Part ten

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When we got to the front of the auditorium Jonathan and I said our goodbyes. It was very brief cause his friends or rather Blake were growling impatiently at him for him to get the move on. I really don't get what his beef with me is. From the first moment we got introduced he has been acting like a kid whose candy was just denied him. Paul and JJ didn't have any issues welcoming me into their little crew, only Blake seems to have an issue with me. " Who is that? " the little whispered words were directly into my ear startling me. Jesus, I exclaimed in alarm jumping few feet up in the air. I turned sharply to find the person that scares the crap out of me. A boy stood in front of me chuckling lightly at my expense, his green eyes twinkling at me. " Why so jumpy? " he teased still laughing. I didn't find it funny because he really scared me. My heart is still racing in fright. " I am not jumpy, " I denied in a forced calm tone when I am anything but calm on the inside. " No you were just lost staring at the dark boy walking away from you. So who is he? " the boy persisted falling into step beside me as I turned to walk into the audit. " Shouldn't the better question be who are you? " I snapped a little rude. The boy smile didn't shake. He looked unaffected by my rudeness. " I am Daniel. " I arched up my brow at him. " Now is when you say your own name, " he joked wiggling his brow at me. My eyes rolled behind my socket. " I am Daniel too. " " What a coincidence. Maybe the universe is giving us a sign that we are meant to be friends." " Yeah right. I don't believe in that. " " Are you saying that you don't want to be friends? " I looked up to see his green eyes grinning at me. He was likely joking. I shook my head at him. " As if I want to be friends with someone who scared the crap out of me. " " Hey, I am a cool guy. You won't regret being friends. " " I already do, " I teased. " So does that mean we are friends? " I looked at him. He looked like he was holding his breath waiting for my answer. I was surprised at his insistence. People don't beg to be friends with me. I just nodded my head at him. " Yes! " he exclaimed happily. " So who is he? " he asked again as we headed into the auditorium. " Why do you want to know? " " Because of the way you were staying after him. " " How? " I frowned. " Like you didn't want him to leave. " He was right. I didn't want Jonathan leaving. Being with him puts me at ease and it makes me want him by my side all the time. " He is my roommate. " I said finally answering his question. " He is handsome. " " Yeah, he is, " I commented in a low tone and felt his gaze on me. I didn't know why. We both turned when we heard someone call out Daniel behind us. It was Julius making his way towards me. " Hey, " I greeted when he reached us. " Hi, " he said and then turned to the other Daniel. " Julius. " " Daniel. " Julius turned to look at me. " Yes we bear the same name, unfortunately, " I added in a playful tone. " As if you aren't happy to share name with a fabulous guy like me, " Daniel boasted in an arrogant tone. " I am sure you are the only one who thinks that, " I teased earning a playful shove from him. The three of us continued on further and found our seat behind the last students sitting in the roll. Being recent acquaintance meant we didn't have much to say to each other so we sat in silence and just watched the other students converse with one another. I watched transfixed as most of them talked as if they have known each other for ages instead of just few days. I wished I have that ease with people. I was much more interested in the conversation happening in the seat directly in front of me. Two boys looking my age, one was tall say about 5.7 while his companion was on the shorter side just like me. The taller of the two was regaling his companion of his exploits in school and at home. His stories were quite fascinating. He was one of the popular boys in his highschool and was involved in every prank one could think off. Some of the pranks he talked about were funny that I had hide my mouth with my fingers not to reveal my amusement while others made me cringed. Like the one he told about a boy whom he and his friends had shoved inaide dustbin filled with trash and made him eat some of the trash in them. While telling this particular story the boy's voice dimmed a little as if he regretted his actions. I sighed thanking God that I wasn't bullied in school. Yes, most people considered me weird because of my faith but all together they stayed away. Still listening to the boy's story I wanted to know how he ended up in the seminary cause someone like didn't strike as one who will be interested in priesthood, and no I am not judging. Luckily for my curious mind his friend beside him posed the question. I almost leaned forward to hear his words that is how inquisitive I was, unfortunately Julius chose that moment to start a conversation. " You never told me where you are from? " he leaned into me to ask the question. I was about to answer him when all the noise in the hall disappeared and the heavy footfalls of someone heading to the front was heard. The rector has arrived. All of us strengthened up as the man made his way to the front and climbed the stage facing us to address us. His address was brief and straight to the point. He reminded us why we are here. To take our studies serious and to not let ourselves be derailed from our calling by the distractions of the devil. He also pointed out that not everyone of us that started off here go ahead to become a priest. While he talked about the failures of the ones who didn't make it. I prayed in my heart that I wouldn't be one of them. Being a priest was my life long dream and I don't intend to let anything come between us. Famous last words. While I was making this prayer and promose to myself I didn't imagine how my life was going to change in the future. Never thought that I will face a huge battle of chosing between my heart and the church that I loved so much. After the assembly with the rector we all filed out of the auditorium and headed for classes. I was especially looking forward to the class with Fr Emmanuel. I wanted to see why Jonathan likes and respect him so much and I did. I have