Part eleven

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" Hey, Daniel, " Paul and JJ greeted when I sat down beside Jonathan. " Hey, " I returned back at them and turned to Blake who is doing a very good job of pretending I wasn't here. " Hi, " Blake, I greeted my voice chirpy like morning bird. I knew that will annoy him and that is why I did it. I smiled internally when I saw him grimaced before raising his head from his food to look up at me. " Why are do you sound so f*****g happy all the time, " he growled darkly shooting glare in my direction. I swallowed hard. Ok, I only meant to irritate him not make him angry and what's with the cursing. " You know as a priest, you shouldn't be cursing, " I admonished him in a tone that I only use on my siblings when they misbehave. A furious growl rumbled in his chest as his eyes shot daggers at me. " I aint no priest yet buttercup. " Hearing the endearment from him felt insulting. " Yes, you are not but you will be and I think it will be good if you set good example. " Blake rolled his eyes at me before turning to Jonathan who have been silent all these while. " Why the hell did you bring this goody two shoes to our table. I don't need no mother f*****g theresa telling me what the f**k to do. " " Em, Blake mother theresa is a female, so there is no way I could be here, " I joked earning a chuckle from Jonathan and the other guys. " Well you look so delicate and fragile you might as well be a damn female, " he sneered at me. I frowned. " What is that supposed to mean? " He opened his mouth to spew some more vile words which I know is meant to hurt me but Jonathan stopped him. " That is enough Blake, " he said sternly glaring at Blake. The two of them had a strong staring match filled with underlying tension that I was confused about before Blake looked away muttering words that I could only make out a few. Something about not getting what he wants. I wondered who he was talking to. Me or Jonathan. " Can we join you, " I heard beside me. I looked up to see Julius and Daniel standing beside our table their tray of food in hand. Daniel was grinning in my direction. I wondered if he is always this happy all the time. My mind was quick to remind me that Blake just accused me of the same thing few seconds ago. Well Blake is always mean to me so his words can't be trusted. I turned to Jonathan asking with my eyes if they could seat. " Who are they? " he asked quietly out of ear shot. " My friends, " I whispered. " I thought I was your only friend, " he teased. " No, but you are my best friend, " I said and smiled when I saw the pleasure that appeared on his face. " They can join us. " I turned to relay his words to my new friends only to find Daniel watching me. I arched up my brow at him wondering why he was looking at me. His response was only a smile as his eyes went from me to Jonathan and back to me. I wondered at his odd look but shoved the thought aside and let them know they could join us. Once my friends settled beside me, I decided to introduce them to the table. " You guys already know Julius, this is Daniel, " I said pointing at him before introducing the others on the table with us. " This is Paul, JJ, Blake and my roommate, Jonathan. " Jonathan paused his eating to smile his welcome at my new friends, while Paul and JJ nodded at them. " Is a pleasure to meet you guys, " Daniel said in his sing song cheerful tone, earning a snarl from Blake. "Great, another Mary Poppins. " " What is his problem? " Daniel leaned into me to ask. I shrugged. " I don't know. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. " " Well is the bloody afternoon, shouldn't he be over it by now. " " I can hear you guys you know, " Blake growled from his side of the table but we both ignored him. " Why is it that everyone around me curses, " I said lightly but I wasn't joking at all. It bothers me that they do. " You don't curse?! " Daniel question came out as if he is surprised by the fact that I don't curse like a sailor. I am sure that is not what he meant but still. Why does it feel like I am the odd one out for doing what is right. " I don't curse, " Julius chirped into our conversation. " Thank you for that, I was beginning to feel like the odd one out here, " I said to Julius smiling. Daniel shook his head at us. " Have you never heard the saying ' never trust a man who doesn't curse. ' " I shook my head at him. " No, I don't think there is a saying like that. " " Of course there is, " JJ spoke and shared a grin with Daniel. I rolled my eyes at the both of them, sure they are pulling my legs. " Whether there is a saying or not, as priest we are supposed to have decorum and mindful of words that come out from our lips. As we all know, the Bible says that man is difiled by what comes out from....... " " I am going to stop you there, preacher but we are already getting our sermons from the real priest. In case you haven't noticed we are not yet priest and could do whatever we want, " Blake stated. I didn't agree with his logic but thought it wise to die out the argument. We are not going to agree on this so we agree to disagree. Julius opened his mouth to further argue his point but I reached out to stop him. I didn't want him wasting his breath. " What is the full meaning of JJ? " Daniel asked changing the subject. JJ paused in his meal to answer. " Justin Junior. " Daniel looked more curious with his answer. " Your dad was named Justin? " he sounded as if it is weird for that to be the case. JJ shook his head. " Nah. I was named after my Grandfather. He is Randall the third and I am fourth. " " Why not your father? " Daniel persisted in his questioning. " He is not the first born. " " Actually JJ is from old money and the name Randall is a family name passed down to first born sons, " Jonathan answered. " Wow! " Daniel exclaimed wide eyed. " So you are the first born? " I asked joining in on the conversation. " And the only son, " Paul chirped in. That was surprising. " You are the only son, and your parents wants you to be priest? " Julius asked joining in too. Apparently, everyone is interested in JJ story. Blake laughed even though nothing funny was said. " More like strengthen him out, " he mumbled. We all stared confused not understanding, at least I and my friends cause Jonathan and Paul understood and chuckled drily. " Awh! " I exclaimed when someone kicked my foot under the table. " Sorry, "JJ apologized with a shame face. " Wasn't aiming for you, " he whispered softly. ?