Part Eight

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After our eventful dinner we had thought we had time to ourselves before the evening mass that is why we headed straight to our lodge for few moments of relaxation but the sound of the bell going off twarted that and told us that we might have spent a lot more time than we thought eating. I saw JJ roll his eyes as soon as the bell went off. He had a bored irritated look on his face like he wanted to be anywhere else than the place we are heading off to. His reaction was really puzzling. It brought to mind Jonathan words of some people not wanting to be here and are here because of family pressure. I am still trying to come to terms with that. I feel priesthood is a calling and not something to be forced on someone. I mean there is obviously going to be a lot of pressure and if you are not doing it because you love it, you are bound to get frustrated and that might lead to one derailing from his faith. I saw Blake lean to whisper something into JJ ear when he was still dallying instead of getting a move on, that made him break out smiles transforming his frowny face to a happy eager expression. " Come on guys, you know Fr Meanface doesn't like us being late to masses, unless you guys want us to get a front roll seat of him loving the sound of his own voice in the name of lecturing us. " All of them shuddered strongly at Jonathan's words before pretending as if they were running. " I will be better off being at the mass than be in priest mean office, " JJ drawled dramatically rushing ahead of us. I wondered who this priest is that got them acting as if fire was lit underneath their heels. " Who is priest mean? " I asked Jonathan as we hurried down the hall towards the down floor. " Some mean fucker you wouldn't wish to meet, " Jonathan growled. I froze. Did he just curse I thought in alarm looking around scared to see if anyone heard him. I was so scared for him. I honestly expected him to be struck down by lightning. I know we are not yet priest but as priest it felt odd and wrong to hear him curse. Honestly I was also disappointed. Jonathan looked back when my steps slowed. I guess I wasn't quick to disguise the disappointment and judgement on my face and he saw it. " What is it? " he asked drawing back to meet me which got the attention of the others and they all paused to look at me. " You cursed, " I gasped as if I was having difficulties believing he did that. Of course I was having difficulty taking in that. This is theological school for heaven sake and not some sailors ship. Jonathan looked lost. " So? " I gaped at him like he has grown another head. He honestly doesn't see the wrong in what he did. " You cursed and that is so wrong. Are you not scared of offending God by cursing? " I scolded him. I didn't care that I sounded judgemental and self righteous. There are somethings that doesn't seat right with me ever. Blake broke into a loud laughter and the others joined but Jonathan didn't. He just stared at me. Our eyes lucked in battle of wills. I felt as if I was being sucked in by those deptless swirling chocolate browness of his eyes. Though those weird feelings that he evokes in me began to creep up again. I didn't look away. I was determined to stand my ground. " Sweetpea do you really believe that God will punish us just for cursing. News flash baby, we are humans too not saints, " Blake taunted breaking the staring match between I and Jonathan. I turned with fire in my eyes to counter what Blake said. I am not that naive to believe that priest are saints but still that is still some conducts expected of us and a priest cursing. That just feel wrong. But the words never made it past my lips because Jonathan spoke before that could happen. " I am sorry, " he whispered. I looked up into his eyes to see he was being sincere. " I am not the one you should apologize to, is him, " I joked pointing up to the sky with a smile. He shook his head at me before turning to pull me by the hand as we continued towards the chapel. " You are such a dork, " he said in passing. I just smiled and allowed him to pull me along not minding at all. I was pleased that my roommate was the kind of guy to accept his mistake and apologize for it. Believe me I know how hard that can be for us humans. When we drew closer towards the evening chapel Jonathan let go and we all walked into the hall in a single file along with the other students arriving. The chapel was a small bugalow built just for evening masses and those that wishes to have personal prayers. We have another bigger building for Sunday masses. As we crossed the status of Jesus on the cross nailed at the alter, I bowed my head and did the sigh of the cross and hurried up to catch up with Jonathan and his group who have not bothered to do the ritual sign of the cross which every catholic do at the sight of the cross. In my hurry I ran into another student almost crashing to the floor if not for his quick reflex. He caught me by the hand before I could fall back on my buttocks. " I am sorry, " I apologized sincerely about to hurry off because my little delay has caused me to lose sight of Jonathan. " Hey what is the hurry, " the gentle voice spoke up pulling me back to a stop " No hurry, " I said relaxing my cool. " I am Julius, " he introduced himself bringing out his hand for me to shake. " Daniel, " I returned taking his hand in a firm shake. " New student? " he asked. I nodded. I looked out again to see if I can find Jonathan and his friends amidst the sea of heads already peeping out from the seats but my new acquaintance was not ready to let go yet. " I am a new student too, " he smiled in a kind way that puts someone at ease in his presence. I nodded returning my attention to him. I took a proper look at him. The boy had a kind face that one will consider bland but there is something about his eyes that catches your attention. It was a beautiful pale blue and had this feeling as if they were hiding a lot of secret, a contrast to the friendly smile on his lips. " Look Julius, I don't mean to be rude but I have got to find my friends before the mass starts, " I excused myself and was about to leave when the sound of the bell anoucing the arrival of the priest. I had no choice but to find seat whereever I could. I looked up when I felt someone join me at the pew. It was Julius. I nodded at him before focusing my attention at the alter. Because of the delay I ended up sitting at the back. I was a little disappointed. I don't like sitting at the