Part six: His handsome roommate

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I was uncomfortable to find the boy responsible for the weird feeling in my heart standing in my doorway. It was as if something was wrong with my heart. I wanted to know what he was doing here because my heart began acting funny again, but I couldn't speak. I just stared like an i***t, not uttering a word. The boy must think me a retard with the way I was staring. That smile came again as the boy made his way into the room. I was busy trying to figure out while his smile transforms his whole face and make everything around him seem brighter and pretty that i didn't see the luggage in his hand. " Hey, you must be my roommate, " he said, his smile still in place. I nodded, still devoid of words, and my throat felt dry like a dessert as I watched the boy. " I am Jonathan. " He stretched out his hand for me to shake. His deep, strong, and smooth voice would make most TV actors jealous. " Mmhm, " I made a wordless sound while taking his hand in mine. My little palm was powerfully engulfed in his large ones, and he felt a little warmer than usual, like my hands were in a glove. I liked it. " You do talk. " I raised my head to look into his eyes. They were sparkling with a trace of humour, and the smile on his lips had grown wider. The look on his face told me he was joking, but I couldn't smile back because I was busy figuring out if his brown eyes actually had stars in them, and that is why they sparkled so much. " Oh, ok. It will be a little weird having a deaf and dumb roommate, but I will make do. " I guess he was joking as his smile was still in place. " I am not deaf and dumb, " I whispered underneath my voice, lowering my eyes to the ground. My new roommate makes me feel out of my depth, and this strange feeling I was experiencing was one I had never felt before, and no one had ever aroused them in me. It was confusing and, at the same time, scary. " I guess he speaks, " Jonathan teased. "So, do you mind telling me your name, or are you a secret agent who vowed never to reveal anything about yourself? " I rolled my eyes at his poor joke but grew the courage to tease back. "Yeah, I am a spy, and if I tell you who I am, I will have to kill you. " I deepened my voice to imitate one of those action actors I see in the movies. Seeing that my voice never got the change of voice that comes with puberty, I sounded more like someone with a nasal problem, which came out way off from what I was trying to achieve. I guess Jonathan found my little display funny because he threw back his head and let out a deep belly laugh. The sound was musical and cute, almost childlike, which kind of amazed me when I looked at the boy standing in front of me. Though he looked stunning, more handsome than any boy had the right to be, he also looked a little rough around the edges. An unwilling smile sprouted forth unaided in response to his giggles. His laughter was the type that made others join in even if they didn't get the joke—they just laughed because he was laughing. I watched as his smile dried up, like a shallow pool of water in the summer, leaving a serious expression on his face. " Now that we have all the jokes out, do you mind letting me know who you are? " Despite his serious expression, he sounded polite. " I am Daniel, " I answered with a bit of shyness, not meeting his eyes. " A beautiful name. I bet you are as strong and courageous as the man you are named after, " he said softly. My face lifted to meet his eyes briefly before I went back to staring at the tiled floor of our room. " I don't know, " I muttered with an unconcerned shrug, even though I was pleased on the inside that he saw something of Daniel in the Bible in me. " I think modesty is a virtue, so you will take my word for it. " I smiled at him and then watched him wheel his suitcase to his side of the room and unpack his things. I waited, sitting up on my bed to see if he was going to say something more, but he just went about unpacking his things silently, so I had no choice but to watch him. He intrigues me. Watching him revealed some tidbits about my roommate to me. For instance, the way his suitcase was packed. He looked like he wouldn't be bothered with keeping things arranged, but the inside of the box looked neat even though scattered, so at least he wouldn't be a pig. Secondly, there was nothing personally unpacked, like pictures or anything that gives a clue about his family. Unlike me, who had my side of the wall already decorated with many photos of my family, this was my first time leaving home, so I wanted them with me. I love my family, even though they drive me crazy sometimes, and I was proud to display them for everyone to see. " So I haven't seen you around before. I am guessing you are new. " The sudden sound of that deep baritone voice startled me out of my thoughts. My heart skipped a beat while my eyes flew to the boy who spoke. " What? " I gasped. " I say, you must be one of the new students. " " Yes, yes I am, " I stammered, slightly nervous. " Have you always wanted to be a priest, or did your parents force you? " I was a little shocked at his question. I couldn't imagine my parents forcing us to do something. My parents are not the type to lord their decisions or desires over their children. They can only tell you what they want for you, but it is your choice whether you want it or not. " No, my parents didn't force me, " I defended sharply as if the very thought of that insulted my parents. " Hey, you know I didn't mean anything by that. Plenty of us are here because your parents made us, " he apologized. I nodded even though I didn't understand the concept. I decided to change the subject. " What about you? " He looked up at me like he didn't understand my question, so I clarified. " Are you also a new student? " He shook his head first before speaking. " No, I am in my second year. " " That is wonderful, " I blurted out for lack of better words. " Why? " " Em, " I stuttered and then frowned, not knowing how to explain my choice of words. " Hey, you don't need to worry about that pretty head of yours; I am