
1267 Words
In frustration, Matthew Richards slammed his hands against the club door as he followed his latest girl into the parking lot. Ashlyn was starting to piss him off, and he knew he would have to end it soon with all the drama she caused. She was so not worth the effort he was putting in, and the s*x was decent, but he had better. Not to mention, she irritated him with all her constant drama. "Ashlyn, come on. I didn't even touch the girl." He pleaded with her for some unknown reason. He hasn't even realized he was doing something wrong in the first place. "I watched you flirt with that skank, Matt!" She screamed at him, slamming her fists on his chest. He rubbed his eyes with his finger and thumb. He was not in the mood for this teenage bullshit. He felt her move away because he hadn't anything at all. "Ashlyn," He tried again, and she spun, pointing her finger at him. "No, we're over!" He threw his hands up and walked back into the club. Turning around after a moment because he wasn't an utter douch to make sure the lady made it to her car okay. Thankfully, they had driven separately, and he didn't have to drive her home awkwardly after this fight. Instead, he brought his bike tonight and was already itching to head back home. He sighed as Ashlyn slammed her car door and took off. He watched her leave the lot safely before turning around and heading inside. He needed a shot after this. "Hey bro, you good?" His best friend Trevor Hale said, and he rolled his eyes, "I can't stand women like that man. She f*****g played me, making me think she was all innocent and s**t. This is the last time I am dating younger." Matt grabbed his beer, chugging the rest of it, and walked to the bar. He needed more than just beer to forget this night. "Can I please get three shots of Jack and another beer?" he asked the bartender, passing him the empty Coors Light bottle. The bartender nodded, placed the shots on the counter, his beer next, and asked for the tab name. Matt gave him his last name. He took one shot, pushing the empty glass towards the back of the bar, grabbed the two full ones with his beer, and walked back towards Trevor. "Honestly, what did you see in that chick?" Trevor asked, slamming the shot and grinning at Matt. He stared at Trevor dumbfounded and finally looked away, shrugging. No idea, he had no idea. Hey guys, where's your girl?" Kyle walked over from the entrance, and Trevor laughed loudly in Matt's face. Kyle Williams quickly became one of Matt's best friends. Since Matt introduced Kyle and Trevor, it was like a bromance made in heaven between them. Despite meeting Kyle at work, he blended seamlessly into their lifelong friendship. "She blew up 'cause some chick felt up our boy here. She left by the look on his face." Trevor laughed again, pointing to Matt, and Matt clenched his fist. "Seriously, it isn't even nine yet," Kyle said, looking around like Trevor was playing a prank. His gaze was one of sympathy when he looked back towards Matt. "Are we still invited to that girl's party? Ashlyn made it seem like it was too good to miss." Kyle asked, and Matt rolled his eyes, taking a swig of his beer. "I don't know, man," Matt replied, wanting to go home. Kyle looked at Matt and realized his mood. He distracted Trevor, and soon Matt relaxed and joined the conversation again. Ashlyn Taylor was hot, but her mood swings and constant self-doubt drove him insane. He just wanted a normal relationship. These days, he was lucky to have a relationship with his work schedule that lasted more than a month. After an hour, Matt said goodbye and left. He found himself driving south on PCH in the moonlight. He didn't want to go home yet, driving almost to San Diego before turning around and heading back to his father's house. He lived in the valley with his dad. Their house was in a cookie-cutter neighborhood, and even though Matt was almost 25, his dad was a truck driver and needed help watching over the place on long hauls, so Matt agreed to move back in and help. His father never talked about Matt's mother, and Matt left it alone. Matt paid his dad some rent and took care of the bills since he lived at home the most, but it worked out between them since he was practically living alone. He unlocked the front door and was instantly greeted by his dog. "Hey, Bullet man," He scratched the silver fur of his bully, who jumped up excitedly. Matt walked over to the kitchen and saw a note from his dad. Hey Buddy, on a two-week haul, Be good. Dad. Matt sighed and looked down at his Silver Bullet. "Looks like it is just us, buddy." He ripped off his shirt and threw it in the laundry, starting a load. He topped off Bullet's food and water before plopping down on his bed and falling asleep. -- His phone was blaring, and Matt rolled over only to be pounced on and licked profusely by his dog. He shoved Bullet off his stomach and reached for his phone, not even looking at who was calling. "Hey, we got a limited edition shoe in. Come grab it," Trevor said and hung up. Matt growled and threw the phone. He pulled Bullet closer and snuggled into his coarse coat. He was falling asleep once more. An hour later, Matt tugged on a shirt and laced up his riding boots. He had called Kyle to meet him at the mall to look at the shoes. Kyle would know if they were genuine limited editions, and at least he wouldn't waste a grand trading shoes this time without him. Matt pulled into a motorcycle spot at the mall in record time and took off his helmet. He was shaking out his hair while stuffing his helmet into a saddle bag and locking it. When he looked up, he saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen running out of the parking structure. She yelled out to a teen with nearly the same face but brighter eyes, and he was mesmerized. He drank in every inch displayed before him as if she was the water he needed to survive. She was relatively short, and he smiled at that height, which didn't matter to him, but she was tiny; his smile only grew. Her cream-colored skin was beautiful and not too pale against the dark colors she wore. Her medium-cut hair fell at her shoulders in soft, full waves, and her brown eyes glittered in the sunlight. Her body may be tiny in height, but heavenly father above—her curves, had him aching with the need to feel all those smooth edges of her body. Feel the way her skin ripples at his touch. Her comfortable, worn jeans molded to her thighs and hips. She was a runner based on the hamstrings highlighted in the folds of her jeans when she shifted her weight, and the baggie band tee-shirt look made him want to know what lay underneath. Her smile lit up everything about her as she waved to the now two teens, and he froze. Ashlyn Taylor looped her arm through the brunette's arm. f**k, this must be her best friend, Emma.
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