back during mass because there is always a lot of distractions. Like the boys behind us that wouldn't quit. Ever since the three of them sat down behind us they have been whispering, snickering and all together being annoying. The preaching was ongoing and I couldn't concentrate or hear a thing because of them. I was getting angry and irritated. My fist curled up on my thigh as I tried to control my emotions, I didn't want to snap but if those boys don't shut up I am going to lose it. " Hey, guys can you keep it down, we are trying to listen here, " I heard Julius say to them. His voice though gentle was firm causing the boys to stop and blissful silence reigned. " Thank you, " I smiled at him grateful for his interference. " You are welcome. I noticed that you were a second from losing your cool, " he teased mildly. I smiled shyly before focusing back on the priest talking. His preaching was about the earliest days of Jesus Christ and how dedicated he was to his ministering. His hardwork and dedication was an example for us priest to emulate. I nodded my head once in a while as he talked soaking in everything falling out of the priest mouth. His words were quite interesting. I loved the confidence in which he was using to convey his message. His voice wasn't boring too. There is something I noticed especially from my experience in my church back home that most people tend to fall asleep during preaching but that wasn't the case with the young priest. Everyone was awake and focused on him. He had his audience captivated by the golden strong nature of his voice. He was audible and not unnecessarily loud making you hear him clearly and he does know how to handle the microphone. Holding it just close enough to project and not cause nuisance and irritation by unnecessary loudness. The priest wasn't only awesome with his amazing words but his message was short and concise. It was over within thirty minutes. " Is he done? " I asked out loud, unintentionally voicing out my disbelief. From experience I am used to preaching lasting hours. It was pretty amazing that this one lasted for a short while. " You sound surprised, " Julius whispered. I nodded. " Back home the least time our preacher has ever preached is an hour. " " Wow, that is a lot. " " Tell me about it, " I whispered. " Where are you from? " I opened my mouth to answer but we needed to stand up for the benediction, so I swallowed my words till the prayers were over. Once the mass ended the chatter increased in the hall as friends and new acquaintances talked and laughed among themselves. All I did after the mass was look for Jonathan amidst the teeming herds of people flooding towards the door. " So you were telling me where you are from? " Julius asked reminding me of what we were talking about before. Because I was so focused on locating my roommate, I didn't hear him speak so I offered no response. My eyes continued to sweep across the chapel searching for the tall slender frame of my roommate or any of his friends. " Who are you looking for? " Julius asked noticing my fleeting gazes. " My roommate, " I answered absentmindedly. Just as the words left my lips I caught sight of Jonathan. He was standing on the other side of the chapel a lot distance from where Julius and I stood. He looked a bit anxious as if he was searching for something. As if the universe blew a whistle our eyes met and a smile broke our face. " Found him, " I said to my companion as I started in Jonathan direction. I noticed that the tense look in Jonathan's face have relaxed. " Hey, " I greeted when we met up at the door. " Where did you disappear to? " he asked as we both walked out side by side out of the door, while his friends walked ahead of us. " I lost you guys for a moment and before I could find you guys the mass started, " I explained. " Sorry, I didn't realize you weren't following us. I noticed when the mass started and it was already too late to go looking for you. " " Is ok, don't worry about it. " Someone coughed behind us getting our attention. I turned at the same time with Jonathan to see Julius behind us looking at me expectantly like he was waiting for something. I blinked twice at him wondering why he was still following me. Honestly, I was confused at his presence. " Who is this? " Jonathan asked prompting me to make the introduction. " Julius, " Julius answered before I could extending his hand to Jonathan. Jonathan said his name in return before shaking his hand and turned to me with his eyes silently asking who the boy is. " I nearly ran him over this evening and then we ended up sitting together, " I explained to Jonathan. He gave me a look before shaking his head. A look I understood quiet alright. He was remembering my near fall an hour ago. " Hey, it wasn't my fault I was trying to catch up with you guys, " I defended, trying to prove I wasn't clumsy. " Whatever you say, " Jonathan teased playfully. I smacked him lightly in retaliation before I felt the presence of his friends who turned around to join us. Guess they were so busy chatting that didn't realize we have stopped. " Guys this Julius, Daniel's new friend. Julius my buddies, Paul, Blake and JJ, " Jonathan introduced. I wanted to correct Jonathan on his assessment that Julius was a friend afterall I just met the guy but I didn't want to sound rude so I held my tongue and watched as the boys got acquainted. After the introduction we began walking towards our room. We are expected to be in our respective dorms right now and curfews comes into effect by nine pm. Is eight thirty now which means we need to hurry up. I didn't want to get into trouble on my first night here so I lengthened my steps almost leaving the rest of my friends. They finally caught up with me when we got into the dormitory block. " Where is the fire, bumpkin? " Blake mocked as we started up the stairs. " No fire, just don't want to be in trouble, " I said not slowing down. I saw him roll his eyes but didn't comment. I sometimes get the feeling that Blake doesn't like me but I don't know why. When we got to our floor all the other guys dispersed to their room. Jonathan and I continued on in silence. We have just gotten into our room when the bell for light out rang. While I got ready for bed, I noticed that Jonathan was changing his clothes as if he was going somewhere. " Where are you off to? " I asked curious because everyone is expected to be in their rooms now. A knock sounded lightly on our door before he could answer.
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