never met a teacher that was the way Fr Emmanuel was with us. He was gentle in his explanation making sure that everyone has understood before he moved on. He was patient and kind but still firm. He didn't tolerate misbehavior in his class. It was our first class and I must say I learnt a lot. After the class I saw most of the students approach him with questions which he was patient to address and only dismissed them when the bell for next class went and he had to take his leave. After our classes I was worn out and in need of food. During the last class my stomach has been growling and complaining that I am sure my neighbors would have thought I had an angry lion inside it. I was lost in my mind imagining the food that will soon be filling my tummy that I wasn't watching where I was going. " Auch! " I exclaimed raising my hand to my forehead after I had a head on collision with something hard. " Are you alright? " I heard a familiar voice inquire in concern. I looked up from my mild pain to see Jonathan leaning towards me with worry in his eyes. My heart leaped up in my chest at the sight of him. " I am fine, " I whispered sounding a little husky. I was a little surprised to see him in our block. First years class are in different building from the second years. " What are you doing here? " I asked at the same time Jonathan asked what I was thinking. My whole face flooded with heat as I became embarrased of my earlier thought which didn't escape Jonathan's notice. " Now I am curious, you are blushing, " he said as we started walking again. I shook my head smiling. " It is silly, " I said in a low tone. " I will be the judge of that. " I heard traces of humor in Jonathan's voice and looked up at him to confirm it. He was smiling. I turned forward now shy to reveal my thoughts. I didn't want him laughing at me. " Come on, tell me, " he cajoled when I kept silent, refusing to tell him. " Alright, I promise not to laugh if you tell me. Please! " he added when that didn't sway me. The way he said please pulled at my heart string and made me want to grant his wish. If he always ask me something in that tone of voice, I don't think there is anything I can deny him. " Food, " I rushed out. " What! " he chuckled out. I turned to glare at him. " You said you wouldn't laugh." " I am sorry, " he apologized trying to get his amusement under control but his giggles kept sneaking free. It was cute how he is trying not to laugh but couldn't stop it and the sound of his laughter was nice that I couldn't find it in me to be annoyed. " I cant believe that food had you that occupied, " he teased. " Hey, I am really hungry so no poking fun, " I growled pretending to be angry, just as my stomach made a loud noise. We both looked at each other. My eyes wide with mortification and Jonathan staring in disbelief before we broke down in giggles. " Told you I was hungry, " I said when we took a break from our laughter. " Yep, so we better hurry up before the monster breaks free, " he teased shooting my stomach a look. I rolled my eyes at him. We continued towards the refectory in silence before I remembered my own question. " You didn't answer me about what you were doing in our block. " He shrugged his shoulder before replying. " I wanted to walk with you. " His answer came out soft and low and if not for his dark skin I would say he was blushing. " You shouldn't have bothered, I would have gotten lost, " I joked but secretly was pleased that he bothered to come pick me. I would have thought he would have gone with his friends. Speaking of his friends. " Where are Paul and the rest? " " Already in the cafeteria. I told them to continue without me. " " You do know I can find my own way and will not get lost if you are not with me, " I teased just as we walked into the dining hall. " I don't know that, " he retorted playfully earning a smack on the side from me. " Awh, " he moaned pretending he was in great pain. " Yeah, quit faking, it was just a little hit, " I mumbled walking ahead. I stopped when I didn't feel him beside me and then turned to see him bent to his waist clutching the side I smacked him. Alarmed I hurried back to him. " Hey what is wrong? " I cried scared that I have harmed him. The smack I gave him wasn't that strong so I was a bit confused about his reaction. He didn't respond and just continued to moan in pain. " Come on Jo, you are scaring me. " I tried to pull him up but he resisted. " Do you need me to take you to the sick bay?" I enquired forgetting everything about food and focused on getting my roommate help. " Hey, gotcha, " he said strengthening up from his bent position looking fine and happy. I couldn't believe he made me worry for nothing. " That is so not funny, " I snapped stomping off. Jonathan called after me but I didn't stop. Here I was worried sick that he was seriously injured and he was just faking it. I don't know why I was pissed but I was. " Hey, I am sorry, " he apologized when he caught up with me in the line. " I didn't mean to make you angry with me, " he continued to apologize when I remained silent. Still I didn't talk. A smile appeared on my lips when he started to get frustrated by my lack of response. I have already lost my anger the first time he apologized but he wasn't the only one who can fake it. " What do you want me to do to make up for pissing you off? " he asked hurrying after me after we had our food in hand. " Do my laundry for two weeks, " I playfully threw behind me. " Done. " His quick acceptance shocked me that I froze mid step causing Jonathan to nearly run into me if not that he was quick to stop. " You will really do that? " I asked in disbelief. He shrugged. " If that will make you quit being mad at me. " " You do know I was joking right? " His face brightened. " Why didn't you say so. I really do hate doing laundry. " " Then why did you accept? " I questioned confused. " I already told you. It will make you stop being mad at me. I don't like it when you are mad at me. " He walked past me and continued ahead. " You are weird, " I mumbled following him. I didn't intend for him to hear the words but he did. " Weird good or bad? " he asked when we got to the table that had his friends. " I don't know, " was my soft reply as I took my seat beside him.
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