just pulling your legs. " I looked up at his eyes once again, shiny with humour. I rolled my eyes at him and threw myself backwards on my bed. " So, how long have you dreamed of being a priest? " Jonathan continued his twenty questions as he settled in. The exaggerated way he asked his question made me feel like he was mocking me, but I answered honestly. " Ever since I was ten. " " Huh, that young! " " Yeah, " I said with a voice lit proudly. My dream has always been to serve the Lord with everything in me. Being a Catholic and watching the priests as I grew up, all I have ever wanted was to be one of them. Words cannot explain the excitement I feel inside to be here, taking a step toward achieving my dreams. " I guess it's good when you do what you have ever dreamed of doing. " A little cloud of sadness flashed briefly through his eyes, but it was gone before I could even be sure of what I saw, replaced by his lightened expression. After that brief talk, he went back to organizing his things while I picked up the book I was reading. I tried to focus on the book and not the boy a few steps away from me, but I couldn't. I was curious about him, but I was also too shy to continue our conversation. " So tell me about Daniel." His voice caused me to pause my book, even though I was not reading it. I closed the book, marking the page I was on, before paying attention to Jonathan. " What do you want to know? " I asked, noticing that he was done unpacking. " Come on, you know where you are from, your likes and dislikes. I want to learn more about the guy I will spend the rest of the year with. " He wiggled his brows at me to show me that he was joking and that my choice was to answer his question. " I will answer your question on one condition, " I stated. His brow arched up at me. " Is that right? A quid pro quo guy; I like that. " I blushed at his words. " Do we have a deal?" I challenged, holding his gaze. I was curious about him, too. " Yes, we have got a deal. " He smiled brightly at me, causing my heart to flutter slightly in my chest. I coughed a little—more like cleared my throat—before deciding to answer his question. " Well, you know my name. " He nodded impatiently to urge me to move on to something else. I rolled my eyes dramatically, making him smile. " I am from Whitefish, Montana—my likes. Well, I tilted my head as if I was thinking about it. I like church, studying the Bible and being ne..... " I stopped swallowing the rest of my words. I didn't know if being neat is part of something someone can like. This is my first time having this kind of conversation with anyone. Being smart and churches didn't exactly endear me to my peers, so I wasn't overflowing in the friend's department. When I was done talking, I looked up at Jonathan, who was staring expectantly at me. " What? " I demanded. " Is that all? " " What do you mean? " I frowned, not following. " I mean, are these the only two things you like? " I shook my head at his question, feeling slightly irritated. It felt as if he was condescending. " What more do you expect?" I snapped. I didn't mean for my words to be harsh, but they did, and I saw him wince before he apologized. " Hey, I didn't mean to offend you, " he said, raising his hand as if to stop further words from me. " I know, " I whispered. I know he didn't mean any harm by his questioning, but I have heard a lot of times that I am boring and that I have grown a little sensitive, and it felt like that was what he was implying. I don't know why it hurts that he thinks me boring, but it did. " So what about your dislike? " Jonathan asked, moving on. I hesitated to answer. I have a weird dislike, and given what happened a few seconds ago, I don't think I am comfortable sharing it. " Well? " he prompted when my silence lingered. " Dirtiness. " " Excuse me! " His face was a little forward in confusion and slight disbelief. I clutched my face to my palm, trying to hide it from him. I felt a little embarrassed by my dislike. I am a neat freak who abhors being in a dirty environment, and most of the time, my obsessive-compulsive attachment to neatness puts people off. After a few seconds of hiding my face, I peeped out between my fingers to explain. " I hate anything dirty—dirty clothes, dishes, or an environment that is dirty. The sight of dirt or mess causes me to break out with hives, literally, " I exaggerated, looking at the empty wraps on the floor beside Jonathan's feet. He opened a new touch and dropped the packet on the floor with other wraps of the new things he came with. Jonathan rolled his eyes with a slight smile before bending to pick it up. It pleased me that he tried to clean up after himself after finding out it made me uncomfortable. That he didn't mock me for being a neat freak made me like him, and I think we will get along. " You turn now. " I moved back further into my bed to relax against it and waited for Jonathan to reveal things about himself. I was eager to learn more about him. Jonathan took a dramatic deep breath as if preparing himself for a big race before he started speaking. " I am from a small town just like you. " " Where? " I impatiently cut him off, like some fan dying to get information from his favourite celebrity. " Dripping springs Texas. " " Your likes? " I prompted, watching him intently. " Music," he smiled as he said this. Seeing that smile made me realize something. All his other smiles, though beautiful, appeared slightly forced, and now I just had a glimpse of what his real smile was like. " Is that all? " I mocked, getting him back for his earlier statement. He chuckled. " No, that is not all. There is dancing, snowballing, watching movies, sports, playing games..." While he was still talking, I raised my hand to stop him. " I get it. You have a lot of likes, " I said in a playful, condescending tone, making him smile before he stuck out his tongue at me. I shook my head at his childishness but smiled back at him. " So what about your dislike? " He lost every trace of his cheerful disposition, appearing slightly sad. " Not being able to be true to myself. "
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