️?️?️ It was lights out, I went into the bathroom to change into my Pajamas when I came out Jonathan was already on the bed. But that wasn't the issue. The issue is. I swallowed hard as I took in his long frame stretched out on his bed bare chested and in his boxers. " You are not wearing clothes? " I stammered my heart beat slightly elevated. I have never seen him naked before and to tell the truth not that I am looking, he has amazing upper body. " Yeah, is that a problem? " he asked turning on his stomach to face me. I couldn't look at him. I was feeling a little uncomfortable in my skin. It was as if the room became hot when I know that it is perfectly fine in the room. " No is fine, " I mumbled in a low husky heading for my bed. I threw myself on my bed and brought out my book from under my pillow. Something to keep me busy. I felt Jonathan gaze on me making me self conscious. I tried to ignore it but his stare persisted. " What? " I asked forcing myself to turn in his direction. " What is the problem? " he asked softly. I was a bit lost at his questioning. " What do you mean? " My brows drew together into a frown. " You are acting as if I am not in the room. Is my being naked making you uncomfortable? " " What! No, " I denied chuckling lightly while my cheeks burned. " Then why wouldn't you talk to me. " " Eh..." I stammered not knowing what to say then I blurted out the first words that came into my mind. " I am jealous. " My words shocked the hell out of the both of us that for few seconds only silence reigned in the room. " Huh! " Jonathan gasped as if retarded his eyes wide. I have never felt embarassed in my life like I did in that moment. I wished my bed will open up and swallow me whole. " Forget that I said anything, " I tried to back track with a shy smile, looking anywhere but in Jonathan's direction. " No, I want to know what you mean. " I saw him seat up to face me squarely. Why I am not surprised that he is insisting on me explaining myself. One thing I have learned about my roommate this few days we have spent together is that he is a thoughtful guy and if he thinks that one second that something is not right he will want to set it right. I sighed and let the book in my hand drop down on the bed and then sat up too and faced him. " So what do you mean by you are jealous? " he repeated holding my gaze. I looked down to my palms that I was wriggling nervously on my laps for a second before raising my eyes to his. " If I tell you to forget I said anything will you? " I implored with my breath hanging in my throat. " Nope. " The way he said the word made his lips pout as the last letter left his mouth. I nodded gathering my thoughts for an appropriate response. I didn't even know why I said what I said but It beats having to explain that I find him being naked in front of me uncomfortable. Ok here it goes, I thought and took a deep breath. " I am jealous because am not as good looking as you, " I rushed out. " What! " he gasped out in disbelief. I shrugged. " I have always been self conscious about how I look. Even though my siblings tell me that I am stunning I don't believe it. So looking at your body makes me feel a little inadequate. " After my little half truth speech I looked away scared of what I will see in his eyes. " Look at me. " The command in his voice made me look. The seriousness and the intensity in his gaze was one I have not seen before and it made a little breathless. I wanted to look away immediately but I couldn't. " Firstly, you siblings are right. You are one of the most gorgeous creature on God's green earth I have ever seen. " I blushed at his words as my heart skipped a beat, but l didn't look away from his eyes. They held me bound. " Secondly before I came here, I was a basketballer in highschool and was also involved in so many other sports so what you see is a result of years of practice. " " So you were a jock, bet you were popular too, " I joked. " You don't know the half it, " he said blushing a bit, then he became serious. " Promise me something. " " What? " He stood up went to his closet and came away with a polo shirt that he threw over his head before sitting back on his bed and then returned to what he was about to say. " If I do something that bothers you, you will let me know. " I nodded my head. " I want to hear you say the words. " He looked so serious like we were in a law court. " I promise, scout honor, " I said raising my three hands. He arched up his brow at me. " I don't think that is how is done. " " Really. " I looked at my three fingers as if I didn't know it was the wrong way. " Dork, " he accused chuckling. I smiled. " What now? " I asked not feeling sleepy anymore. " Mm, " he sounded as if thinking. " Twenty questions. We are roommates, is good we get to know each other. " I beamed with smiles. No one have ever asked me to play twenty questions before. " I am in. " " You go first, " we both said at the same time and then burst into laughter. " You first, " he said letting me. " Your favorite meal? " " Pizza. " I made a face. " So not healthy. " He rolled his eyes. " Favorite color? " he asked in return. " Pink. " " What! " his eyes bulged out from his socket making me laugh. " No no no, I am kidding, " I said waving my hand at him. " Ha, thank God. It is such a girly color, " he said dramatically setting us both off again. While we were laughing our door opened and Jonathan's friends stood there. " Hey! " he greeted as our laughter died down. " You are not ready? " Paul asked frowning at Jonathan. " No. I won't be going tonight. " " What? " Blake barked sounding annoyed. Because of him? He pointed at me with a look of irritation. The same irritation flashed across Jonathan's eyes. " No. I am just tired, " he retorted. " Whatever, " Blake snarled and stumped out of the door. The other two friends looked at each other then Jonathan and they communicated silently with their eyes before they too left. " You know you can go out with them, I wouldn't mind, " I said once we were alone. Jonathan stared at me for a while before speaking. " I know you wouldn't mind but really I didn't want to go tonight. " Even though I said I wouldn't mind, I was still glad that Jonathan chose to stay with me. " So where were we? " he asked snapping me out of my thoughts. " You still want to play? " " Of course. I was serious about getting to know you. " I smiled at him and we continued our game.
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