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Trevor returned with the shoe box, showed Emma the size, and rang her up. "That will be $47.99." Emma looked up at him, shocked. He winked again. "I heard a birthday is approaching. Employee discount as a thanks for the invite to the birthday girl." Emma smiled, "Thanks!" She paid and looked over at Ashlyn, who was pressed against Matt. He held her waist and looked at her, amused about something, but for some reason, Ashlyn messed up touching him from the look in his eyes. "Ashlyn?" Emma called and swallowed hard as a wave of jealousy hit her and the thick bands of muscles in his arms clenched around Ashlyn's waist. What would it feel like if they were wrapped around hers? Emma cleared her throat and schooled her features to look annoyed instead of highly envious. "Get a room," The guy who had not said anything suddenly pushed them aside and walked towards Emma. His voice was deep and rather sexy. "Come on, it will be a while," he said, throwing his arm around Emma's shoulder and guiding her out. Emma was startled at how comfortable she already felt in his embrace. "I'm Kyle," he said and smiled down at her. Kyle was easily over six feet three inches tall. Emma was tiny compared to him and shuffled nervously by his side as he guided her out of the store. "Emma," she said, and he chuckled. "I know your friend has been trying to talk you up to our group, and I have to say, Ashlyn missed the mark describing you. Your f*****g gorgeous," he said, amused, and smiled at her while he slipped on a pair of aviators. "Thanks," Emma said, blushing and wondering what Ashlyn had said about her. The green monster appeared again, only this time at how easily Ashlyn got people to believe her lies. "So I hear you are about to be twenty-one. Thanks for the invitation to the party. I am looking forward to it. It's been a while since I had something intimate to attend." He smirked and sat on a bench several stores down from the skate shop. Emma sat down and noticed he had saved the shady spot for her. "No problem. Thank you for the shade. You didn't have to do that," Emma said, smiling as he grinned at her. "Now that darlin' would be rude of me," Kyle said, straightening up and making Emma laugh. "So what do you do?" she asked, searching for something to discuss. "I am in the fire program with Matt," Kyle said casually. "Really? That's amazing! I didn't know you were firefighters," Emma said, and Kyle chuckled. "I am an EMT right now for Irvine. I am trying to get certified for fire now. That's how I met Matt," Kyle winked, and Emma blushed. "I have always wanted to help people. I had wanted to join the military but decided on this when my parents offered to pay for the courses. The MOS is a highly desired position in the forces, so I jumped at the opportunity," he said, a little embarrassed. "Nice, I uh... I still don't know what I want to do. It's awesome you are still choosing to help people. That makes you a very special human," Emma said shyly, and Kyle scooted closer to her. "Yeah?" She looked at him and smiled shyly. "Yeah," she replied, and a cough had them both jumping apart. Emma looked up at Ashlyn and Matt standing in front of them. Matt's blue eyes were blazing at them, while Ashlyn smugly smiled. "I see you two have gotten along fine." Ashlyn purred, and Emma stared at her, unable to meet Matt's intense gaze. "Pretty good so far. Kyle is sweet," Emma said, smiling at Kyle, who smirked back at her. "Well, we need to go, Kyle." Matt barked out, and Emma shivered as his voice rang out. It was rich and full of a hidden promise as he looked at his friend. Matt's face was expressionless as he looked at Ashlyn and then at Emma. "See you in a few days." He turned and stalked off as Kyle slowly rose and turned back towards Emma on the bench. He reached out a hand towards Emma, who took it and shook Kyle's hand. "Pleasure to meet you. Sorry about Mr. Stick up his ass. Ashlyn." Kyle said and turned, following Matt. Emma released a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding, and Ashlyn squealed. "I knew you would LOVE Kyle. He doesn't talk much, yet he was talking to you!" Emma tuned out Ashlyn. She wouldn't shut up as they walked around the mall, going in and out of various shops. Emma couldn't stop thinking about a specific set of blue eyes that had her mind reeling after just two small encounters. After about two hours of walking around and lunch, Emma's phone lit up. "Hey, Carter," Emma said, and her sister asked where she was. "We're sitting on the patio at CPK." Carter hung up on Emma without saying anything else. Emma rolled her eyes. "The girls are on their way, apparently," Emma clarified, and Ashlyn sighed. Looking around for their waiter, Emma waited. While she waited, she was people-watching and noticed a familiar figure walking along the sidewalk. When they locked eyes, Emma smiled. "Long time no see, Mr," Emma said to Collin as he perched on the railing beside their table. "Ashlyn," Collin said coolly, and Ashlyn just glanced at him before getting the waiter's attention and signaling for the check. "What are you doing here?" Ashlyn's sharp words made Emma scowl, and Collin just laughed. "Picking up a gift. I can see you're busy. I will see you guys later." He said, leaning to kiss Emma's cheek and walking away. "You don't have to be so rude to him, Ash." Emma scolded her friend. "Yes, Emma, I do. He will never get the hint when he sees you on Kyle's arm..." Ashlyn said, handing her card over to the waiter. Emma jumped at the words, but Ashlyn didn't notice. "He will realize it is game over." Emma didn't say anything more as their sisters joined them, eating the remaining few slices of pizza. They all left and headed back towards the car. Emma felt a pair of eyes following her, and she looked around, not seeing anything, before turning and following her friend.
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