Part nine

2586 Words
Usually sleep is an easy thing to come by for me. Once my head hits the pillow I am off but tonight seems to be singing a different tune. My eyes is as wide awake as it was when I lay down on my bed an hour ago. I would have loved to blame it on the new environment but I would be kidding myself. Ever since Jonathan left to God knows where with his friends, I have been listening for the sound of the door to indicate his return and is almost ten thirty and he is yet to return. It did hurt a little when I wasn't invited but I consoled myself that we are still getting used to one another that next time I will be invited. A sigh escaped my lips as I turned around on my bed for the millionth time, my mind disturbed. I was worried about Jonathan and where he could be. It is curfew so where could they have gone. I stared up at my ceiling seeking answers and no not answers as to where he could have gone because I know even if I think from now till tomorrow I wouldn't figure that out. No, I was bothered by the fact that I cared about what happens to my roommate. The worry in my heart is like when I worry about my siblings but though similar there was something different about this that I couldn't put a finger on. I heard the crackling sound of the door opening and immediately turned to my right backing the opposite bed and then pretended as if I was asleep. Jonathan's feet echoed softly on the floor as if he is being careful not to wake me, then the sound stopped as he stood beside my bed. I felt his eyes on me. Scared that he will figure out that I wasn't asleep, I tightened my lids and evened my breathing further. His gaze lasted for few seconds before it moved on. I listened as Jonathan got ready for bed, my heart slightly racing in my chest. My nose wrinkled as I smelt something odd. It can't be I told myself not believing what I was perceiving. I tried to inhale deeper just to confirm what my senses was telling me and it turns out I am right. The room smells a mixture of alcohol and cigarette. Did he leave the compound? I wondered in alarm unknowingly letting out a soft gasp. The little noises Jonathan was making as he got ready for bed stopped and his eyes was on ke again. I froze, holding every part of me still including my breathing. " Are you awake? " he asked after few seconds. I didn't answer and continued to fake my sleep. After a while he turned away to finish up what he was doing. A breath of relief rushed out of me. I wondered how he could have left the compound or did they sneak in the drinks. If they did is against the rules and regulations. I wondered if I should report what I suspect but the idea of landing Jonathan in trouble didn't seat right with me and secondly, I might be getting things wrong. Maybe I will ask him tomorrow. Getting that assurance that everything can be explained tomorrow relaxed my mind enough for me to fall asleep. I walked into my parents house to see Caleb running down the stairs with a furious Julia hot on his heels. A smile began to spread across my face as my brother made a bee line for me. He quickly ran behind me using me as a shield. " D, save me, she is evil, " he exclaimed in fearful horror. I shook my head smiling broadly as I allowed him to use me as a shield. Some things never change. As my two siblings squabbled with me stuck between them I saw the other half of the twin making his way slowly down the stairs. He smiled wholeheartedly at me. " You are back? " I nodded but he didn't come any further. Then things changed and we are now in our dining room sitting down for a meal. I was a little confused by the setting. I had this feeling that I just had dinner not quite long ago, so why am I about to have another dinner. " Mum, I thought we just had dinner? " I asked my mum as she walked in from the kitchen carrying a bowl of rice. " No silly, are you alright? " She flashed me a wondering smile as she took her seat. I felt my other siblings giving me looks like I was acting weird. I swallowed and shifted the attention away from me. " Where is dad? " My mum frowned a little before she spoke. " He is not yet back from work, sweetie. " I nodded and settled down to have meal with my family, but then I felt an invisible hand pulling on my shoulder, irritated I hit off but the hand returned shaking me vigorously. " Leave me alone, " I snapped hitting the hand off again. I looked around to find my family gone and I was shrouded in thick cloak of darkness. Before I could worry about where I was the hand was back again and this time it wasn't letting up. The hand continued to pull at me until I was dragged out of unconsciousness. I opened my eyes to see Jonathan hovering over me with a worried look in his eyes. " What? is everything alright? " I croaked softly at him blinking severally at him as I tried to clear the cobweb of sleep from my eyes. He leaned away from me before speaking. " I was trying to get you up for morning mass. The bell went few minutes ago. " " What! " I gasped in alarm speedily sitting up on the bed. I turned to my small bedside clock to see if he was telling the truth. It was five a.m. " Oh my God, " I exclaimed in alarm flying off my bed . I stumbled on my feet nearly crashing to the ground if not for Jonathan quick reflex. " Easy, " he said as he steadied me. " Thanks, " I said and then escaped to the bathroom with the clothes I picked up last night for this moment. I didn't bother taking my bath and just settled for pouring water on my face. It was cold which further help get me awake. I was feeling a little grouchy and tired like I didn't have enough sleep and I blame my roommate for that. If I hadn't stayed up last night worrying about him I wouldn't have gone to bed late. A knock sounded on the door startling me out of my thoughts. " We have to go or we are going to be late, " Jonathan spoke through the thick wooden door. " I will be out soon. " I quickly rinsed my mouth clearing yesterday sourness and then opened the door. Jonathan was already waiting by the door so I joined him. " I guess you are missing home, " he commented out of the blue as we hurried along the corridor. They were a lot of other first and second year students milling along the corridor looking dulled eyed and half asleep. Jonathan question made me pause a bit. " What do you mean? " I asked catching up. " You were mumbling in your sleep, " he commented off handedly like it wasn't an embarrassing thing to do. " What! " I gasped as my cheeks flushed red. " Hey don't