere in the castle. It was a somewhat long distance, two minutes or thereabout, and I realized later that this was their own wing of the castle. It was much grander than the outer wings, like the architect took his time to get it done to the individual taste – or so I assumed – of the twins. When we got to a door, they both stopped and looked at me, Merrick holding a sweet smile while Asher looked like he had been forced to follow us. “This will be your room....” He spoke and pushed the door open. A gasp escaped my lips the moment I walked into the room. It was more beautiful than anything I had ever seen. I was nearly sure that this was their own doing, but that would be impossible, seeing as we had just met, and they could not have possibly had the time to get this done or known my taste. “It’s...” the words seized. I didn’t know what to say to them. “We had this room decorated for our mate, and we have had it locked ever since. Renee had hoped that she would be the one to be allowed in here, but it’s such a relief that we found you instead.” From the looks of it, Merrick was the outgoing and compassionate brother. Asher, on the other hand, was mostly a brick wall staring back at me. I didn’t like that he was looking at me like I was less than what he expected in a mate. “Thank you,” I managed to say after some time. “...I uhm...” “We’ll leave you to it.” Was all that Asher said to me before walking out in a hurry. Merrick wore an apologetic look and mouthed a sorry before following his brother, leaving me alone in the room. I stood for a full minute trying to make sense of his behavior towards me, but then decided it was best to settle in, not that I had anything to settle into. I had nothing with me except my phone and the finalized divorce papers in my possession. I had nothing of my own, and that meant that I needed to get my s**t together. The Alpha Twins did say that they would help me however they could and right now, I needed that help more than anything else. I couldn’t possibly take revenge on Sebastian and Livia without a job that would allow me to fend for myself. I moved around the room, searching for the perfect spot to hide the papers. Finding a small space in the extra large wardrobe, I folded the papers and slipped them through the space, securing them well. Then I went to the door, in search of my mates.... I meant the Alpha Twins. "You don’t want them, Ava.... Don’t think about them.” I mumbled to myself, reaching for the door and pulling it open, only to come face to face once again with.... Shit, I forgot her name. She stood angrier than I had ever seen anyone be. “I don’t know what gutter they picked you up from, but this room is mine!” She shrieked instantly, making me regret why I even had to open the door in the first place. Keep your cool Ava, no need to give into her tantrum. I reminded myself, pushing past her and walking out of the room. I had better things to do than exchange words with her because she was simply jealous. It wasn’t like I even wanted them as my mates. “That’s right, walk away you stupid w***e. You think you can replace me?” I heard her scream, following me. “Stop right there, I’m talking to you.” Did she want me to stop or keep walking? She was insulting me, calling me every name under the sun. I came here, followed the Princes home because I thought they would be the greatest weapon for my revenge, but right now, I was starting to think that maybe I was better off on my own. And while I was trying to look for them, I realized that I didn’t know my way around the castle and that I could actually get lost from how big it was. I stopped in my tracks, deciding it was best to wait for them to come to me before I laid all of my requests to them, but I had to deal with little miss crazy first before doing so. I turned to face her, to find that she had her hand raised up ready to strike me, but I caught it midair. A doormat I was in my previous marriage, never would I ever be or let myself get to that point ever again. “I am going to have you thrown out. Guards!” they had to have been waiting. How could they have appeared this fast? In a matter of seconds, the space was almost filled up with buff-looking men. Both of my hands were grabbed, and they started to drag me. “Let go of me!” I screamed, pulling and trashing about. I had just come here, if I were to be thrown out, I wouldn’t have anywhere else to go to. Panic set in my chest and fear gripped me tighter than the guards did. Scream, Ava. Call out to your mates. A thought came, but my throat closed up, refusing to let any sound that wasn’t “Let go!” out. I looked back at her to find her wearing a smile of satisfaction. “That’s enough! Step away from her!” a voice boomed, a figure appearing from the corner of my eyes. Merrick was in sight in no time, and I was released. Relief was like a blanket that covered me. Renee, I realized, was her name, glared at me but turned into a meek soul the moment she heard his voice. “She doesn’t belong here, Merrick. And that room you let her step foot into is supposed to be mine. I’m your fiancé, not her!” I hated confrontations, that part was certain. Before Merrick could respond to her, however, another voice I hadn’t heard before did. “She’s not wrong, Merrick. I don’t know who this woman is, but she will leave this pack at once...” It had to have been the Alpha King who spoke. But then he was dead, wasn’t he? The voice came from a corner, and by the time the owner of it appeared, I gasped. The aura around the man was unlike any other, maybe just like the Alpha King’s. “She’s going nowhere, Uncle. If anyone is meant to leave," Asher spoke, pointing at Renee. “ should be that.” And when he pointed, she lunged to attack me with full force. My eyes clamped shut at that moment and I braced myself for the pain.
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