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He watched the two women walk arm in arm into the store right next to Trevor's shop and groaned. A hand clasped his back, making him jump slightly. "What's with the groan?" Kyle said, and Matt looked at his friend. They were roughly the same height and build. Matt thought he was a bit bulkier than Kyle, but other than that, the likeness stopped there. Matt had blonde hair and blue eyes, and Kyle was dark-haired and had brown eyes. Kyle was a good-looking dude, and they were often hit on during their fire training calls, which had earned them the nickname of the hot twins despite them looking nothing alike. Matt looked back at the store the girls walked into and sighed. "Ashlyn just walked in there." He pointed at the store, and Kyle tipped his head back, laughing. "Well, isn't this your lucky day!" Kyle tugged Matt towards the cookie store and walked in. "Can I get a 1/2 dozen?" Kyle said, flashing the cashier a dazzling smile. Matt rolled his eyes, staring out the window. He wanted to see Emma again. His heart beat wildly in his chest as he stared at the doors of Forever 21, ironic as Emma would be turning 21. "Earth to loverboy, let's go." Kyle walked out, sliding his aviators on and striding down the street. Unable to help himself, he looked into the shop window as they passed and locked eyes on Ashlyn's friend. Ashlyn had seen him and was standing close enough to her that he could slowly look up and down Emma's toned body. He felt himself harden and smirked at Ashlyn's pissed face, which calmed him down. Ashlyn would think he was checking her out instead of what he was doing, looking at Emma. He didn't like the hurtful face on Emma as she was unable to tear her eyes away from his own, and when she did, he walked to his friend's store feeling oddly upset from that emotion flashing in her eyes. It hurt when she looked away from him, and he was in deep s**t already, and he knew it. He wanted Emma, wanted to look into those chocolate eyes and kiss those lush lips forever. Something about her called to him on some level he had never experienced before. He couldn't tell his friends, not if the girls came in, and, based on Emma's style, it looked like a 90% chance of happening. Matt leaned against the counter, trying not to pay attention to time as Kyle examined the shoes. Matt polished off a second cookie out of nervousness when the chime rang through the store. Just as he looked up, he saw both girls walking in and locked eyes again with Emma. His heartbeat accelerated as her eyes flashed, and he noticed Ashlyn straightened and sauntered over while Emma dove behind a display. He heard Trevor say something but was distracted by Ashlyn pushing her breasts against his body. He wanted to shudder at her touch but managed to keep it together. Plastered an amused look, he had practically perfected with all these thots. "Hey baby," She tried to sound lustful, but it sounded more like nails on a chalkboard to him. "I am sorry about last night. Can you forgive me?" She continued and traced a line slowly up and down his chest. Matt smirked at her attempt to tease him, not looking around at his surroundings due to his anger at Ashlyn for thinking she could touch him after the stunt she pulled. No, he would end it, but Kyle's shove had him looking to see what was happening. He stiffened when he saw Kyle slide his arm over Emma's shoulder and lead her out of the store. He wanted to follow her and have his arm over the girl, but Ashlyn moved in front of him, and he automatically grabbed her hips. What the f**k was he doing? He let go and pushed her off him. "Ashlyn, I think it's best if..." She shut him up with a kiss, and he almost vomited. Her touch and everything felt. Wrong. He pulled away, wiping his face, and stalked out of the store, unable to hide the look of disgust. Ashlyn huffed behind him, and when he looked over at his friend sliding closer to Emma, he was trying hard to control the jealousy flaring to life in his chest. Ashlyn cleared her throat, making them jump apart. He couldn't take his eyes off Emma's, the rich brown of her eyes sparkling again as she looked at him before dimming and looking away. Her words slashed through him. "Kyle is sweet." Played on repeat over and over again, that jealous monster in his chest flaring to life once again. "Well, we need to go, Kyle." Matt barked out and watched her shiver at his voice. He pictured what her skin would look like under his touch, shivering like that as he... f**k he needed to get control over himself. He schooled his emotions as he knew Kyle had read the look in his eyes the moment they met. He needed to get out of there. "See you in a few days." He said and stalked off, not caring if Kyle followed. He just f****d up big time, letting his friend see him jealous. He only hoped Ashlyn hadn't seen it, too. Thudding footsteps sounded behind him, and he ducked into a watch store as Kyle stepped beside him. Matt couldn't bring himself to look at his friend. "So, Emma..." Kyle said, a hint of teasing in his voice. "I don't know what you're talking about," Matt replied, leaving the store. He needed air—he needed to see her again in case what he was feeling was all in his imagination. He looked around, but they were gone. "Matt, come on, I have never seen that look in your eye. I know that look. It is the same one I had for Marlee with other dudes before..." Kyle looked away. Matt flinched. Marlee was killed in a car accident last year. They were in love, and Kyle had everything set up to propose that weekend before she... A drunk driver hit her, going the wrong way at a high rate of speed. He made it, but she didn't. "Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but just drop it, alright?" Matt said, running a hand through his hair as Kyle smiled and leaned back, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Fifty bucks..." Kyle said and had a sly smile on his face. "What?" Matt asked, confused. "Fifty bucks that you are unable to stay away. I bet you fifty bucks that you find a way to make her yours." Kyle said as if it was nothing more than the Dodgers hitting three to one on the Padres. Matt stared at his friend. "f**k you, Kyle, she isn't a toy." He strode away from Kyle, who was laughing and shouting. "Come on, man, I was playing around!" Matt walked away from Trevor's store a while later after helping a bit. He assisted in the back, stocking shelves for more cookies with nothing better to do. He had a massive sweet tooth, and easy work in exchange for sweets was a done deal. He pulled his helmet out of his saddle bag and strapped it on as he got on his bike. His gaze landed on Emma once more, walking out of a store. He watched her walk with a distracted look on her face. She looked around as if sensing his eyes on her, and she shook her head, turning into the parking structure. It wasn't make-believe; these feelings were f*****g real. He started his bike and took off, trying to erase her from his thoughts.
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