Part Seven: Dinner time

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After our little get-to-know-each-other talk, Jonathan excused himself to visit some of his friends who had made it back home, leaving me alone in the room. So, I decided to go back to my reading, and from there, I dozed off. I didn't know how long I was asleep until I was awakened by the sound of the bell echoing everywhere. At first, I assumed I was dreaming, so I didn't bother waking up, but when the noise persisted, I had to force myself awake. When my eyes opened to my dorm room, it felt a little strange. I guess I haven't gotten used to being here, so I stared at the ceiling, trying to remind myself where I was. When I did, I turned to my side to meet my roommate's twinkling eyes and ever-present smile. " You are awake, sleeping beauty. " " Hardly, " I mumbled to myself in reference to his words about me being a sleeping beauty while removing my gaze from him. Then I looked up again at him. " You are back! " I said, stating the obvious loudly instead. My voice was a little rough and husky from sleep. " Yeah, it's time for dinner. I thought I'd come and get you so we can go together." " You want to go to dinner with me? " My voice sounded surprised, and my brows were arched as high up as they both could go. I mean, this is not the usual response I get from people my age. Most times, they want to stay away from me. I have never had anyone offer to do anything with me. It felt nice hearing this. " Why do you sound surprised? " Jonathan commented, puzzled. You are a cool guy, and I wouldn't mind going to lunch together. We are roommates, too. " My smile grew wider without me knowing. I know if someone should walk in and see how big and broad my grin is, he would think me crazy. And I am sure I have all my thirty-twos on full display. " Do you mean it? " I asked for clarity, just to be sure that I didn't hear things because, in a dictionary, my name is considered the opposite of cool and to be used in the same sentence as cool. Well, let's just say that is another first for me. Jonathan's handsome face squeezed into a confused frown. " Dude, we are roommates, in case it skipped your notice. " His words revealed that he didn't get where I wanted, so I decided to make it clear, but I didn't come out directly to say what I wanted to hear. Being coy sometimes can be a virtue. Forget I said that. " No, Jo, I mean what you said before that. " I waited eagerly for him to say the words again, but all I got was an amused, beautiful, boyish smile, which made no sense given the topic of discussion. " What? " I asked, confused. " I like the nickname, " he said softly. At first, I was confused, not knowing what he was getting at, but a split second later, it dawned on me. My whole face flushed red, and a shy smile appeared on my face. I stared down to my feet. " Sorry, I didn't mean to call you that, " I apologized, still shy. " No, no, no, I wasn't complaining. I like the nickname, and I believe you are a cool guy. " The last part of his words came softer than the rest. For a reason beyond my control, I fluttered in my chest. " Thank you, " I whispered " No problem, D. Are you ready to go? " For a moment, I didn't move. It was a shock to hear him use the nickname my siblings used for me at home, and how it sounded when he said it made me feel a little weird inside. My lack of activity must have gone much longer than I thought, and it must have worried him. " Are you alright? " he asked, looking closer at my frozen face. " Mmmhmm, " I coughed slightly, blinking rapidly before speaking. I am alright, and I am ready, I said, getting out of bed. Jonathan smiled and led the way to the door. Our dormitory is a separate building far from the refectory building. It has four floors: the last floor for the first and second years, the third for the third years, and the second and last floors for the fourth and fifth years. While we transversed the corridors, Jonathan's long legs ate up the distance like a person in a walk-race marathon, so I had to do my own marathon to keep up. While we walked, we didn't talk much, so I withdrew into my thoughts. Finally, being here feels sort of surreal, and I feel a little scared and intimated. I was scared that I would be able to pull through. Becoming a priest is not going to be easy. There are a lot of expectations from you, from your family, friends, and everyone out there. You are expected to act in specific ways, and your conduct is constantly under scrutiny. I was frightened that I might not meet the world's high standards on the priest. I was so lost in my mind trying to figure out how to get through this and to encourage myself and not let the devil discourage me this early with fear because the devil is always looking for ways to take the people of God down, especially priests, that I didn't realize that we have gotten to the stairs leading me to miss a step. I stumbled, my heart flew to my mouth, and my eyes grew wide as I felt the floor rushing to meet me. I had already resigned myself to broken bones and a whole lot of hurt when a strong hand caught me around the waist to stabilise me. Jonathan righted me and held his hand on my waist until he was sure I was ready to stand on my feet. My heart was knocking hard against my ribs. The thought of what could have happened had he not caught me on time was so terrifying that I broke down in a cold sweat. " Are you alright? " His question pulled me out of my thoughts, where I was torturing myself with what could have happened. That is when I realized that his large hand was still on my back, putting us very close. His hand felt abnormally warm, and the space between us was small, making me a little breathless. I quickly stepped back from him, blushing a little. " Yeah, thanks for saving me. I am not always this clumsy, " I defended myself, feeling a little self-conscious that he might think I was clumsy. I moved my hand up to pull my hair back, a very self-conscious action of mine, only to remember midway that my hair was no longer there. Before coming, I had to shave my hair and go on a low cut. I was still getting used to it, having had long hair almost all my life. " I am sure you are not clumsy and don't worry about it. I am glad that I was here to save you from a