worry about it, I thought it was cute. " I didn't know what to respond to that so I just kept silent allowing my cheeks to speak for me. We made the rest of the way to the chapel in silence. Morning mass was just a blip in our time radar and before we knew it we were back in our dorms getting ready for breakfast and classes. " So where did you go last night? " I asked finally voicing out the curiosity that has been choking my throat since I woke up this morning. I had just emerged from the bathroom in my sparkling white well ironed dress shirt buttoned up to my throat and neatly tucked into my very black plain trouser. I have yet to get used to undressing or dressing in front of Jonathan so is going to be bathroom for now or forever because I doubt I will ever get used to dressing ib front of him or any other person for that matter. " So what classes do you have this morning? " I looked up from putting on my sandals at Jonathan. He had this Innocent unaware look in his eyes as if he didn't just avoid my question. I internally rolled my eyes at his game but chose to answer his question. " Philosophy of theology, Dogmatic theology I and II and interpreting the old testament. " I stood from my bed after putting on my black leather sandals and began to pack my the books I will be needing today into my black leather crossing bag. " You are going to enjoy Fr Emmanuel, " Jonathan commented as I stuffed my bag with my textbooks. " Who is that? " I asked without looking up from my task. " He is the Philosophy lecturer and his class is very interesting, you are never bored, " Jonathan answered The excitement in his voice was the most I have ever heard Jonathan when it comes to this place. I couldn't help this suspicious in me that my roommate wants to be anywhere else than where he is right now. " Ready? " I asked lifting up my bag across my shoulder. It felt a little heavy but nothing I couldn't handle. " Yep, " Jonathan answered lifting up his backpack to his back. We both walked out the door together, and I couldn't help taking a peep at Jonathan's look. He looked good in his uniform. I have never noticed how broad his shoulders are until this morning. He filled out his shirt like he some weight lifter trying his hand at being a priest, not that he is that buff. I will say he is rightly muscled unlike me that looks like a reed inside my own shirt. " You are staring, " he commented as we headed for JJ and Blake room. Guess they are joining us as we head down for breakfast. " Sorry, is just that you look good this morning, " I apologized in a low tone as heat flooded my cheeks turning it a rosy hue. " Right back at ya, " Jonathan said before knocking on JJ and Blake's door. He didn't wait for the permission to enter and just walked right in and I followed. I immediately did a 360 when I saw Blake walk out the bathroom in his towel which he dropped as soon as he was in the room. Oh God, I lammented in my mind, cheeks burning. I wished Jonathan and his friends weren't so bold and unabashed in their skin. A little reservation is good for the soul, I solquized in my mind while facing the door. " What are you doing? " Blake asked chuckling. I wanted to turn to answer but I didn't want to chance that he is still naked so I answered with my eyes fixed to the door. " I am just giving you privacy to get dressed. " " Oh, please don't tell me you are shy of a little nakedness after all we are all boys, or is there something you are not telling us, " he sneered, mocking me while JJ laughed at his words. I didn't respond but I felt a little hurt at his mocking tone. I wasn't used to this sharing a room and all with strangers and I didn't like that he was poking fun at me. " Blake hurry up or we are going to be late, " I heard Jonathan snap. " Hey, what bug crawled up your ass? " Blake snarled back at Jonathan. " I am hungry and don't want to miss breakfast, " Jonathan gave as an excuse but something in his voice told me that wasn't the whole truth. I listened for rustling of clothes as Blake got dressed and few minutes later I felt a tap on my back. " You can turn around they are through, " Jonathan whispered very close to my ear. I shivered from the feel of his breath on my ear as it tickled. I turned around to see he was right. Blake and JJ were both decked out in the same uniform as Jonathan and I but they all looked slightly different from me because their shirt had a lot of buttons down. As we turned for the door, I felt someone push my shoulder and turned sharply to see that Blake was the culprit. " What is his problem? " I murmured to myself as I followed him out the door. Paul met up with us just as we walked into the dining hall. While we sat down for breakfast, I turned to Jonathan who was sitting beside me. " You didn't answer my question, " I whispered to him bringing up last night again. " What question? " he asked as he took a bite of his pancake, pretending not to be aware of what I was asking. " About where you went last night? " I reminded him with a roll of my eyes at his. He smiled at me and opened his mouth to say something but Blake beat him to it. " I don't think is any of your business newbie, " he chirped in rudely before Jonathan could answer my question, eavesdropping in on our conversation. I didn't make any comment and just waited for Jonathan to answer. I seriously don't know what's Blake problem with me but the sooner he gets over it the sooner I will have my peace. I am getting fed up with his silent attacks. " I will tell you at the right time, " Jonathan answered in an ominous tone. His words further picked my curiosity and the need to really know. " How will you know is the right time? " I insisted. He turned to look at me. There was something in his eyes I couldn't read but it was gone before I could make sense of it. " Trust me, I will know, " he whispered and turned back to his meal. I was a little disappointed that he didn't answer my question but I decided to do as he asked. Trust him. After our breakfast Jonathan offered to walk me to the auditorium where the orientation for the new students is taking place to the displeasure of his friends, especially Blake who was so much delighted to point out that I was an adult, and can find my own way without a babysitter. Despite their whining, Jonathan insisted on accompanying me which lead to me having three escorts as his friends decided to come along when they saw that there was no changing Jonathan's mind.
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