certain death. " The word death caused us both to look down the stairs, imagining the distance I would have fallen had he not been there. He was right. I wouldn't have survived the fall. " Hey, don't worry; I will always be around to save you anytime you need it, " Jonathan teased with a smile, taking me by hand to continue down the stairs. I don't know why he held my hand, but I could walk perfectly alone. Maybe he was still scared that I might take another tumble. Whatever the reason might be, I didn't withdraw my hand. It felt good and safe to have my slender, small hands engulfed in his powerful, large ones. When we walked into the refectory room, there were many people there. I grew self-conscious. I felt as if many eyes were on me, even though I knew most of them didn't even notice our entrance. My self-consciousness made me aware that my hands were still held in Jonathan's hand. It felt weird being held as I walked, so I snatched my hand quickly from him. My sudden movement startled him, causing him to look at me sharply. I didn't look in his direction; I just pretended that I didn't feel his gaze on me. His gaze stayed on me for a few seconds, and then he turned away without saying a word. Jonathan allowed me to go first when we got to the line for a meal. When it was my turn, I was amazed at the rich display of different foods. I picked a round flat plate and presented it. When the woman doing the serving wanted to add meat to my food, I quickly protested. I am a vegetarian, and no, there is no religious reason for my choice; it is just something I decided for myself. With my tray of food in hand, I stepped aside to wait for Jonathan to collect his meal. When he joined me at the corner, I stood waiting. I winced when I glanced at his plate. Unlike me, Jonathan had no problem stuffing his plate with a lot of ribs. " Ready? " He asked once again, leading the way. I nodded my response and had no problem following. Our dining hall was moderately sized and very fancy, with well-polished tables and chairs arranged in rolls and columns. It looked beautiful. Jonathan almost took us around the hall before he found what he was looking for. I followed him like a mouse, scared of its own shadow. I felt a little anxious as we walked. When he finally found a table and sat down, I couldn't help releasing a breath of relief as I joined him. " Are you a goat? " Someone from the table threw at me as soon as I sat down. The rude question dumbfounded me. " What! " I gasped, looking at the boy who had spoken. He was light-skinned with dark brown eyes, wavy black hair, and thick lips. I wondered if he was teased a lot because of it. He is African American, like Jonathan. Everyone's eyes on the table swung in my direction as they waited for him to explain himself. The guy looked at my plate with a patronizing look, his nose turning up at the food on the plate. " You don't eat meat? "he asked, his eyes filled with disdain and mocking. " No, " I answered curtly. " Is there a problem? " My voice was defensive and a bit harsh. I was not too fond of the judgement I heard in the boy's tone. " Hey, Chilax, I am just messing with you. You can eat anything you want, even if it is grass. " The guy smiled at me as everyone else on the table laughed. I relaxed when I realized that the guy was pulling my legs. " Don't mind Blake; he plays around a lot, " Jonathan told me with a playful glare at Blake. " Guys, this is Daniel, my roommate, " he said, turning his attention back to me. " D, this is Blake, " he pointed at the guy that made fun of me. " Paul, " he pointed to the guy sitting next to him. He was a blonde with freckles dusted over his face and bushy eyebrows. " And the last but not the least, " Jonathan continued in an exaggerated. " Is JJ, our pious priest. " The other two guys laughed while the guy in question rolled his eyes, but I didn't get the joke, so I looked lost. The guy was white, like Paul and me, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He rolled his eyes at Jonathan's words while the other guys continued to rib him. I didn't understand the joke, so I just said hello. Once we are alone, I will probably ask Jonathan what the joke was. The guys waved back my greeting as we all dug into our food. " Are you one of the new students? "Paul asked. I nodded my head because my mouth was stuffed with food. " I am sorry. " " Why? " I looked up at him, puzzled. " That you got paired up with this troublemaker, " he teased, pointing his fork at Jonathan. " Don't listen to him, " Jonathan defended, using his shoulder to shove me playfully. I smiled at him before concentrating on my food. " So, where are you from? " " Whitefish, " I answered, looking up at Blake. I saw a puzzled frown appear on everyone's face except Jonathan. " Where is that? " JJ asked, staring curiously at me. I was also curious about the whole meaning of his name but was too shy to ask. " Is a small town in Montana, " I said instead. " Mhm, a small-town boy, " Blake said, shooting a stare at Jonathan. They shared a look that I didn't understand, but I bristled at the tone of his voice. He sounded as if being from a small town was a bad thing. Jonathan must have seen the look of irritation on my face because he leaned into me to assure me, " Don't mind, Blake. He's city-born and bred and always feels as if the city boys are superior to us small-town boys, but we know better. " He winked at me after his words, making my face turn fifty shades of red. I smiled and thanked him for trying to make me feel better. I looked up to feel Blake's eyes on me. Before I could wonder at the look in his eyes, he quickly looked away, so I disregarded it. After we had finished our meal, we all stood and walked out of the refectory. Jonathan and his friends chatted and laughed like old friends, and I was content to walk along with them, smiling where necessary. We got to Blake and JJ's room first. It turned out that they were roommates. " Are we still on for tonight? " JJ asked Jonathan with his hand on the door. Jonathan nodded and then turned to walk away. I was curious to know what was happening, but the bell for evening mass went before I could voice my curiosity, so all of us turned around and headed towards the chapel.
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